Reviews from

in the past

Game #70 of my challenge

Next up on the list is a very unique game made by the famous company Capcom. This is the third Capcom game that I've played on my list.

Bionic Commando on the NES is actually a sequel to the first game of the same name: Bionic Commando. The first one was on an arcade machine and in the NES version your goal is to safe the character from the first game: Super Joe. He was captured by the Nazz (they are literally the Nazis) and your goal is to save him and stop the project Albatros.

The graphic are normal for the NES. There are not a lot of varied enemies sprites in this game. You have normal soldier, soldier with grapling hook, bigger soldier (to be honest they look almost all the same). I can give props to the level design of this game. Almost all stages looks different with the background and level sprites. This was a nice variety to see in the game. There were only one type of stage that were all the same : the neutral territories.

The gameplay is a mix of Run and gun mixed with a platformer (with some top-down shooter from time to time). When starting the game, you are on a map with multiple waypoints. You can travel from zone to zone with your helicopter and drop in one of the zones when you arrive. You can cross some army truck while traveling in helicopter and when you do, you play a really short top-down shooter stage. The only utility of those stages (except wasting time) is to collect some continues when you destroy the ''stronger enemies'' in the stage. When dropping in one of the zones, you can select the items that you want to bring in your mission. You can collect some items throughout the game and make you stronger or adapt to the next mission that you will select. You can collect new guns, armor, communication devices and other random items.

The control are the thing that I dislike the most. First of all, I must give praise to the devs about being creative. The way that you do the platforming part of the game is really unconventional. Instead of having a regular jump, you move through the mission by using a grappling hook. The idea is nice, the execution wasn't optimize. The grappling hook shoots diagonally, straight up or straight forward. Moving with the grappling hook is extremely awkward to control and can be really frustrating when you need to do some really tight platforming moments in the game. Except that, shooting is always straight in front of you, but the direction of the bullet will depend on the type of gun that you will use.

The game is really frustrating at times, but at least, the game is relatively short. At the end of the game, you need to kill Hitler. To be honest, I wasn't ready at all for the way you see Hitler die. It's kind of gruesome for an NES game. The hook thing is a good idea, but it needs to be improved way more for it to be fun. As the third Capcom game that I played, this is my least favorite of the bunch.