Reviews from

in the past

Chorus is a good entry in an almost dead genre: The space-shooter. While this is hardly comparable to the classics like Wing Commander or Freespace because of its super arcadey-nature, it still scratched that itch quite well for me. There is a lot to like about Chorus. Great graphics, a semi-open world that rewards exploration, precise controls, lightning-fast dogfights, a solid progression system with new gear and skills and a distinct art-style that brings the dark sci-fi universe to life. The story around the two main characters - a renegade pilot of a deadly space cult and her living ship - is also quite interesting. Even when you can see the budget restrictions in the presentation. Most story beats are presented in dialogue or with hologram-like “memories”. The pacing can also be a problem with a bit too much talking and exposure at times. You also shouldn’t expect big, epic space battles. While there are a few bigger encounters in the game most of the time you will fight small waves of fighter class ships. A bit of a letdown because the engine is capable of producing bigger battles with several ally and enemy capital ships and bases.