Reviews from

in the past

This was my first soulslike, and I'm glad to say that it has made me more receptive to the genre than I had been before. The story is nonsense to me but playing it with a friend made it an enjoyable experience, especially because the bosses are balanced for two players, or one player and a CPU, to fight them.

A game with an interesting concept that gets more boring the more you play it. It also has one of the most terribly designed areas I've ever seen in a game.

The story starts out nicely but after a couple hours it became very uninteresting. I didn't care for most of the characters too.

Visually it's pretty nice, the locations are detailed and so are the enemies, characters and bosses.

The gameplay is a mixed bag, it has interesting elements like changing your blood code which alters your stats and some abilities, but the combat itself feels weird. I remember Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 playing way better and they're older games.

The soundtrack is really good! Lots of nice tracks here.

Overall, imo it's a very mediocre game. If the gameplay felt better I'd have enjoyed this more but after a while the combat also started getting boring aside from the boss battles.

the aesthetic is good, customization. Just boring.

El creador de personajes es super divertido y variado, un souls-like que te cuenta la historia, entiendes y te encariñas de los personajes, el gameplay es bastante profundo para lo que cabria esperar y la banda sonora es remarcablemente buena

Aesthetic is sick and I like the combat, but the level design was truly fucking awful and I didn't like the boss designs that much.

strong attempt at a soulslike, falls short in some departments, notably level design and enemy variety. boss fights are consistently top-notch

Anime Dark Souls 2 that manages to surpass its inspiration but still falls short of being a great game.

A damn good souls like, which does stumble occasionally, but manages to shine with some great combat and a very unique class/job system that allows for mixing and matching.

Generally a nice game, not bad the character designs, good story, fighting system is a little bit too clumsy but enjoyable and original and versatile character building. I only have one complaint about the story flows, which is heavily slow and you are forced to walk for hours while listening at side characters stories, and this quite bored me, but I aknowledge it is just one of my issues as I prefer more freedom in exploring the world and the story.

I can not rate this game to highly despite how much I enjoyed certain aspects because of the level design. Oh my god was the level design bad in this game.

The main example I can give is the cathedral. If you have played the game you know exactly what I mean. This may be no joke the worst level I have ever played in a video game it was so bad and unintuitive. In a more general way after the first level, every other level in this game felt aimless and directionless. The main paths did not feel like they were obvious compared to the side paths and the side paths did not feel like they were worth exploring. You would go down a difficult path and be rewarded with 200 haze and the map you have already marked with where you walked so you go and walk back to the main path to see a mistle hid around the corner just out of sight.

Moving on from the level design I love the combat of this game. The idea of blood codes is genius to me because in games like Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring it was so inconvenient to change and try different builds but this game nailed it. Your level effects the stats gained from the blood codes through scaling and amount of health and stamina but everything else is based of your blood code so you can swap builds on the go and mix and match to create a build perfect for you. The weapons felt good to use as well my favourite set being the one handed swords with my favourite being the Enduring Crimson which I used for most of the game.

The story of this game can be a little complicated to piece together but is mostly easy to grasp as long as you pay attention to the cutscenes. It wasn't mind-blowing but it was engaging enough to me that I followed it the whole way through.

The difficulty for it being a soulslike game was a little strange. I had a hard time with all the enemies in levels when they grouped up and then I got to the boss and out of all of them I faced except from 3 I swept easily. The 3 I struggled with was the boss in the underground ruins with the slow debuff, the duo boss at the top of spire and the final boss of the ending I got. Other than that the bosses were a cake walk and the true bosses were the level designers.

Something quite unique to the genre in this game is the option to have a companion with you through the game. This makes the large amount of enemies clustered everywhere slightly more bearable because you can have your companion distract whilst you heal or just straight up kill them. This is cool until you realise how broken they are. They can revive you. Multiple times. Even in boss fights. That is crazy and saved my ass so many times through the unrelenting combos that were thrown my way. It is an intreating mechanic but the reviving turns it into a broken mechanic.

This game could have been a great soulslike game but instead came out as a good one. This isn't a bad thing because a lot of the games that release in this subgenre end up missing the mark exponentially but Code Vein manages to hit it but not exceed it and for that I really appreciate it.

customization is fun but just go play bloodborne instead 😭

This is really good, but definitely intended to be played with friends.

This game answers the age old question: What if Dark Souls was anime and also sucked ass?

this looks like one of those fake video games an anime character in transported to

I liked the character creator