Reviews from

in the past

Português: Tirando as cenas de peitos e bundas, e meninas bonitinhas com aparência de Isekai e com corpos de proporções que parecem ter vindo direto de um anime Ecchi, as únicas coisas que REALMENTE funcionam nesse jogo são alguns cenários de chegada de certas lutas de bosses e as opções de criação do personagem, que não é nada super incrível, realmente não é, mas ainda é bacana, ainda funciona.
English: Except for a few scenes with some breasts and asses of proportions that look like they came straight from an Ecchi anime, the only things that REALLY work in this game are some arrival scenarios of certain boss fights and the character creation options, which is nothing super awesome, it really isn't, but it's still cool, it still works.

actually like the cathedral though (except the invasion cuz it took me a lot to beat it derp) I don't actually find a lot of problems? Io could use some clothes but whatever, let her cook right? Find myself wishing game didn't have every Souls thing they could think of. HP sponge final boss so cool!

Also Davis is too dummy thicc to enter the hot springs i think

Sei lá, animes e Dark Souls easy mode

Dark souls for dudes with no hoes

- esthetic is pleasing
- music is enjoyable
- enemy design
- animations
- it's difficult to love the level design
- the hit boxes, camera and auto aiming function when they feel like it
- boss fights in solo are boring (I'm looking at you, final boss, god damn you're boring)
- building your character it's a bit tedious

it sucks. just play dark souls

Dark Souls big anime booba edition.

Honestamente, não prestei atenção na história, mas deve ser OK. Gameplay usa alguns botões diferentes da série Souls, mas é fácil de se acostumar. Combate é o que se espera de um Souls-like, bate e rola padrão.

Sistema de classes é bem interessante, os chamados "Bloodcodes" permitem a criação de uma variedade de builds diferentes, podendo misturar diversas dádivas enquanto troca status, sem punição para quem decide mudar a build no meio do jogo.

As áreas seguem um padrão bem simples, onde você teleporta, chega no final e mata um boss, repita isso para cada área. Por mais que as áreas tragam designs bem diversos (Gelo, Fogo, Deserto, Caverna, Ruínas), os inimigos se repetem quase que sempre, com poucos inimigos únicos. Algumas áreas são longas demais (Catedral), enquanto outras são bem curtas, principalmente se souber para onde tem que ir.

Bosses são OK, nenhum deles tem 'gimmick' nem frescura, é bater até morrer e repetir. Único boss mais "criativo" é um dos últimos, que são 2 em 1, estilo Ornstein e Smough, um grande que solta fogo e um pequeno que solta gelo.

Em relação a dificuldade, é bem fácil se comparado com outros jogos do gênero. O sistema de parceria ajuda muito, sempre tem um NPC para lhe ajudar com dano, chamar o aggro dos monstros e que também lhe revive se morrer.

Sistema de criação de personagem é muito bom, dá pra customizar bastante coisas.

Overall, melhor que Dark Souls 2.

its not very good but it has an insanely detailed waifu maker

a decent soulslike marred by the worst level design known to man. boring characters and world. bad atmosphere. play it ONLY if you've beaten every fromsoft game and lies of p and you MUST play another one.

Dark Weeb Souls. More or less. A good Souls Like with a few flaws, including a somewhat obnoxious fan service, a story that does not take many risks, and a gameplay loop less sharp and a little more permissive than what you would find in From Software's games. That said, the game is very beautiful, has probably one of the most fun and complete character creation systems I have ever used, precise and solid gameplay. AI companions make the game a bit easier, but they don't take away the challenge either. The Bosses are almost all excellent. Varied movesets, clear but punishing patterns, incredible fight atmospheres ... Very good. The Blood Code system is very interesting and allows a very good diversity of builds. My first character was a pure DPS with as many HPs as a fly that aither killed or was killed using a lightning lance and assassin and halberd skills, but tank and mage builds that mix 'Gifts' (game skills) from other classes are equally viable. I only finished it once for the moment, have yet to see what it is worth in NG +. A 7/10 seems appropriate to me, but this can be modulated according to your tolerance to anime clichés and overused tropes. A good game, but not a masterpiece.

If you're into or can get past the cybergoth anime vampire aesthetic and accompanying writing and character mannerisms, this is a competent and above average souls clone to dabble into.
It has some neat mechanics that set it apart from simply being weeaboo dark souls. However its distinct lack of enemy variety and some middle of the road level design hurt the fairly lengthy experience. I clocked in around 20 hours but I'd already seen all the enemies the game had to offer about a third of the way in. Fighting the same enemies for an extended runtime starts to get dull and I wish there were more and with greater variance. As too many foes end up being guys with weapons and little else.

At the end of the day I enjoyed my time with it and I'll probably replay it in the future. If you like souls games and their copycats you're likely to enjoy Code Vein. Just don't expect a mindblowing experience.

Excellent anime character creator

Character creator is the best part lmao

I like this game, i wish they made god eater 4 though

I think the developers forgot to work in essential things just to focus in the shape, size and physics of the different boobs in this game (I'm not complaining).

Honestly, I really like Code Vein, most people criticized it due to being an "anime dark souls", and of course not being as good as the former, but I personally think that it was much more.

For me, it was quite a better version of God Eater, I found the setup pretty cool, it behaved like a decent JRPG, having some cool characters and ideas, the story wasn't particularily good, but it had interesting thoughts and touching parts, its also had fun combat and interesting customization, and it had cool mechanics/elements as the character's echoes, which allowed you to wander the character's pasts, althought it felt a little boring after doing it repeatedly.

But most important, this game has one of the best soundtracks in gaming, which is a little sad, cause the game isn't as good as its OST, which is absolutely brilliant and beautiful, I can't explain how much it means to me, the most I could do is using all the OST in my DnD campaign and giving my players the best experience I ever could.
Code Vein it's such a good album that it even comes with a game!
Jokes aside, Go Shina and Jose Delgado are amazing, Bandai should give them more projects and let master Motoi Sakuraba rest, as he has done plenty already, and he isn't as great as he used to be, which is logic, considering his age, I think that these two former composers really envisioned the game as a masterpiece, if not, I can't imagine how they composed something as good.

Overall, it's a cool game, but it had more potential, I hope Bandai Namco makes a sequel!

Code Vein is an okay game, I really feel like the hate it gets is undeserved and especially the criticism towards the devs being assholes or things in that line of thought. Please at least refrain from insulting developers for no reason.

Soulslike combat with some tweaks:

Combat is pretty much the Souls system: but with one weapon: you get your light and strong attack, dodge, block and parry. It is not as good because of the weapon feedbacks and messy hitboxes but it’s overall decent.

On another hand, the game adds a nice skill system allowing you to equip up to eight skills at once, ranging from melee attacks to spells or buffs. This is where the combat shines as it adds a lot of variety and compensates for the weaker Souls imitation that the core combat is. With the addition of skills, the combat becomes really fun and different from Souls games. It also allows you to switch builds on the go, freely going from a caster to a melee build or anything you’d like to.

However, the code system is also pretty restraining. The main way of unlocking skills for free use is to equip a code, equip the skills you want to unlock and go kill enough monsters (usually around the length of an entire map segment). This essentially means that the game encourages you to constantly switch builds and makes it difficult to sustain a playstyle, let alone make an optimal build (which is a problem in NG+, when you start getting wrecked). I think this problem would be solved by having fewer codes. A lot of them are pretty similar and it turns into an oversaturation of choices for similar results. Likewise, there are many duplicates of skills. In both cases, one is always better than the rest.

The heavy focus on the companion system ultimately leads to a lack of balance. There are a lot of gank fights similar to Dark Souls 2 and the game relies on the NPC partner to compensate for the jankiness of many aspects of the game. The companions are rather interesting and I like them personally, even though I would totally solo a Souls game instead. However, they really trivialise many sections of the game because of how strong they are and sometimes you wish you could only call them when you actually want to. On another hand, you may also be thinking that the combat isn’t so good that you would want to challenge yourself on it, anyway. Very few fights seem fun in solo, most enemies are extremely aggressive and the only downtime you get from them is when they switch aggro to your partner. Even basic enemies will not leave you a second of respite as they can surprisingly run to catch up to you and attack you before you get any chance to heal.

The game also suffers from its overall choice of enemy patterns and hitboxes. The hitboxes are pretty bad at times, oftentimes you just don’t hit for no reason and it can be very frustrating especially with some weapons that require precise hits like the stabbing lance. On another hand, the enemies are very likely to hit when they should not. For example, a thrust attack can often hit you if you’re close enough to the side or even behind the enemies. What’s also terrible about getting hit is that a lot of enemies in this game have either good tracking or wide swing attacks, this means that they are likely to reach you no matter your placement. It reduces the importance of positioning and forces you into always having to dodge, but this problem is also exacerbated by the fact that the game relies heavily on gank fights so you can only imagine the result of having to fight a lot of enemies at once when all of them have such extended reach.

Hardcore souslike level design with a tweak too (the map):

The level design is cool. Seriously, I really liked it. The environments are varied but the decorations themselves are relatively subpar. However, every level has a lot of branching areas and secrets to be found. I had an absolute blast looking for them. The game makes an extensive use of verticality and having you drop down or climb up ladders to access hidden areas. One of the most infamous areas of the game, a certain copy of Anor Londo, was especially fun in my experience.

A lack of cohesiveness is also the level design’s weakness, while early areas tend to branch out more, later areas are more linear but they’ll instead have more shortcuts and circle around back to the checkpoints. It’s unfortunate that this design element appears so late in the game and the early levels are full of checkpoints instead. There are many cases where the placement is quite questionable, especially when the checkpoint is before a straight line leading to a branch of more paths: why not put the checkpoint there instead so the paths all lead to it?

There is an intriguing map system. By default, the map only registers your footsteps until you reach a certain spot where you can “unlock” a part of the real map. This footstep system allows you to manually map the levels and is very helpful in remembering where you went. I thought the combination works really well. This is also why I think the confusing layout of levels works because with your footsteps being tracked, it’s very easy not to get lost. Also, the solution to most levels is ultimately pretty straight forward because most branches are dead ends, so honestly it’s not that difficult to find where you’re going. The only weakness is that the map doesn’t show every vertical layer, which can be troubling in some areas or if you want an overview.

Weak story and chara design, but some cool ideas:

One thing I’m not a fan of is the character design. While male characters are mostly cool, the female ones can really be summed up to “boobies” for a huge part and that was very disappointing. A lot of the monsters look cool, on another hand, but when you get close up you realise they are also often naked female monsters so yeah… I think other games from Bandai Namco like Scarlet Nexus had much better designs overall.

The story is okay, not amazing but not completely boring either. I rather liked it and I think the character interactions are pretty fun. There are one or two sections in the game where you get bombarded with cutscenes for twenty minutes or more and it gets kinda boring.

The game uses a unique storytelling method of having the player collect memories which will be told in a theatrical manner as you walk down a corridor. This feature was cool and there were a lot of interesting ideas, however I think there are way too many memories and it makes them more boring than anything at some point. The lore points that they add are cool and allow to deepen some character backgrounds. The most annoying part is really the way you have to walk through them at a slow speed, only a few of the memories take advantage of this to do something interesting (and those were really well done). For most of them, you just walk as you observe scenes in the background in the form of theatre plays, you might as well just have been standing still no?

Overall, Code Vein is a fun soulslike with some flaws, it’s very subjective whether you’ll enjoy it or not. I’d say the game is pretty similar to Dark Souls II if anything, so if you really enjoy DaS2 and anime isn’t a problem for you then you’ll probably like this game.

This was my first soulslike, and I'm glad to say that it has made me more receptive to the genre than I had been before. The story is nonsense to me but playing it with a friend made it an enjoyable experience, especially because the bosses are balanced for two players, or one player and a CPU, to fight them.

Anime booba souls.
One of the things i like about this game is its engaging combat system. It's challenging and rewarding, just like its Souls-like counterparts. The dodge and parry mechanics feel tight and responsive, and landing a well-timed parry followed by a devastating combo feels incredibly satisfying. Plus, the Blood Codes system adds an extra layer of strategy, allowing you to switch between different classes on the fly and experiment with various playstyles. Whether you prefer to be a nimble dodger or a heavy-hitting tank, there's a Blood Code for you.

This game visually is stunning as hell. The environments are beautifully designed, ranging from desolate wastelands to hauntingly beautiful ruins. Each area feels distinct and offers a sense of exploration. The art style is gorgeous, with a mix of dark and vibrant colors that create a unique atmosphere. The character models are detailed and ooze with style, and the enemies are grotesque and menacing in the best way possible. It's clear that the developers put a lot of effort into creating a visually captivating world.

While Code Vein shines in many aspects, it does have a few flaws worth mentioning. The story, while intriguing, can be convoluted and hard to follow at times. The game throws a lot of lore and information at you, often leaving you scratching your head like someone would mention a character that i've never seen before and it would have it's own little backstory which again would leave you scratching your head. The pacing can also feel a bit off, with some story segments dragging on while others feel rushed. It's a shame because the potential for a captivating narrative is there, but the execution falls a bit short.

Another issue is the AI companion system. While it's great to have a partner to fight alongside you, the AI can be hit or miss. There are moments where your companion's actions and decisions make you want to tear your hair out. They might get stuck on terrain, fail to heal you when you're on the brink of death, or simply behave erratically. It can be frustrating, especially during boss battles where you really need your companion to be on their A-game.

Lastly, the level design, while visually appealing, can feel a bit linear and lacking in exploration. There are some hidden paths and shortcuts, but overall, it doesn't have the same level of interconnectedness and depth as some other games in the genre. It would have been great to have more secrets to discover and a greater sense of reward for exploration.

Code Vein mostrou para a Bandai que não basta querer desenvolver um soulsborne, é preciso a From Software para isso. Basta ver outros títulos que não alcançaram o mesmo sucesso daqueles lançados pela empresa flagship do gênero - o próprio Code Vein, Lords of the Fallen e The Surge são alguns exemplos. Apesar de ter seus momentos, não é um título memorável. A customização dos personagens é um ponto alto.

Sinceramente, esperava muito mais desse jogo do que ele me proporcionou, esperava uma espécie de DarkSouls com uma historia linear, mas me deparei com um game com uma gameplay simplória e extremamente diferente do que eu estava esperando.

Não acho que seja um jogo ruim, se você gosta de jogos de anime provavelmente ira gostas, mas se você esta esperando uma verdadeira experiência SoulsLike, melhor esperar uma promoção.

I dunno, some kind of anime souls kind of thing going on here.

I played enough to finish the narrative with one of two protagonists, but there was no way I was going back for a second round.

Olha vindo de um alguém que sabe por onde transita a lore e como ela se liga a outro jogo da mesma developer, me sinto agraciado.

Porém não da pra dizer que esse jogo é um bom souls like, muito menos um jogo bom.
Sendo sincero são tantas coisas a se comentar sobre esse jogo que seria mais fazer um video, mas irei resumir.

História mediana.
Uma narrativa linear fragmentada, complementos dos fragmento de memórias de personagens da party e npcs ajudam a você conhece Los, mas somente 2 tem um passado relevante pra trama principal e é opcional... não que seja problemático a mim.

Os temas flertam em ter uma semântica forte, a estética também mas falha... infelizmente.

Lore pode até ser interessante se tu se dar ao trabalho de ler e prestar atençao,
aos que entendem sobre god eater e etc voces teram u,a boa surpresa, mas frágil como um todo.

Combate com boas ideias e gimmicks interessantes, porém mal polidas e isso leva vários exploits durante a gameplay, chegando a ser decepcionante.

Áreas com inconsistência no level design, destaque a 3 áreas, a porra da cópia de farrow keep de ds3 só que sem veneno e com névoa, anor londor branca.....pkrl, área final.

Boss fights sendo sincero, se tu quiser desafio, joga sem o companion, com companion, maioria dos bosses é bem suave, com execao de alguns.

Trilha sonora excelente, porque Japão não sabe errar em ost.

Customização de personagem em quesito cosmético muito boa.


It's alright, created some basement dweller with a halo on his back and then went on to get shat on by every boss in the game.

Anime, vampire, Souls-like that had a couple interesting ideas of its own.

Much easier than your typical Souls game as it was built primarily around a partner mechanic. Was an OK diversion for a while.

This game has an amazing character creator though. Incredible what you can do with that thing..

An okay soulslike.... made by the people who own Dark Souls