Reviews from

in the past

we keep the n64 plugged in to play like 3 games at the holidays and this is one of them.

I played it as a little kid way back when, and the main thing that I liked about it is that it was one of the only games my mother would play with me because she only liked puzzle games. I was bad at it, but I still think fondly of it for that reason, even if I didn't have fun with the game on its own.

fun puzzle game, but good lord why is my girlfriend so fucking unreasonably good at this game? I've had a round between us end in under 20 seconds...

I don't think I've ever gotten as angry playing a puzzle game as I did with Dr. Mario 64.

This whole game confounds me. Why are the CPU players so frustratingly difficult to fight? What is even going on with the bizarre "plot" in the story mode? Why is it full of C-list Wario Land characters instead of more typical Mario characters? I'm just so mystified. Couldn't you have just done a roster of characters more akin to the Mario Kart or Party games of the era?

At the end of the day, Dr. Mario 64 plays fine and looks decent... but I don't know if I would ever want to go back.