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Sim e é mais um game sofrendo da minha crise de RPGs kkkkkk, o meu ponto de partida de início, na série Dragon Age seria o Origins, porém me broxou o fato de não ter suporte para controle através do gamepass e eu precisaria remapear todos os botões para adaptar o Rog Ally e simular um mouse e teclado. O que acabou fazendo eu começar direto pelo Inquisiton.

Uma história misteriosa e cheia de crenças, me parece que fora alguns personagens já conhecidos, é possível conectar os acontecimentos dos games anteriores para esse facilmente.

Sobre gameplay, um combate com um ritmo que não me agradou muito, quase simulando um mmo mas ao mesmo tempo dando mobilidade, acaba que ficou bem encima do muro. A opção de utilizar a câmera tática é bem diferente, mas diria que tira a diversão do combate ao acelerar os acontecimentos e a ideia de controlar todos os peões acaba deixando as táticas de combate mais confusas do que variadas. Pelo menos foi o que eu senti vindo de Dragon's Dogma 2 principalmente.

Em 8 horas embora bastante personagens, vi pouco fator roleplay e personalização, além de quests bem rasas.

Bem provável que seja minha culpa também, pareço estar em um periodo que nada me engaja muito, mas a decisão de deixar para um futuro vem também pela provável janela de lançamento do Dreadwolf (novo game) que deve acontecer do fim de 2024 para frente, portanto devo jogar mais próximo dela. Decidi portanto apelar e ir para a segunda run de Baldur's Gate 3 no coop, onde é impossível ter erro.

Unlike the incredible good 1 and the amazing 2, this one has an HUB-like mission thing that I just can't stand going back to everytime.

The story could be compelling, but I'm so incredibly bored by the characters and, above all, the HUB like thing I need to care to.

Also, as a side note, combat kinda sucks in this one, imho.

Belo jogo, boa gameplay. Uma boa experiência de um rpg

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oh boy oh boy, bioware you really love making some clunky ass cinematics dont you.... with the awkward cutoffs and sluggish animations its a ride. i really enjoyed all the exploration you could do though, they were great! enemies lack a little bit of variety but it's fine. still dont really understand why the inquisitor has their hand chopped off at the end and it isn't adressed AT ALL? i was taken aback but like many moments in the game i just shrugged like 'alright then'

idc i love my babygirl dai <3

it's okay. the ball scenes are the best part of the game

An improvement from DA II, but it is held back by its weird and uninspired MMO-like style of quests and exploration.

I was told this was medieval Mass Effect but it didn't suck me in.

o último jogo q eu joguei no meu ps3 antes dele ir de F

I ADORE this game. It is not good . but i love it.

Its full of messy writing and weird character decisions but it will always hold a special place for me.

Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate this game.

It is everything I hate about what EA did to Bioware crystalized into one video game.

The quests are every bit as bad as those of a bad MMO. They are literally just go do X thing Y amount of times or go to X place and pick up Y item, both with about a one line "story" justification.

The gameplay is atrocious. It is just walk from A to B in an map that lacks any interactivity until you encounter some enemies and the atrocious combat can begin.

The combat is awful. The "tactical" view is hilariously useless and borderline unusable due to being so atrociously slow and not at all designed for a mouse and keyboard and the action combat is terrible too. It is literally just 'hold down the attack button until one of you skills has recharged and repeat'. Timing, dodging, tactics? Yeah no, we don't have that here. There isn't even proper impact or weight to the attacks. It really feels like an abortive attempt overall.

The story and characters are both insufferable. This really feels like they wanted to force Dragon Age to become like the Avengers. At least the writing feels like a piss-poor Joss Whedon imitation (who can already be quite insufferable) and thanks, I hate it!

What I liked most about the first game is how understated and mature it felt despite the grand battles and schlocky premise. This game doesn't even trust you to correctly guess the tone of a dialogue option so it has little portraits so you don't get too confused.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is a minimal viable product of a RPG. It really feels like a prototype stretched out over 50 hours. That this was ever considered 'Game of the Year' is honestly beyond me.

You've seen peak, you've seen trash, now get ready for a whole new kind of Dragon Age: mid.

Not terrible honestly, but it just doesn't have the juice

Very solid RPG that I never got around to finishing. Combat was engaging but story not as much. Need to re-visit it.

Historia muito boa, combate ate que divertido, merecidamente o goty de 2014

короче я два года назад скачал эту игрушку и охуел с того что там можно только вперед бежать, ну то есть стрейфов нет блеванул и вышел. + антону салогвинову.ком не понравилась игрушка поэтому гавно

I think this a flawed game that’s also pretty good. My biggest issue are the holdouts from when it was more MMO-like. The timed wartable missions, the 20 hours of grinding between major quests, it all feels like a chore. It sucks too! There’s some great story moments and the companions are all interesting in their own ways. I think Dreadwolf could be genuinely really great, but it has to prevent itself from falling into Inquisition’s traps. I’m not sure these games are built for open worlds.

I gotta give credit for trying to make a bigger, more engaging kind of Dragon Age game. However, it may have a worse cast of part members than Dragon Age: Origins. Varic is doing a lot of heavy lifting here, and they still won't let you romance him!