Reviews from

in the past

The first truly great Final Fantasy game.

So I've been playing FF from the start of the series to see how they progressed with each game and I enjoyed part 3 and wondering if I would like the 4th more than the 3rd and I think it's safe to say that I do.

I wasn't a fan of the time bar when battling but it did make for intense encounters when fighting harder enemies which made it feel a bit more unique. Also 5 people party? WTH. That was wild but also didn't feel overpowered at the same time.

There was a lot more story set up compared to the first three, run around talk to NPC's and figure out what to do which granted that's here too but felt a bit less.

Overall ,I've been enjoying it more than I expected to and once again, wonder how FFV could top this but we'll find out.

Version Pixel Remaster sur PC, malgré une fin des plus typique de ce que propose les JRPG en terme de difficulté ahurissante, le double dépaysement que propose FF IV est à rentrer dans les annales. Et puis quelle OST !

It's a game that I respect more than anything else. It's very charming and I enjoyed Cecil's story

Final Fantasy IV was the culmination of the experimentation of the first three games and the first Final Fantasy game I consider to be timeless. It brings together a cohesive narrative with characters that are far more fleshed out than in previous titles, the best looking graphics yet for the series thanks to the horsepower of the SNES, the best soundtrack of any game with Final Fantasy in the title at the time of its release.

On top of that, it introduced the Active Time Battle system which gave turn based RPGs like these some much needed urgency without abandoning the tactical nature of the menu based combat. The only thing curiously missing from this one is the job system, but frankly I think that level of customization is a subjective design choice, and if a developer would rather develop a fixed role for characters to fit their vision, I'm all for it. I don't need a character creation system in every game I play.

Overall, a fantastic game, my favorite RPG to have come out by 1991, and the beginning of the golden age of 2D Final Fantasy.

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got to the final crystal, wiped, thought i just saved but lost 2 hours of leveling. Think im ready to move on..... since im so close ill come back to finish it out. overall, plot started strong then got really stupid and half baked. have to remind yourself that this kind of story was first of its kind and adjust your expectations accordingly. played on gba. ill re review when the credits roll... eventually

Edit: Stopped pouting about losing my progress and got back on the grind. Later arc was fun and the most rewarding section of the game by far. The difficulty was just the right amount, it really made you work for that final bit and it made it much more satisfying when you finish. The final dungeon was my favorite by far. The amount of xp and rewards you get while fighting some of the toughest fights in the game really made me feel my parties growth and had me rooting for them during the grueling, long, defeating battle. Once that last hp goes down on zeromus, i havent felt that much dopamine in a game in a long time! and that ending section was a great touch. overall, the plot was servicable, much better if you play 1-3 before this one and/or realize how groundbreaking it was at the time. Great experience, and since i played the gba version i might consider grinding out that extra dungeon in order to defeat the superboss

In terms of gameplay, atb was a great addition to turn based combat and i see why it stuck around. enemy variety was amazing although it kind of irked me how many enemies made magic completely useless against them. Made rydia (who was already a burden due to her health) useless for way more fights than she needed to be. needed more elemental weaknesses to exploit considering the vast amount of spells you get. Ui and menu navigation was definitely a product of its time. Questing was OK, never got lost but also didnt really feel the need to explore much.

As this marks the beginning of my final fantasy journey, it was a fun experience and im excited to see how the series evolves from here

absolutely gorgeous OST, loved the if only the game was fun to play