Reviews from

in the past

this will be Assassin's Creed in 2013

it was about time we took this rotten western formula to defile eastern media as well. it's not bad enough to make you feel disgusting while playing but it's still so utterly bland and dull...
i can forgive the repetitive gameplay and nonskippable dialogue but come on atleast let me cut down civillians to get the true samurai experience or something.


Meu deus que péssima desculpa pra um jogo. Bonito? Sim, mas é só isso. Que jogo sem alma. Parece que seguiu uma receita pra pegar tudo que deveria funcionar num mundo aberto e replicar e ainda sim não consegue. Fraco, preguiçoso e, sinceramente, muito chato.

You have played this exact game but at the very least it hasnt sounded, felt , or looked this good before.
got to act 3. The art design is beautiful the sound design is amazing the music is very fitting, the combat can be satisfying but this is essentially the frame of a ubisoft open world game. The narrative is straightforward and predictable and this would be a lot more palatable if there was a single COMPELLING character but there isn't not even really Jin. Jin's whole thing is his decent from an honorable warrior to someone who is willing to do anything to get his home back and since he is a very unemotive and dry character he comes off as more a character arc happening in front of you than someone you care for being drastically changed by the world around him. His character isnt bad and the side characters that flesh him out through dialogue arent that bad either, but that the problem is everything is "not that bad". I know its like peak hubris to say the game would have been better if blank but, Since it was a suckerpunch game I thought they were going to do an honor system where the world would change its view on you based on how you engaged in combat, which would add another layer to engaging with its systems and combat scenarios. It would have also been cool if the combat was even a little bit slightly challenging because then it would be even harder to fight enemies face on and you would have to choose carefully how you would want to engage. This would have caused Jins character arc, the gameplay, its difficulty, and your approach to that difficulty to all synergize. Instead it does not matter how you approach combat scenarios since the world and the story will still treat you as if you are doing the worst things imaginable to the mongols, and on top of that its very easy to just become a parry god. Even on the harder difficulties i would just play my flute while walking into camp and then parry attack, kill the guys who are terrorized, use bow and arrow bullet time on the bow enemies, use smokebombs to do to free assassins kills and then its like boom youve just taken out a act 3 big boy camp in like 3 minutes. I understand this couldnt have been done if they wanted to appeal to a larger audience or what not but hey its cool its a beautiful game, i think its worth playing, just nothing about it is going to stick with me other than what it could have been and maybe a lot of the world i mean man those beaches and trees look so pretty its a really really pretty game man.

TLDR: "let us talk about how war has changed us in monotone voices, yes lets ok now lets ride our horse over here ah bandits lets perfect parry all of them super easily maybe even smoke bomb assassinate it really DOES NOT matter, ok now i ask you to make me poison darts for my 19th weapon wheel of insta kill super help weapons" oh btw jin sakai whose name i say each time unlock north map area for my next 2 vapid and short character arc chapters in the most beautiful 3D environment you have ever seen in your life

i'm so glad the most-liked reviews on this site tear into just how fucking bland and generic the game's entire structure and core is. for all it's talk about being faithful or like a kurosawa film, it's so.. cookie cutter AAA ubisoft. i mean the kurosawa mode itself just being a black and white filter, some grain, and shitty audio is so fucking funny to me. it sucks because when this game was first announced, i really was expecting this like REALLY realistic samurai simulator, where a lot of it was mundane and fights would end with two strikes at max and.. man that would've been a sick PS2 game. it's really funny how weirdly racist this game feels with all the talk about killing the mongols (ik ik they're the invaders here), but the central theme of the game being "ermm bushido sucks amirite" is so fucking stupid and overdone and god can we fucking retire that imperial era propaganda already holy shit. mishima didn't literally kill himself for it for y'all to keep using it (ok, he would want us to, but shush)

so wait why does this get 3.5 stars if i think its so mediocre? two things: Ilan Eshkeri & Shigeru Umebayashi's INCREDIBLE score that still tugs at my heartstrings (the latter is forever goated to me for composing Yumeji's Theme; featured in Wong Kar-Wai's In The Mood For Love), and the photo-mode. yes. no, seriously. if you saw the photos i took from this game, the sheer insane shots i got out of it, the roleplaying and story ideas i could act out with this stupid fucking but beautiful looking game, you'd get it. it's GORGEOUS, and it's so, so "alright" as like an actual game, but as like a pretty environment with a SHIT TON of sliders and effects and filters and options to take shots of a samurai, or a broken husk of a man turned killing machine, or of a shirtless dude with a straw container covering his head, this is literally the best fucking game to ever exist.

oh also i can't lie i did fuck with the ending kinda got me a little choked up idk

Aqui vou eu escrever uma """""review""""" de um jogo que eu zerei faz 2 anos.
Esse jogo tem um triplex na minha cabeça, faz 2 anos que eu vendi meu ps4 por motivos financeiros e profissionais, e faz 2 anos que eu sou viúva desse jogo, todo state of play eu fico ansioso esperando o port pra PC q nunca vem.
Ghost of Tsushima marcou um período bem conturbado da minha vida, onde eu tava vivendo um ambiente de trabalho terrível, vivia depressivo, vivia estressado e nesse jogo eu encontrei uma paz, eu me sentia leve, eu mal esperava chegar a noite ou um sábado de manhã pra ficar jogando isso, as vezes eu nem ficava matando, eu só gostava de andar de cavalo ou a pé e admirar o espetáculo visual de Ghost of Tsushima.
Eu adoro a história, eu adoro a gameplay, e eu adoro os personagens, esse é um dos meus jogos favoritos da vida e eu fico absurdamente triste por não poder rejogar por ele ainda estar disponível só no ps4 e no ps5, me faz ter vontade de comprar um ps4 de novo só pra rejogar.
Eu sempre fui obsecado pelo Japão, tanto pela minha descendência quanto pela cultura pop, e nossa, isso foi um presente absurdo pra mim.

i loved every second of this game, the world, the combat, the characters, the story everything is so good and unlike most games like this where it starts to fall off during the middle/end game this game, this game managed to hooke me and keep things interesting and (at least to me) peaked in the final boss fight having one of the best endings in all of gaming and it was genuinely hard to make a choice at the end because i loved both characters and i was so invested in this world that it felt like my choice really affected the ending and the world of tsushima

En 2014, el estudio desarrollador “Sucker Punch”, después de lanzar al mercado Infamous Second Son, comenzaron a trabajar en lo que es hoy su última IP publicada, Ghost of Tsushima. La trama se sitúa a finales del período Edo, en el s. XII durante las invasiones mongolas en la Isla de Tsushima, una isla al noreste del archipiélago nipón.

La jugabilidad gira en torno a su sistema de combate que entretiene por su fluidez y variedad de movimientos y estilos elegibles: Jin puede elegir entre 4 posturas diferentes que sirven para enfrentar mejor a cada tipo de enemigo, aunque se pueden vencer con cualquiera, realmente es mucho más difícil hacerlo así, y así es como el juego incita a que se use de manera inteligente los recursos tanto a nivel táctico como estratégico. Además, Jin también posee un arco corto con el que puede acabar con enemigos a distancia, esta arma se aprovecha mejor con la mecánica de concentración que permite detener el tiempo para apuntar y eliminar a los enemigos de un disparo a la cabeza, aunque también puede usarse en el combate a melee para esquivar, bloquear o parrear los ataques de los enemigos. Esta mecánica de concentración está regulada por la "barra de determinación" que permite acceder a la concentración así como ataques especiales desbloqueables, por lo que la gestión de la determinación será crucial en combates campales como con contra jefes. Desde el menú se puede consultar un árbol de habilidades que permitirá desbloquear movimientos para cada postura. Al menos esto es lo que respecta para el estilo de juego "Samurái", si bien es efectivo y directo la mayoría de veces, no lo será siempre y Jin deberá recurrir a tácticas sucias y deshonrosas para derrotar a los mongoles invasores, estas tácticas se encuentran dentro del estilo de "Fantasma", como es el uso del sigilo, kunáis y veneno, que por su naturaleza resultan deshonrosas para un Samurái.

El juego utiliza esta dualidad todo el rato, permitiendo que el jugador elija cuál es la manera en la que quiere abordar las situaciones, permitiendo usar solo el estilo de juego honorable de un Samurái, atacando de frente sin esconderse, o el estilo de Fantasma mucho más efectivo pero lento a veces. Por lo general, atacar una fortaleza o campamento con sigilo es infinitamente mucho más fácil que sin él, sin embargo, el juego permite iniciar enfrentamientos a modo de desafío de reflejos que dará una pequeña ventaja permitiendo acabar desde 3 hasta 5 enemigos y rellenando la "Postura del Fantasma" un modo de "intimidación" que permite matar de 1 golpe desmembrando brutalmente a los enemigos, provocando incluso que otros huyan despavoridos, por lo que no es del todo inviable usar el estilo de Samurái en ciertas ocasiones.

El juego consta con un apartado RPG secundario muy simple que permite equipar diferentes partes para modificar la armadura, cada una tiene propiedades distintas, algunas se desbloquean conforme se completa la historia y otras se desbloquean en misiones secundarias, pero siempre se puede visitar al fabricante de armaduras para mejorarlas, aunque cabe destacar que algunas habilidades solo están disponibles si se llevan todas las partes de la armadura a la vez. También se pueden mejorar la propia Katana y el tanto, que es el arma con el que se realizan las ejecuciones en sigilo y el arco corto. También, como añadido están los talismanes que suelen ser modificadores o habilidades pasivas que se pueden mezclar y acumular.

Ghost of Tsushima cuenta con un mapa amplio lleno de misiones secundarias y coleccionables que otorgan más vida y determinación, este se irá desbloqueando conforme se avance por él. A diferencia de otros juegos del mismo género, este no sufre del problema de sobrecarga de tareas ni de iconos, ya que todas estas misiones están incluidas de forma diegética dentro del mundo y su narrativa. El diseño de estas está pensado para poder realizarse en cualquier orden sin afectar a la historia principal y de forma que todas tengan sentido independientemente de en que acto se esté. Además, la propia historia hace que el personaje atraviese las zonas que necesita para aumentar su reputación y así poder adquirir las habilidades necesarias para ir a la siguiente zona, además de ordenar el mapa de abajo a arriba siendo las zonas sureñas las que poseen los enemigos más fáciles y las norteñas los que poseen enemigos de mayor nivel, por lo que el ritmo narrativo y la curva de dificultad van de la mano, aun así se sigue pudiendo explorar el mapa completo desde el inicio.

Estéticamente, Ghost of Tsushima se sumerge de lleno en el Japón feudal de finales del período Edo en el s. XIII, los paisajes, los atardeceres, los campos llenos de vegetación, los ríos y la arquitectura tradicional son el mayor sueño de cualquier nipófilo, La ambientación, los detalles gráficos y la gama de colores permiten una inmersión completa en la Isla de Tsushima. Todo el tono e historia sigue el género cinematográfico nipón del "chanbara" por lo que en sus planos cinematográficos está el estilo de este género sobre todo influenciado por Akira Kurosawa, al que le rinden homenaje con un filtro que hace que el juego se vea como una de sus películas.

La banda sonora está conformada por instrumentos tradicionales japoneses siguiendo la percusión y escalas típicas de la música oriental, con melodías de vientos madera como el tradicional Shakuhachi, que hace aparición en el propio juego, seguidas de instrumentos de cuerda tocada como el Shamishen también presente en el juego y en la narración de relatos funcionando como acompañamiento musical en la aventura del "Fantasma" y siendo una metarreferencia al uso real del instrumento en el teatro nipón.

La historia sigue a Jin Sakai, el último del clan Sakai, este creció en la villa Omi, en la isla Tsushima, siendo criado en un ambiente de samuráis con estricta disciplina. Tras la muerte de su madre a causa de una enfermedad y luego de su padre a manos de unos bandidos, Jin es acogido por su tío, Lord Shimura. Durante una invasión del imperio mongol a Japón, Jin resulta gravemente herido y es rescatado por Yuna, una ladrona. Decidido a salvar a su tío, Jin busca aliados y nuevas técnicas de lucha para enfrentarse a los invasores mongoles. En el camino, recluta la ayuda de Ishikawa, Masako Adachi, Ryuzo y el hermano de Yuna, Taka. Con el cambio en sus métodos de lucha, Jin comienza a ser conocido como el Fantasma de Tsushima, una leyenda que desafía las tradiciones samuráis para proteger su tierra.

Ghost of Tsushima ofrece una experiencia notable que combina una jugabilidad dinámica y profunda con un mundo visualmente cautivador y una narrativa inmersiva. Su sistema de combate equilibra la precisión táctica con la acción fluida, permitiendo al jugador elegir entre el honor samurái y la astucia del Fantasma, agregando una capa de estrategia a cada encuentro. La estética visual y musical transporta al jugador al Japón feudal de manera impresionante, mientras que la historia de Jin Sakai ofrece un viaje emocionante y conmovedor a través de la historia y la cultura japonesa. Ghost of Tsushima destaca no solo como un logro técnico, sino también como un testimonio del poder del arte que fue la promesa de los videojuegos en los ya lejanos 90 y 2000 de transportar a los jugadores a mundos completamente nuevos.

My girlfriend made me play it on her PS4 on the hardest difficulty. It’s actually fun but very hard! Also the art style is crazy! It’s just so pretty!

A must have game for ps4, it have a great story, memorable characters, an addicting gameplay and one of the best graphics avaliable for ps4

The Assassins Creed game that we deserved.

needing psn to play this game on PC is deserving of jail. i will play this cracked hopefully.

COVID purchase. Perfect in every way.

They killer the horse...and forced me to care for a new one in the last chapter...never forgive them for that!

Surpassed all my expectations, a wonderful game.

this is Assassin's Creed: Origins

Ubisoft ahh game 🦆
Nothing about it stands out everything is just hollow.
The graphics are good but the characters talk like robots look at their faces 😭

hella boring and repetitive. shouldn’t have been open world imo

"You Have No Honor." - Lord Shimura
"And You Are A Slave To It." - Jin Sakai

ε(´。•᎑•`)っ જ⁀➴Ghost of Tsushima is a masterpiece that seamlessly blends captivating storytelling with breathtaking visuals and addictive gameplay. Jin Sakai's journey from samurai to ghost is filled with emotional depth and moral dilemmas, while the side quests offer glimpses into the lives of Tsushima's inhabitants. And let's not forget the adrenaline-fueled combat and the serene moments of exploration amidst the stunning landscapes. It's a game that truly immerses you in feudal Japan in its own uniqueness.

I charged towards the Mongols on horseback, leapt in the air off my Digital Deluxe horse, attacked the first guy I saw in the middle of a group while airborne, the attack button turned into the assassination prompt as I pressed it, an uncle flashback replayed and called me a coward that strikes from the shadows.

It has everything I love, but how boring it got in the final stretch.

O que eu mais gostei do jogo foi o combate, muito bom!

This is probably one of my favourite games of the last generation, and it’s like 80-90% due to its art direction.

The way the wind is always on the verge of being turbulent; the way the flora conveys perpetual movement; the use of colour; the way lightning strikes in the middle of a duel, lighting the arena ablaze; there’s so much more here, but the point is that it creates an exaggerated reality which displays a commitment to style that I feel is absent from most modern, western AAA games. A good chunk of my playtime was likely spent in Ghost’s photo mode; it almost seems as if it was made with photo mode in mind. It’s truly incredible to behold.

It also results in a visual language that is extremely effective at communicating gameplay information to the player without breaking immersion. Waypoints take the form of wind trails that guide you to your next location; flocks of birds flying in a circular motion indicate haiku points; large white banners indicate bamboo strikes; torii gates lead you to shrines where a charm awaits you; animals guide you to points of interest; I can think of few other modern AAA games that are so dedicated to using the world to guide you, rather than a mini map or compass.

I also enjoyed the combat, the story and the soundtrack more than I expected, but that is about where the pros end for me.

Unfortunately, the game struggles to differentiate itself from its contemporaries in most other aspects.

This may be a bit of an oversimplification, but if you’ve played a Ubisoft open world game in the last 10-15 years, you basically know how this game is structured. I want to give Sucker Punch the benefit of the doubt, though; I feel like it stems from a lack of confidence, not a lack of inspiration. Maybe I’m coping?

I hope Sucker Punch makes more stuff like this, and that, if they do, they inject it with a little more creativity next time. It’s a great foundation.

Un grand oui, ce jeu est une claque. Les décors sont magnifique, un système de combat original, MERCI Jin

Jogando pelo pc e ate então tudo ok. (dps volto p mudar a review)

Assassins Creed but in japan with a good story. Take that how you will.