Reviews from

in the past

When it came out, there was nothing quite like GoldenEye 007.

20-something years later, there's still nothing quite like GoldeEye 007, for better or worse.

This was the game all the stinky boys played, huddled in front of the biggest TV any of our parents had. We brought our Nintendo 64's to school and played it there.

While it's far from perfect, it's hard to think of any other games except for Perfect Dark that scratched that same local multiplayer FPS itch on N64.

The graphics were just fine for the time, and the controls felt pretty awkward no matter which control scheme you used, but the gameplay was (and is) addictive, and there are so many variations on the James Bond theme song, and most of them are still stuck in my head.

I don't think I've ever played this game single player, and honestly that's fine. Probably the game that made multiplayer split-screen shooters a thing, a great party game of my childhood.

If it wasn't for GoldenEye 007 I truly believe we wouldn't have first person shooters like we do today. So for that, this game is legendary. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

I finished Goldeneye two times now in my life. Once 2 years ago and today on the hardest difficulty. Both times on original hardware but with different controllers. The first time was with one of those "better, enhanced etc." controllers, which reshape the N64 gamepad layout to a more modern one. And it was awful. Through the whole game I felt like I could never learn how to precisly aim, making me die over and over in a level I already knew how to beat, but the execution was near impossible. I really didn't enjoy expierence. I stopped playing after the main campain and made peace with the thought, I would never touch this appearently poorly aged game ever again. At least on OG hardware. I tried the keyboard and mouse emulator mod. While the extrem precision I gained was nice, it just didn't feel right. The enemy AI clearly wasn't bulit for this control method. Fast forward 2 years later and I finally replace the old stick of my original N64 controller with a new one, which gets as close to the original sensetivity as possible. And the first game I try is Goldeneye. And it's like night and day. My shots finally land, the precision aiming finally works and Goldeneye suddenly is actually fun now. After the inicial testing I decided to fully complete the game on the hardest difficulty. Goldeneye is still really hard in sometimes even a bit unfair. But during this run, it actually felt like I was only fighting the level design and not the controls. I have no nostalgia for this game, but with this playthrough I learned something important about Goldeneye and retro games in general. Some games belong to their console, they have to be played with their original control method to be fully appreciated. I never hated the N64 controller. But after finishing Goldeneye, I actually like it. It's layout may only work with these old N64 games, but it works way better than people think. And Goldeneye has aged. But more gracefully than I initially thought. Play it, but with the trident.

Para ser el primer gran shooter de consolas, es destacable lo pulido que está en absolutamente todos los aspectos.

me sinto um chato em dizer que golden eye "envelheceu", primeiramente porque esse jogo é muito querido por todo mundo, e (pra mim) usar isso como argumento de crítica é um anacronismo muito forte, criticar algo falando que envelheceu é compará-lo com obras atuais, o que não faz sentido, qualquer fps dessa época vai ser velho e ruim se seu único referente do gênero for warzone (vale pra qualquer jogo e gênero). Porém eu amo ser hipócrita, então digo, 007 envelheceu bastante.

não estou dizendo que ele é ruim porque envelheceu, pelo contrário, ele é ótimo no que se propõe a fazer, tem IA manera, multiplayer e etc, o que faz dele velho é justamente ser uns dos primeiros fps pra console. Minha crítica é a dificuldade e o level design, não é nem o mapa que é ruim, é o que você faz nele que me incomoda, um desperdício as missões serem andar até o final do mapa, e a Natalya, a partir do momento que ela aparece a dificuldade do jogo cresce dum jeito horrível, caralho, quantas vezes eu já falhei missão porque a bonitona desfilava na frente do tiroteio e matavam ela.

ou seja, golden eye envelheceu pq é muito difícil desassociar as influências atuais (que foi meu caso, é minha primeira vez jogando), mas se jogar como uma criança de 97 que nunca viu nada assim antes, esse jogo vai ser do caralho, mesmo com seus problemas.

a mão do bond segurando a arma na capa faz parecer que a boca dele é gigante

playing this at 3 years old shaped me into who i am

Goated soundtrack glad about this one existing

Cartridge-tilted my friends game to see the funny and it broke their save and they lost everything.