Reviews from

in the past


It's a 3D theme park loosely based on Harry Potter. Game design, writing, atmosphere, almost everything except the game space is wrong here.

o jogo é muito divertido, mas depois de um tempo as quests ficam mais esticadas doq devem

1- O jogo é uma merda.
2- A Isidora estava certa.
3- Todas as side quests são uma piada, inclusive a do Sebastian, que consegue se tornar absolutamente ridícula bem no final, e era o único pingo de esperança que eu ainda tinha com o jogo.
4- Tudo isso aqui é simplesmente uma tentativa fajuta de replicar a experiência Harry Potter dos originais e dos livros, e nada além disso. Não existe alma.

Conclusão: é só um jogo bobão que não funciona em nenhum aspecto.

jogo legal, mundo aberto e combate legal porem TUDO É MT REPETITIVO

Sauvé par la license Harry Potter.

It's pretty good. Great music. Amazing world design. Nice scarves. But the story ain't much and the missions are kinda basic.

cool for HP fans, kinda mid as a game in itself (boring story and repetitive mechanics)

Good bones for what I'm sure will be an even more impressive sequel.

This game was a dream come true for Harry Potter fans. They nailed the aesthetic of the wizarding world perfectly. I’ve even replayed it and enjoyed it just as much.

Politics aside, it's literally just alright. The story and combat are passable. Best thing about the game is clearly just exploring the castle. Decent podcast game too (derogatory)

Will say though it does my nut in that this game is going to show up on "best games set in Scotland" lists when it feels like it could be anywhere, and all the Scottish people have awful tory accents

It has an extremely enjoyable beginning. Progress and discovery in the beginning are quite satisfying. But after playing for 10-15 hours, this feeling disappears. After being so bored, I continued by focusing only on the main missions to see the end of the game, but the ending was also a disgrace. If I didn't have the desire to wander around the world of Harry Potter, I would have had more fun if I hadn't played more than the first 15 hours.

universo bem feito, de resto e mediocre

The game is good, 4/5. But the platinum trophy is a pain to get, too many useless collectibles. You don't feel motivated to complete everything, it was pure hatred that drove me to do it hahahaha."

behold my fancy clothes you pesky peasants in black robes

e um bom jogo mas ainda tem que melhorar bastante para uma sequencia.

Para quem gosta do mundo de Harry Poter, vai adorar este game, porém.. ele é bem mal otimizado, a dica é ver algum vídeo de otimização no youtube que melhora o FPS do jogo, eu com um PC high end não rodava o jogo a mais de 60 FPS, em certos locais chegava a 23 FPS.

After 10 hours you leave hogwarts
Thats when I left
its sooo generic

I really enjoyed it, loved exploring the wizard world but I do think it’s very repetitive a lot of the times and lacks a few things for me. I wish I could’ve attended more classes and live more like a student.

If it weren't for Harry Potter, would anyone care about this game?

Si te gusta Harry Potter juégalo, las primeras horas muy buenas, la ambientación es una locura. Aunque se hace MUY pesado.
Misiones secundarias obligatorias, contenido secundario que roza el terrorismo...
Overall, no está mal, sobre todo si te gusta Harry Potter, pero muy mejorable.

AMO jogos que exploram o universo de coisa que eu amo, como o universo de harry potter. Eu tenho muita coisa pra falar desse jogo, mas simplesmente não vou.

It was good while playing, just not after

If you remove the Harry Potter's elements of this game whats left? A mediocre open world with dozens of pointless world activites to be done and the main story wasnt even good, the sebastian side quest was 1000x better than the main campaing. Its a cool HP game for fans but a mediocre game overall and i say this beeing a HP fan that grew up watching the movies and reading the books.

Low - mid game for Harry Potter fans

I liked it but after sometime it gets a little bit boring i am planing to go back to playing later

Podia ter mais magias e ser mais dificil, pq é muito facil


Solid game. While the story’s uninteresting and it just gets boring after a while, the gameplay is a big save. This plays like a definitive Harry Potter game. The combat is excellent and you can effectively switch between spells. There’s a lot to keep you busy and Hogwarts looks amazing. Beautiful graphics too. I wish this game had a morality system because it feels like it doesn’t matter whether you’re kind or cruel towards others. My Tom Riddle playthrough felt undermining because of that. Your actions should have more consequences. I also wish you didn’t have a limited inventory. And I hope Quidditch appears in the sequel. Overall, it’s a game with fantastic gameplay, but mediocre storytelling. Definitely room for improvement.