Reviews from

in the past

universo bem feito, de resto e mediocre

The game is good, 4/5. But the platinum trophy is a pain to get, too many useless collectibles. You don't feel motivated to complete everything, it was pure hatred that drove me to do it hahahaha."

в общем прикольная боевка, прикольно по хогвартсу побегать и полетать. Но гавнище квесты все нереальное ну гавно к сожалению.

It has an extremely enjoyable beginning. Progress and discovery in the beginning are quite satisfying. But after playing for 10-15 hours, this feeling disappears. After being so bored, I continued by focusing only on the main missions to see the end of the game, but the ending was also a disgrace. If I didn't have the desire to wander around the world of Harry Potter, I would have had more fun if I hadn't played more than the first 15 hours.

гарри поттер и пиздец чо так многа гринда

a história é uma merda, mas a gameplay é legal

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It was a thrill to be back in the HP / WW again. Spells were fun, the map/s were stunning, the castle was a joy to in, broom flight was good and felt fast especially at lower altitudes and the story was good enough with some fun characters. I do feel like there's a lot of missed potential here though as it feels like a lot more was meant to be in the game that got cut. You only really do one class per topic and then never engage with the classes properly ever again (aside from cutscenes after doing a prof's assignment). You meet a bunch of characters in the beginning then most just never really have any part to play in the game after that with only a few (Sebastian, Natty, Poppy, Ominis and a couple others) consistently being part of the game (though some do have side quests but generally, outside of the characters I named, these are fetch quests or something similar). No Quidditch, probably due to technical / dev time limitations. In fact, it feels like a lot was cut due to dev time limitations or something. Hopefully, this wasn't WB meddling, but it probably was.

I really hope that the rumoured sequel vastly expands upon this because the core of the game is so good but it just feels like it's missing that bit more to really push it over the edge into something great. It doesn't help that so much side content is stock-standard collecting stuff (90+ Merlin trials, tonnes of revelio pages, collection chests, etc.). I really enjoyed the core characters and would like to see them expanded upon, but it would also be nice to see others get much more content / screen time with more relationship quest stuff and maybe make them feel like actual friends outside of this, too, because they practically disappear from the game after their quests are done, a shame because Poppy being so staunchly pro-magical beast and revealing that she came from poachers and she's a quiet studious person who becomes much more brave and outgoing was a good character arc and she's a great character herself, so the potential is there for others as well. Make me feel like I'm actually at Hogwarts!

Es un juego gráficamente superior pero que en términos de jugabilidad deja mucho que desear. Como fan de Harry Potter espere muchos años un juego como este y a la hora de jugarlo sentí que no cumplió con las expectativas.

cool game but crushed by its own potential. Too few enemies, too few student interactions, too few teacher interactions. And also NO QUIDDITCH???

Fun the first 5 hours, but when you go do all the side quests in the wilderness, it's just another tasteless ubisoft open world.

The game's Hogwarts is truly amazing and something one can appreciate if they are a harry potter fan as well as the atmosphe of the world of the world, at least in the first hours. Unfortunately this is the only thing that I found this game to be good. The story is extremely boring, the characters all talk like they are children, the combat gets repetitive very fast, and the open world is very bloated with boring content. Once you experience the first few open world activities you've seen it all.

Розчарування! За надзвичайно красивою обгорткою ховається безідейність. Розробники майже повністю проігнорували особливості світу, зробивши з Hogwarts Legacy нудний і примітивний open world. У грі немає навчання, немає нормального зіллєваріння, немає балів гуртожитку, немає квідичу і дуже мало якісних головоломок. Навіть Гоґвортс, який мав би бути основою, більшість часу десь на другому плані, а по своїй структурі є звичайною декорацією.

Більш детальніше про те, що не так із Hogwarts Legacy і якою вона могла би бути, можна побачити у відео:


Such a fun game! Combat can be tricky at first and the story not as good as it could have been, but overall a very addicting game!

Podia ter mais magias e ser mais dificil, pq é muito facil

Me sorprendió mucho, no le tenía mucha fe. El combate a pesar de ser fácil, es divertido, con muchas combinaciones de hechizos, la exploración también es muy buena, puedes pasar horas solamente volando por todo el mapa apreciando el paisaje. Lo que más me gustó de este título fue que ambos de mis hermanos lo jugaron y todos quedamos satisfechos.

I spent 2 hours in the character creator, rest of the game is ass

GooeyScale: 70/100

Tal vez individualmente no merezca la calificación que tiene, pero para fan de la saga es muy bueno. Es relativamente simple, pero es todo lo que se quiere: un subidón de lore, el castillo entero, hogsmeade, un mapa larguisimo, las misiones secundarias son buenas,lo de las criaturas para capturar y criar es muy de mi gusto, el vuelo en escoba (aunque si hace falta el quidditch). La historia igual es bastante buena como expansión del lore. En general se siente bastante como entrar en el mundo magico individualmente.

I really tried to enjoy this game but I can't. The gameplay itself seems fine, if not a little lacklustre every so often, but the story was so dull and by the end I had to drag myself through completing it. I'm sure fans of Harry Potter would rate it higher than I have, but as I'm not a fan of the setting I can't. It doesn't do it for me.

why the fuck is such a good ip connected to such a horrible person.

this game is everything

Terminei Hogwarts Legacy com 39 horas de jogo, cara o jogo é simplesmente MAGICO, a imersão dele é gigante, o mundo todo é mt bem pensado e dá pra ver claramente o carinho e paixão dos dev com o universo de HP, a exploração é super recompensada, em Hogwarts e no Mundo aberto.
Eu fazia em média uma sessão de 4 horas por dia, e era sempre 1 hora de quest principal e 3 horas de exploração e secundárias, de tão divertido que o jogo é seu mundo é, era viciante ficar fazendo só isso, cada detalhe do castelo é mágico, CHEIO de segredos e mistérios pra descobrir e explorar.

Tenho 2 pontos negativos só:

1 - a falta de chefes e a falta de variações dos que existem

2 - além da questão principal tem as questões secundárias/linhas do tempo de outros personagens da história, q tem conexão com a principal, são 3, 2 delas pro finalicou afobado o final dela, tava td indo bem mas assim que chegou perto do final, a qualidade abaixou e parece q foi feito as pressas, a única q não foi assim foi a da Poppy, que pra mim foi a mais divertida e bonita de jogar e ver

08/10 pra mim

Played to completion. Love the universe, and mega excitement to see Hogwarts mapped out in full.

Plot was okay but could've been a lot stronger with a bit of thought. Lack of any sort of consequence to actions really held the game back, I'm not saying I'd want a morality meter, but why give meaningful dialogue options. Themes of the plot include exploration of intent over action, ends justify means, stewardship of the environment and our surroundings, and what it means to be sentient. But I spend near 40 hours using dark magic on enemies, killing beasts for challenges, capturing creatures for my zoo, and using magic to take away many people free will, with zero consequence or even comment from the characters in world.

I personally loved the flying mechanic and enjoyed exploring the world to complete the collectibles but they were repetitive.

Good game but too big and long for the content actually provided. Could have been so much more. I hope there is another title in the series, but I would want far more RPG elements and would love to see the studio design more of the classic Harry Peter universe locations.