Reviews from

in the past

Deve ter sido o bicho jogar isso no início da geração do PS4, é um baita jogo, tudo que ele faz, é de forma excelente, muito dinâmico, divertido! O que mais me chamou a atenção nesse jogo, foi o protagonista, Delsin... Pelo simples fato de que tudo apresentado no jogo combina bastante com ele, a trilha sonora, vestimentas, personalidade, etc! Foi bacana também fazer ambos os finais, e além disso o jogo conta com uma platina muito divertida de fazer!
E digo mais, aqui é carma bom até morrer!!!

I really can't say this was the best or most innovative game on the planet, but something about this game always makes me reflect back on it with a smile. It has that kind of X-Men inspired punk superhero charm to it. Everybody's wearing regular street fashion, the powers are really visually fun and evocative. Concrete, smoke, neon, like, I think they really did a good concept with that. Much of the gameplay is pretty stock, and there's not much to distinguish it from anything else. And at this point, you could say there's a ton of TV shows with characters like the ones in here, games too, sure. But I just see this as the definitive casual PS4 game where you skate around with flashy superpowers in the streets. I think if you're gonna dust off a PS4, you should grab this on sale. It's quaint, it's quirky. It feels fresh as in refreshing, and not so much original. I'd almost go as far as saying this game is cute, and I personally find myself making OCs who are quite a bit like the ones in this game, as far as how they're pretty stripped back, contemporary, and with some kind of power drawing from some kind of city themed "element." I think around the time I played this, I actually did end up making a Mutants and Masterminds character, a bit more inspired by Jubilee from X-Men. Things I saw in this game with the neon and smoke power design definitely informed what I was doing in that campaign. It felt.. Good. You have to give props to a game that can end up as this sort of understated inspiration.

Despite having so much going for it in terms of gameplay and traversal, the story doesn't even come close to that of it predecessors. That along with forgettable locales (sorry Seattle) make this next gen experience end up feeling more like infamous: middle child

Voce se transforma em fumaça, faz parkour e ainda escolhe o destino do final da história, esse jogo é 10 e não me arrependo de jogar, muito bom e a historia é muito boa também.

I actually like Delsin, shame his game is mid.

This game was WELL ahead of its time IMO.

meu, pra mim isso daqui era o PICO do realismo, na minha cabeça não tinha como ser mais bonito que isso

storyline (inflated grade) 7/10
missions 6/10
side 5/10
gameplay 7.5/10
graphics 8/10
Final mission 7/10
music 6.5/10
Bugs (moderately, but there were a few crashes) 5/10
features 7.5/10
length (for such a thing) 7/10

avg 6.65 (~7)

Breath of fresh air gameplay of a high mobility overpowered mutant running on a very smooth 60 fps in 2014. Very fun experience, not much replay value and renegade all the way

Lembro até hoje da sensação que tive quando joguei esse jogo e pensei "OMG A NOVA GERAÇÃO"

Yeah bro, I'm cool and edgy, I tag vague political art on buildings and murder civilians, it's chill.

was okay. satisfied the "jump high and land hard" itch

Very memorable game with great combat and story

Fun game, and short enough to experience being a good boy versus a baddie. My issue with it is just the the infamy system is so lacklustre, where its super clear which options are good and which are bad, and you basically decide what path you are going down right from the beginning of the game - instead of picking options on a case-by-case basis.

decent enough for when ps4 had like 5 games

I really enjoyed the gameplay, having multiple powers is very fun. Story wasn't as great as the previous Infamous, but it was still overall good

Gameplay and special attacks are great I think storyline and characters were a little bit boring but other than that its a great game

O jogo logo de cara se mostra não ser um dos melhores em questao de história, já que o diálogo é meio que intencionalmente ruim. Apesar disso, por ser um jogo de super herói, achei interessante ele te dar a opção de ser um herói ou um vilão, o que possibilita mais de uma playthrough.
O combate, por sua vez, é muito divertido, permitindo que você faca uso de habilidades de vários "elementos" não convencionais (não vou falar quais para nao dar spoilers) que você provavelmente nunca viu em nenhum outro jogo na sua vida. A locomoção é bem legal também pois cada elemento apresenta uma forma diferente de atravessar o mapa.

El mejor juego de que jugue en consola, increible el gameplay, siempre va a ser increible nada lo va a cambiar alto juego.

Sortez un remaster sur PC par pitié

Its likely one of the most passable games in the ps 4's exclusive library, neither amazing or horrible

good they need to make a new one tho

Loved second son, the story and gameplay were amazing.