Reviews from

in the past

One of the best of the Mario Party's, before the series started to get too played out. Fixes a lot of the jankiness of the first game and doesn't have some of the more bizarre choices that start showing up later. If you are only going to play one Mario Party game, this is a solid candidate.

I tried it and I didn't like it. RNG be dammed. Also intro was 2 long.

best mario party, costume changes was a game changer

What's the best Mario Party game & why is it the one where we all get to wear fun, themed costumes? In all seriousness, though, what an improvement over the first. It recycles some of MP1's better content while adding a splash of paint all its own. It's not perfect & it's still riddled with that Mario Party-brand of RNG, but it's still a good time.

Actually spent entire playing this with my brother and other family members