Reviews from

in the past

It's fine? Very pretty and I admire any effort at making more Rhythm Heaven. The minigames are very hit and miss fun wise and I had to change the timing settings to be less strict because I found the default settings very annoying.

It took me months to get through this despite it being maybe 2 hours long if you take your time. It really struggled to pull me in.

I won't go lower than 3 stars because Melatonin is an admirable and competent package with some dreamy vibes, but overall I was left shrugging by the end of it.

It's a chill rythm game about dreams. If you like rythm heaven, you will like this game.

I played this game in short bursts with lots of time between, so my thoughts may be scrambled.

I think as someone who's tried a few rhythm games and have failed to grasp on the gameplay, this really eased me in. I believe the calmer slower progression and options to try a harder mode is great! theming is mostly fun. I enjoyed some of the later episodes and how each took variation to rhythm differently, while still making them easy to switch between later. (This game wears rhythm heaven on its sleeve really well, just with a different spin.)

But I think this game had a good number of stengths, I do reccommond though that you play this with controller. I usually do most things keyboard, and I made it till the last area with just keyboard. But wowie, when I accidentally had a copntroller plugged in and just tried, really did heal placement make more sense on a PS4 controller.
Also the finale is probably one of the best feeling ones I've had in a while for a rythym game. It was pretty dramatics and cinematic while still being calm.
I wont say anything about the minigames but I had a few favs and I think this is worth if you're in the mood for a calmer rhythm game time :>

super good and chill but like it's kinda unforgiving

really fun to play but also i need all the accessibility features and i did kind of hit my keyboard when playing past but anyway

This is SUCH a cute rhythm game that doesn’t take long at all to beat! Tutorials and levels were VERY simple and fun (for me at least). If you’re a fan of Rhythm Heaven you should DEFINITELY play this. 😃 Solid 8.5/10!

Simultaneously both the most relaxing and stressful game I have played.

The game sabotages you by playing relaxing music while you play /lh

A couple pretty fun songs, but overall just feels like sauceless rhythm heaven.

A big appeal to the RH series, to me, is the fact that you can play them with your eyes closed which just is not the case here for most songs. The audio cues overall are lacking the iconic punchiness that they need, and many of them are hidden extremely low in the mix. Some cues sound basically identical to eachother and I'm really not sure how you're supposed to discern them without relying on visuals.

a really good rhythm game, the timing of the individual levels can vary though which can be hard to correct mentally

Very good execution of the Rhythm Heaven style

melatonin and melatonin will put you to sleep

some of the levels in this game are insanely hard and really had me wanting to break the monitor. unfortunately said monitor was my friend's, which is why i can't keep playing this game