Reviews from

in the past

Booting up this game always brings a rush of nostalgia and excitement. There's something incredibly magical about starting with nothing and building your world from scratch, facing unexpected challenges along the way. It's a mix of creativity, adventure, and a touch of loneliness that makes every session feel like a new journey.

(referindo ao jogo atual, meu amado minebeta merece sua própria constelação.)

10/10 game, gets boring after a few weeks. then come back after a month. overall definitive of gaming.

very fun game for 2 weeks each year

Good game to play for 1 week every year

What is there to say? Play the base game until you get bored. Stop playing for multiple months. Start a modded server with your friends. Play that server for only 2 days before putting the game down for a year. Repeat.

A childhood classic that despite rocky updates still undeniably going strong until this very day thanks to the community around it. A fun survival game accompanied with a soundtrack that soaks you into the peaceful yet lonely atmosphere of the world.

i love this game but god it gets boring so fast

yeah idk dude Ive got too many formative memories on this game

playing with friends, or messing around in creative mode, its like this game has been there throughout my entire life idk

one of the best games ever created.

do i log this everytime i enter the world?

its Minecraft what do i have to say

Generally just a phase game, has alot of nostalgic value but its not impressive just something you can mod the shit out of and play with friends every once and a while, shaders and other stuff never fail to impress me aswell but to have to mod the game for it to be enjoyable game again and to see what Microsoft have done with the game disappoints me alot of the time, especially with their funding.

O que dizer sobre minecraft o jogo marcou muito a infância de todos o jogo e incrível você pode expressar sua criatividade e encarar um mundo inteiro cheio de coisas para fazer a única parte ruim e a empresa que demora muito atualizar o jogo com coisas novas

Maybe if I got better worlds than just deserts and oceans

Base game is already plenty enough, add mods to it and you'll have an infinite amount of content to enjoy. I didn't like Microsoft's acquisition... but I can't blame Notch for taking the bag.