Reviews from

in the past

Hands down I think I might have 1000 hours in this game. Covid-19 was just a minecraft blur.

really bloated after a certain point and the progression is really not that good but thankfully pretty much every old version is accessible in the launcher and just as fun as they were years ago. 1.7.3 might be a little overhyped though, the adventure update isn't that bad

Ну это безоговорочный шедевр игровой индустрии, игра на десятилетия

pvp, hunger games, skywars, build battle, survival, muitos momentos

a mojang ta ferrando com o mines

dito isso, goty

Certamente um dos baluartes da historia dos jogos. Uma infinitude para jogabilidade criativa. No entanto, o surgimento de concorrentes do gênero ao longo das décadas mostrou que ele poderia se aprimorar, inserindo conteúdo base como móveis ou veículos (algo que eles preferem que o marketplace entregue de maneira paga)

I can't find the same taste that I had when I played the game as a child. Within 30 minutes of starting the game, I get bored. There are no nice items in any of the updates that have come out for the game. I think, Mojang doesn't care about the game. 4 stars for the memory of my childhood.

Gave me countless hours of entertainment before it was even officially released, so easy to lose days to this behemoth. I never really bothered with the mods/multiplayer and only use redstone to automate my food factories because I have psychological problems.

This game will continue to grow far beyond me and inspire newer generations to play games even when I'm dusty bones, it will stand as a Space Odyssey monolith for future monkey gamers.

most boring game I've ever played but when I blow my friend's house up with a Tom and Jerry TNT pressure plate trap it becomes the greatest game of all time.

The classic video game that will never die!

Minekraft jogo bloco legal, abelha melhor criatura

sempre jogo e rejogo esse jogo, eu amo muito ele e ele marcou minha infacia, ele ée muito especial para mim

Provavelmente um dos jogos mais importantes da industria dos indies, que consegue ser impactante desde o momento de sua criação, até hoje, e continuará sendo pelas proximas gerações

undoubtedly a great creation, with nothing to work towards except what you wish for. sadly, i dont wish for much after making a cute enough house, at which point rolling the credits would be rather unsatisfying so perhaps not my thing

Anybody else remember Mineplex? That was my second home as a kid.

I'd give anything to play One in the Quiver again. Or to suck ass at Survival Games.

i do hate to say it but i just get really really bored of it now, it's not bad or anything, i just cannot play it for any extended amount of time. it really does make me think that maybe it isn't the kind of 'forever game' myself from a decade ago seemed to think, which does make me weirdly sad

É um clássico, tem conteúdo, tanto sozinho quanto pros amigos, é uma experiência de outro mundo juntar 8 pessoas num mundo e cada um ir fazendo alguma coisa, Minecraft é um jogo lindo e não merece nunca ser esquecido

Al principio creó Dios el cielo y la tierra. La tierra estaba informe y vacía; la tiniebla cubría la superficie del abismo, mientras el espíritu de Dios se cernía sobre la faz de las aguas. Dijo Dios: «Exista la luz». Y la luz existió. Vio Dios que la luz era buena. Y separó Dios la luz de la tiniebla. Llamó Dios a la luz «día» y a la tiniebla llamó «noche». Pasó una tarde, pasó una mañana: el día primero. Y dijo Dios: «Exista un firmamento entre las aguas, que separe aguas de aguas». E hizo Dios el firmamento y separó las aguas de debajo del firmamento de las aguas de encima del firmamento. Y así fue. Llamó Dios al firmamento «cielo». Pasó una tarde, pasó una mañana: el día segundo. Dijo Dios: «Júntense las aguas de debajo del cielo en un solo sitio, y que aparezca lo seco». Y así fue. Llamó Dios a lo seco «tierra», y a la masa de las aguas llamó «mar». Y vio Dios que era bueno. Dijo Dios: «Cúbrase la tierra de verdor, de hierba verde que engendre semilla, y de árboles frutales que den fruto según su especie y que lleven semilla sobre la tierra». Y así fue. La tierra brotó hierba verde que engendraba semilla según su especie, y árboles que daban fruto y llevaban semilla según su especie. Y vio Dios que era bueno. Pasó una tarde, pasó una mañana: el día tercero. Dijo Dios: «Existan lumbreras en el firmamento del cielo, para separar el día de la noche, para señalar las fiestas, los días y los años, y sirvan de lumbreras en el firmamento del cielo, para iluminar sobre la tierra». Y así fue. E hizo Dios dos lumbreras grandes: la lumbrera mayor para regir el día, la lumbrera menor para regir la noche; y las estrellas. Dios las puso en el firmamento del cielo para iluminar la tierra, para regir el día y la noche y para separar la luz de la tiniebla. Y vio Dios que era bueno. Pasó una tarde, pasó una mañana: el día cuarto. Dijo Dios: «Bullan las aguas de seres vivientes, y vuelen los pájaros sobre la tierra frente al firmamento del cielo». Y creó Dios los grandes cetáceos y los seres vivientes que se deslizan y que las aguas fueron produciendo según sus especies, y las aves aladas según sus especies. Y vio Dios que era bueno. Luego los bendijo Dios, diciendo: «Sed fecundos y multiplicaos, llenad las aguas del mar; y que las aves se multipliquen en la tierra». Pasó una tarde, pasó una mañana: el día quinto. Dijo Dios: «Produzca la tierra seres vivientes según sus especies: ganados, reptiles y fieras según sus especies». Y así fue. E hizo Dios las fieras según sus especies, los ganados según sus especies y los reptiles según sus especies. Y vio Dios que era bueno. Dijo Dios: «Hagamos al hombre a nuestra imagen y semejanza; que domine los peces del mar, las aves del cielo, los ganados y los reptiles de la tierra». Y creó Dios al hombre a su imagen, a imagen de Dios lo creó, varón y mujer los creó. Dios los bendijo; y les dijo Dios: «Sed fecundos y multiplicaos, llenad la tierra y sometedla; dominad los peces del mar, las aves del cielo y todos los animales que se mueven sobre la tierra». Y dijo Dios: «Mirad, os entrego todas las hierbas que engendran semilla sobre la superficie de la tierra y todos los árboles frutales que engendran semilla: os servirán de alimento. Y la hierba verde servirá de alimento a todas las fieras de la tierra, a todas las aves del cielo, a todos los reptiles de la tierra y a todo ser que respira». Y así fue. Vio Dios todo lo que había hecho, y era muy bueno. Pasó una tarde, pasó una mañana: el día sexto.

Always fun to play around with and pick up once every 6 months for a week, but updates feel lackluster especially with how popular the game is, but its a one time purchase for a life time of fun moments with friends

the influence it had + the enjoyment I get out of playing it solo/with friends and the memories I got out of it over the years + how customizable, timeless and fun the game is = I can't rate this lower than a four
(only problem is performance issues, I completely get why Java is the way it is and it's natural for it to be less optimized but I sometimes wish I had magic powers to make the game run better)

the game of my childhood. endless worlds, endless possibilities, spetacular OST. nowadays this game kinda sucks at updates, but it still remains the best game ever made.

this game isnt "stale" your the problem also please update the end

Game's really fun I can't lie, especially with friends, but I can't force myself to play it single player sorry yall.

Been playing since before the horse update. Always a place in my heart. ‪♡

We all know i will be comming back. Just a matter of time.

Joguei tanto no celular quando eu era mais novo que acabei enjoando. Mas é um jogo completamente original e super importante pra a indústria de jogos. Um verdadeiro fenômeno.

Minecraft is an unreviewable game. Each review of Minecraft is paradoxically, both true, and false. The experience one has with Minecraft is one of the most personalized experiences ever made for a game. This is to a point that any description of mechanics, systems, and characteristics of the game in truth, just don’t matter. What matters then is the personal experiences, the history, and the memories made by Minecraft. While there is an “ending” for Minecraft, Minecraft is a game with no absolute ending, the world, story, and game go for as long as you play. While I have had Minecraft for practically a decade now, I only now finally got to see the game’s “ending”, and only now does it feel proper to describe my experiences with Minecraft.

Minecraft is a game that helped birth new creativity within me. Be it Survival, Creative, or even custom made adventure maps, I loved seeing, or even building my own little worlds with their own history. Even in my single player survival worlds, it felt like I had crafted my own narrative, starting from nothing, and making a true home for myself. I remember my first set of rudimentary houses, before I got better at building, learning, and finding new materials in order to create something even better. I remember venturing off into the wilderness to find stunning land generation, running into new structures, or new biomes. I remember the moments I stopped to farm, craft, and plan what the next little chunk of progress I wanted to work on was. And whatever I did, whatever narrative was told, I was the one telling it. All of those experiences were caused by my own actions.

For me, Minecraft holds a lot of memories. I remember back before I even had a full copy of Minecraft, demos allowed you to play really old, like Beta 1.3 versions of Minecraft for free, and I did that a lot. I remember getting Minecraft proper around Release 1.7, for a time frame of reference. Even after a decade now, Minecraft has still stuck with me. It’s a game I play whenever I’m stressed, and I need to relax. It’s a game I play if I’m feeling creative and I want to build. It’s a game I play with friends when messing around online. Minecraft is so much to me, even if I don’t play it as much as I did as a kid.

And it’s weird, right? This review, this general examination of Minecraft may not, likely will not, remain true. Minecraft as a game is ever changing, when I put this out, Minecraft is seemingly close to releasing 1.21, while I played on 1.20. There will always be more to see in Minecraft, Minecraft when I was a kid is wildly different than Minecraft as it is now, and even then, I still end up falling in love with it all over again. In the next ten years, when I’m in my 30s, who knows how different Minecraft will be, and how different I will be as well.

It is a little bit of a wonder to me too that it took me this long to finally “beat” Minecraft. Minecraft isn’t too difficult of a game, and if you know what you’re doing, the Ender Dragon isn’t that hard of a fight. I think the reason why it took me this long to finally do it was because I just never prioritized it. I always focused on other things, building, farming, exploring, those sorts of things are what I loved to do. Only once I set out to finally fight and beat the Ender Dragon did I finally do it. And with how long I’ve had Minecraft and it taking over a decade for me to finally “beat” this game, I had a feeling that I haven’t felt in such a long time. It felt like beating my first ever game all over again.

I used to be really bad at videogames, I’ll admit. My first ever videogame was Pokemon Diamond, I got it around its release date, and I could never beat it for years. I think the 3DS was already out when I finally beat Pokemon Diamond for the first time, and it felt amazing, refreshing, and it felt like a book closed that has been longing for this moment. I felt a genuine sense of joy and sadness when it was over. Even looking back further, the first game I ever beat proper was Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs, so with the general frame of reference there, it took me 4 years from my first videogame to the first time I beat a videogame. With the fact I had Minecraft for over a decade, this joyous, and sorrowful sense of closure has hit me once again.

I have no doubt I’ll return to Minecraft. I don’t know if it’d be on the same world, or on a new save, but I’ll be sure to play it again. Minecraft is a game to relax, and reflect when the world outside becomes a bit too much. It’s a game where you can truly test the limits of your creativity. It’s a game where communities can be formed. It’s a game where stories are told, and memories are made. It’s a game that’s always changing. It’s a game where everything is possible.