Reviews from

in the past

i love cove holden. Ask me about Cove Holden. did you know tjhat i lobve-

Genuinely one of the best VNs I've ever played, it never fails to make me feel cosy and relaxed.

i love cove so goddamn much. i already adore the idea of a dating sim where you grow up with your love interest, but my god are the characters and the writing just fantastic here. i have yet to get every achievement in this game because the last few i need to get require you to be indifferent about cove, and i'll just have to speed through the game in order to not feel bad about it. customization is also a plus, as the game tailors itself around the kind of person you are.

a genuinely cozy experience that's perfect for the summer vibe!

not made for me, i thought it was boring <3

If you've ever looked for a cozy experience, this is it. I've played over 29 hours of this game and still not seen all that it has to offer and I keep getting surprised by just how well this vn remembers the choices that you've made.

Not only does it remember what you look like, if you chose to wear a ring or what item you picked a long long time ago, it also remembers how you reacted to your partner. Cove changing because of the way you speak to him and even how you feel about him has to be one of the most dynamic ways a vn has ever engaged with me.

There's a reason the kickstarter for the next game got funded in like. 2 hours.

i love this game so much man its so heart warming 10/10 would cry over my gay moms again