Reviews from

in the past

why call this a sequel when the main thing making it a sequel got scrapped entirely
its the same shit, but its alright ig

I only play this cause my friends play it... also ranked is a hellhole and so is the toxic player base that insults you for no reason. Good game by design bad game by execution tbh

sería el peak si el sistema de de compe no fuera tan nazi, de verdad es algo de lo que podrían aprender de valorant

cringe gado gore eu nao lhe tanko

I was a die hard Overwatch 1 fan straight from season 1, and i found myself excited for a possible revival of one of my fav team based shooters. Don't allow yourself to be consumed by Blizzard blatant money sucking practices, It didn't know how much i missed cosmetic lootboxs till they were gone.

tirinho piu piu piu xingamento racista piu piu xenofobia piu

Only fun with friends. Insufferable alone

has issues still, but i like it

October 3rd 2022 was the best day of my life

É bem divertido, não serve muito como sequência do original. A empresa também continua tentando parar o sucesso dessa "franquia", mas a base é muito bem estruturada pra ser divertido.

this game has its claws in me. its like a leech sucking my life away. i hate it i hate it so much yet i cant stop playing. its like looking at a car wreck. every time i play i get angry but fuck i just love getting angry so much. this game actually manages to make me angry even when im not playing it. i love whenever blizzard makes their game worse for no reason every few months. i just love it so much. the only thing that keeps me playing is the dopamine rushes i can only get from overwatch. i feel like an addict logging on trying to get my fix of a fun time but im almost always let down.

anyways blizzard please add a genji oiled up naked skin

I saw this game on the hub and thought I’d try it out! Jk in all seriousness overwatch 2 feels like a dumbed down Free version of a game I payed $40 for. The switch to one tank is strange but works (I Guess). Everytime my buddy Seth plays tank I wish they never made that decision. I hate that skins I used to get for free are $15 and up now I still bought the game!!! It’s just an update not even a new application I just wish they were not so greedy. All that being said I still love playing OW2 and I’m addicted to it kind of like crack. Only difference is OW2 has a worse comedown. It’s free now so might as well pick it up.

doesn't even deserve a full star, game is so bad it killed someone

Yeah I know it can be better but it's the only first person shooter that doesn't give me CS:GO vibes

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk vsf blizzard

paladins de rico (porém pior)


Chinga tú madre Blizzard, neta, que clase de estúpidos están trabajando ahí. Mi odio por este juego es inmenso pero me odio más a mi mismo por seguir jugándolo JAJAJAJA. Mis amigos y yo no tenemos nada más que jugar, ok?

they will ALWAYS make me hate you

Um dos FPS mais divertidos e muita gente gosta, menos a Blizzard