Reviews from

in the past

foi meu sonho jogar overwatch durante a minha adolescência, mas nunca tive um console ou PC pra isso e só via vídeos no Youtube.

tendo isso em evidência, jogar esse jogo foi como realizar meu grande sonho de muito tempo e foi uma experiência incrível até certo tempo, agora já virou algo rotineiro e posso afirmar que o jogo poderia ser muito diferente com as coisas prometidas com essa sequência, com aquele modo história com cutscenes incríveis e mostrando mais da história dos personagens e lugares do mundo, além da famosa árvore de habilidades gigantes com variedades de poderes criativos. meu deus, o que esse jogo poderia ter sido...

foi divertido quando eu migrei pro pc

ajudou bastante a melhorar a mira mas o jogo ser a mesma coisa over and over é muito chato

seems like anytime something becomes free to play the player base gets lots more toxic :)

Só não dei nota mais baixa pq o site não deixa dar nota negativa

Game was great upon release, but went downhill years later

first one betta and aside from that this one was a scam

Honestly I hear a lot of people trash the shit out of overwatch 2 but I really enjoyed what I played. Now this is coming from someone who never played the original overwatch and I can definitely see where the haters of overwatch 2 are coming from. Blizzard promised a lot of stuff including a campaign mode that they just gave up on which led to the games not so favourable reputation. It does now seem though that Blizzard is trying to turn the game around now with the most recent updates though. Putting all that aside, overwatch 2 still finds a way to be an incredibly fun and engaging team based shooter.

I don't breathe through my mouth enough to consider ever playing this shit again

I played overwatch 1 so much and stopped around 2020. When this game came out I had no desire to play it really but I thought I'd give it a chance despite all the bad stuff I had heard. The barrier to entry in this game is ridiculous because none of my stuff migrated, then there was glitches in the mandatory training tutorial, and the support team couldn't help with anything. So tbh I played some quick match games and I won't ever touch this again because theres no way I'm starting from scratch

Wish there was some kind of single-player mode added to this game. It really is just Overwatch but with a 2 behind it.

foi uma ótima sacada pra salvar o fim iminente do 1. O ponto negativo é que as poucas mudanças que foram feitas pioraram mais que melhoraram o jogo em si, pelo menos ele é de graça o que facilita novos players a saírem da merda do paladins e irem jogar um jogo decente.

O jogo já foi legal, mas cansou... tudo que prometeram foi pro caralho e os preços são altissimos!!

This Platinum was tedious. They better not release any more dlc trophies.

Often times man finds himself wishing to play God, and this time, he put us in our place

I like this game as a guy who never played og overwatch

There is one thing Overwatch 2 did right - removing one tank from the team. The experience of the original Overwatch was similar to playing Borderlands on high difficulities - bullet sponge enemies that you couldn't kill, that still did unfair amounts of damage.

Eu não tive a chance de jogar o 1, mas me divirto quando jogo, gosto da variedade de personagens e combinações, mas a Blizzard é muito mercenária então vc pode acabar sentindo falta de algumas coisas

what happened man, i have 300h in og overwatch and they one day just decided to destroy it completely by adding a 2 behind it

Que dire…. Overwatch 2 est un jeu auquel je suis addict parce que j’aime les jeux en multi, notamment ici 5v5. J’aime aussi le gameplay de certains persos, mais putain depuis qu’il est sorti en octobre 2022, j’ai l’impression qu’il y’a bcp de saisons où ils ont nerf leurs persos pour rien, moi qui main support, j’me suis tournée vers dps la saison dernière car ils avaient détruit le rôle de support, en faisait nerfant les heal et en mettant un passif sur les dps qui leur permet de réduire les heal qu’un perso reçoit à chaque
fois qu’il touche ce perso ?? OW2 est devenu un jeu gratuit mais qui fait payer super cher certains cosmétiques… Et leur système de ranked aussi?? Tu gagnes une game mais tu peux quand même baisser? Bcp de choses ne vont pas, mais ils sont petit a petit en train de se rattraper. Pitié Blizzard fix your game, comme à la saison 1.

I don't think I've ever wanted to kill myself this badly before in my life

Look at how they massacred my boy.