Reviews from

in the past

turns pokemon mystery dungeon into item mystery dungeon. what pokemon you use matters not at all compared to having 5 pages of reviver seeds and wand spam, completely sucking the joy out of using the 720 pokemon on offer. most late game dungeons i’ll take 2 steps and get sniped off screen by moves that hit the entire field or from 8 tiles away and do just as much damage as moves up close. it’s not even that it’s difficult because reviver seeds are easy to come by and wand spam is basically fool proof, it’s just not FUN in any sense

I remember liking its story a lot back when it released, the ending gives a twist to us who have played all the previous PMD games. The nods to older characters in the link/friendship system were nice as well.
What I disliked was the level scaling. Why do battles give you so little EXP? It's almost imposible to level up, you're basically forced to use the higher-level recruited Pokemon instead of training your current ones (including the MC and its partner) for the post-game missions and dungeons. The fun of PMD is to play as any Pokemon you want, but Super made it imposible...