Reviews from

in the past

why is this game kicking my ass

Flicking can be really annoying at times, and some games (COUGH THE DAZZLES COUGH) are real stinkers. But for every eh game, there are like 3 amazing ones, so it's all good.

divertido e estressante ao mesmo tempo(?) não sei mais o que falar 😭 mas é legal

Really fun rhythm game, from the creators of Wario Ware. Clearing each minigame without messing up is rewarding, and the game keeps throwing all these little curveballs at you to keep you on your toes, whether it be messing with your vision or switching up the rhythm in the middle of a song. The Wii sequel is better though.

Its fun, but i'll be damned if I ain't really bad at it

favorite version of the rhythm heaven series, has a great library and most memorable games.