Reviews from

in the past

Me lembra um pouco o Way of The Samurai, um jogo com um conceito muito foda mas que parece um protótipo apenas, esse especificamente é bem mal escrito, até "cringe" em alguns momentos, a história se apresenta como algo politizado com um viés anarquista, usando até aquela música insuportável "Bella Ciao" de uma forma terrível pra simbolizar isso, mas no final a grande mensagem ingênua é que o voto de uma única pessoa faz a diferença (até sendo parte da gameplay isso), a partir disso fica bem claro que nenhum anarquista estava presente no desenvolvimento desse jogo.

Magnifique experience de jeu narrative ! Mention speciale pour la bande son !

A pretty cool underrated story game that was honestly super enjoyable I think the fact that this game has so many plot lines is really interesting and the whole story going on is great just in general a cool little game.

القيم بلاي : جدا جميل التحكم كان سلسل وجميل مع انو حسيت في مشكلة فـ حساسية الكاميرا لكني تأقلمت وحبيت دمجهم للاسلوب القصصي والنجاة والتخطيط
القصة : القصة جميلة جدا وحبيت اسلوب روايتهم للقصة دخلت جو معها وحبيت الشخصيات وقصصهم وعلاقاتهم مع بعض
الجرافكس : اللعبة متصممة باسلوب كرتوني جميل جدا والتحريك كان جيد لكن كان في اخطاء فـ نهايات اللعبة حسيتها خربت الجو شوي
الموسيقى : تدخل الجو ومناسبة وجميلة حبيتها جدا جدا والاداء الصوتي ممتاز جدا
تقييمي : اللعبة جدا جميلة واستمتعت فيها لكني تمنيت لو كان في خيارات اكبر بالاختيارات حسيت اللعبة شوي تفتقر للتفاعل مع القرارات يلي اتخذها لكن مع هذا اللعبة تبقى عظيمة

legal mas fica meio repetitivo

A journey across a country any third world dystopian resident (such as I) an easily identify with, it tells of a tale of friendship, hope, companionship, and redemption for multiple millennials seeking a better life outside their country, only to encounter the true heart and soul of the nation, their fellow countrymen. Many variations to the story's ending, this choice heavy and randomly generated road trip is quite a tearjerker in its softer moments. 100% unlocked Zoe & Alex's stories, I'll surely come back for more of Papa Bear and Mama Bear!

Buon indie nel complesso, vari path diversi tra loro e storia non male.

Tirando alguns bugs que amenizaram minha imersão em algumas partes, o jogo é bem gostosinho de jogar e a história abre de forma bem relaxante, ficando fácil de digerir as criticas sociais (que são muitas).

O jogo é relaxante e tem MUITAS criticas. E pelo cenario atual do mundo foi ate bom ver essas criticas. Gostei das historias dos personagens e de eu n ser o personagem principal, e sim so uma engrenagem no mundo do jogo.

Porem, jogos que tem varios finais eu n gosto, e que nao foi possivel fazer 100% com todos os personagens. Jogo bom, mas n pretendo rejogar.

Basically the best indie I've ever played, period.
Road 96 is a game about a dictatorship and teenagers trying to flee the country by any means necessary.
It has a low-poly graphics style, which is astonishing, and the decisions made in the game actually feels impactful, which is amazing!
Everyone should play this AMAZING game!

Very cool game! Snagged it on sale and played it all the way through over a couple of days, amazing game, go play it!

A fun road trip hitchhiker themed game I enjoyed my time with it, the story was interesting and engaging the music was good and the characters where interesting, but I do think it does some things wrong, mainly the fact that it sells itself as a roguelike/procedural generated game and it really isn't. It also isn't that long I completed it in a single night without breaks, but I still think its good enough to warrant your money for the story and music so give it a try.

Interesting little game. It had some quirks that I wish had been ironed out, specifically in terms of the writing. But it has heart, and I like it for that. Also the vibes were noice.

A game unlike any other I'd played. It's like a playable story with roguelite elements, and gameplay elements like a life meter and money. My niece, nephew and teen cousin were hooked watching me play, and my cousin in particular bought it himself, beat it 3 times, and showed it to friends. I beat it 5 times.

A road trip in a corrupt country with corrupt cops, a divided populace, and you're just trying to escape. A colorful cast of characters, a mixture of comedy, drama and suspense, and a lot of interesting minigames that mix things up. There's nothing else quite like it out there and I loved the experience. (But I hated the sequel, Mile 0.)