Reviews from

in the past

Epic Games lost my saves and this game is not THAT good for me to redo the two story missions I got to do.

"How does it feel to have lived long enough to see all your favorite franchises go down in flames?"

Jogo bem diverdido, nada de historia complexa ou uma gameplay absurda. Saints Row foca na simplicidade e consegue ser bem divertido, gostei bastante. Tem bastante a vibe do saints 3.

Unfortunately, it was really disappointing and there was no fun to be had here. At best it was an incredibly bland attempt at making Saints Row horribly contemporary and at worst it was a technically broken nightmare. You remember the intro to Saints Row 3 where you dive from a helicopter into a party while a Kanye West song plays? It's over the top, ridiculous and fun as hell. In Saints Row 2022 you're a faceless soldier with a bad boss going through boring third person combat training and you have to do a turret section.

The only pro I can say is that the character creator was, as ever, pretty good and had a lot of decent options but less so than the other games. You had to put a bit more effort in to make a neon green mineral man in underwear and personally I struggled to create WWE superstar Byron Saxton with any degree of accuracy, but this may have been a skill issue. Outside of the first two games which I finished solo, I've played the series exclusively in co-op and it simply didn't work on a technical level in this game. Don't get me wrong, it was hilarious, but I was laughing at how broken the game was and this was after they'd patched it. Any interior shop was a portal to the void under the map, where I could paraglide for a really long time. The base combat was strangely unsatisfying compared to the other games, especially the melee combat.

The characters weren't terribly appealing either. Every character I saw would've been overshadowed by the previous cast. Stillwater wasn't all that iconic or anything, but I still remember parts of the map. This random desert town felt pretty unremarkable. All in all, it's just not really worth the time - I'm glad I got it for free on Epic.

Easily one of the worst games of all time

A ps5 cool game, post game too buggy and easy to have the platinum

dropped it after 2 hours and it i didnt get it for free i wouldve called my bank and disputed the charge

Well, definitely not a great game or an original one or anything, but as a fan of the series I enjoyed the main plotline enough to finish it and put in about 30 hours total, including some character quests and other stuff.

Could have been an interesting reboot for the series, too bad the studio is dead now so it's probably the last entry the franchise will have.

errrrrrrrrm............ what the woke???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Gameplay is kinda fun but the game world and its characters are so bland and boring that it’s hard to enjoy the game.

co op is more broken than sr2 and can not save this game bro

This game sucks, it has no soul. If it wasn't for the desert larping fort missions it be a no star. Such a fall from grace.

melhor q saints row 3 em gameplay e mapa
mas a historia, santo deus chega a ser pior, 0 chefes interessantes das gangues rivais e sem uma porra de uma boss battle boa
isso é tudo culpa do saints row 3