Reviews from

in the past

Eu definitivamente não tava esperando gostar desse jogo

É o seguinte, eu sou fã de Saints Row pra caramba, joguei o The Third, quatro e um pouco do 2 (pena que não deu pra zerar por conta dos crashs ridiculo no PC), foram incontável as vezes em que me diverti de montão com essa franquia, obviamente eu fiquei ''hypado'' pro Saints Row reboot quando o anunciaram mas desisti de jogar ele no lançamento já que muita gente falou que ele tava bugadasso e isso ai me desanimou.

Só que os anos passaram e agora eu dei uma chance pro Reboot dessa franquia que eu tanto amo, e o resultado foi bem diferente do que pensei: eu gostei MUITO desse jogo.

Achei tudo nele insanamente divertido, alguns falaram que o roteiro dele era porco mas sinceramente achei bom, claro que é um tanto desconectado ali um pouco as vezes, mas isso é um tanto comum em jogos de mundo aberto de missões desse tipo. Os personagens novos são carismáticos cada um com sua personalidade própria e jeitão próprio, é claro que no começo eu fiz cara de nojinho pra eles porque eu tinha um certo apego pelos personagens antigos e conhecidos da franquia, mas quando foi passando algum tempo eu comecei a criar afeto por eles e claro, pela conexão que eles tem com o protagonista.

Hoje em dia tem bastante bugs consertados e você quase não ve nenhum enquanto joga, aparece um e outro ali na questão gráfica e poucos na gameplay, mas não é nada que de fato te faça sei la perder save ou perder a paciência enquanto joga.

E as explosões.. cara elas tão perfeitas, e explosões querendo ou não faz parte da identidade do Saints Row e eles não falharam em deixar elas catastróficas e belas, o gráfico também ta muito bonito mas em alguns momentos o jogo fica meio feinho tenho que admitir, só que gráfico nunca foi muito o forte da franquia então não me importei tanto.

Dito isso tudo, joguem Saints Row se vocês gostarem de jogos desse tipo meio ''trashzao'' (não sei se existe um termo pra jogos assim), tenho certeza que irão amar a experiência que ele tem a oferecer ultimamente!

(ah.. e tem um sistema de personalização de personagem impecável.. da pra criar até o John Wick)

well *I* liked it a decent amount tbh.

not sure what was going on with both the pre-release promotion for this game or the broader reception to it since it dropped. i can understand complaints about the humor being inconsistent, the gameplay not seeing many shifts/improvements, and the like but this isn't some massive departure or something that one would expect given the reaction.

i wasn't a massive fan of the other Saints Row games i've played (bits of 1 with The Third and 4 in full, just 2 left to go) so with this feeling so similar you'd think it would tank the whole thing but it kinda worked. i think in context of playing this at this point in time when similar games in this wheelhouse have felt so serious and borderline joyless it almost approached feeling refreshing.

messy writing or not, i really enjoyed the friendship dynamic between the cast and i liked Neena and Kev a lot.

I went in with an open mind and Saints Row 2022 still managed to be worse than anything I could have expected.

The narrative isn't silly enough to justify how nonsensical a lot of the characters and world stuff are. It's also not grounded enough for me to care about the stakes it puts it's characters through. I never once cared for the dialogue spouted by the Ryan Reynolds wanabe protagonist. It's so so dull.

The gameplay is just tired third person shooter stuff, but it can't even get that right. Since SR 2022 feels notably worse than 10 year old games. Nothing much of value here.

I haven't even mentioned bugs yet. I'm usually someone who is very generous for bugs and glitches because they're so often either funny or non-intrusive. The bugs in Saints Row just mean core things like opening car doors won't work until you reboot your console. FUN STUFF.

I played 50 hours of this in coop only to have a trophy glitch on me. Dogshit game.

The Saints are politically conscious college kids committing crimes to pay off their student debt and it’s the funniest opening to a video game ever right up until the point you realise they’re not kidding. Somehow, the game keeps going after that.

yknow, i gave this game a couple hours to get the feel of it. it got a couple laughs out of me (i can tell the writing had my age group of mid 20 year olds in mind), car explosions were spectacular. but the main take away was that...its just plain boring.

it has the ingredients to make a good or fairly okay saints row, but it seems like the passion was just no where at all. just a game to say, "hey! dont worry, we still think about saints row! heres a game to show we havent killed it entirely!"

it's a shame though we'll likely never see a two to try to fix the major problems this game faced. rip volition

This game isn't perfect, but it definitely gets way more hate than it deserves. The biggest downside of this game is the story, but not even for being poorly written. I wouldn't say there's anything real "cringe" dialogue, but the characters really don't make much of an impression throughout the main campaign, but there are some highlights still. Neenahs side missions did a lot to really endear me to her while Eli has a great multi part RP side quest that's a ton of fun. Kevin is the only real character that I feel falls flat. He really doesn't have any side missions or real moments that endear me to him, but he's not unbearable to be around. The other problem with the story is that since it's a reboot the whole game is centered around building the Saints as an organization, so the game ends where you feel that it should just be starting. Definitely all problems that could be sorted out if they were given the chance to do a sequel to it. Outside of the story problems, the game plays exactly like Saints Row and is just as fun as it was in the other 4 entries. Fuck Embracer for sabotaging the release of this game and shuttering Volition.

I'm one of the few people that saw how bad this game looked, watched how bad it played, heard how bad it sounded, read how badly it was written, and still wanted it to turn out to be good.
It's not.

I am by no means a Saints Row fan, and I have a lot of issues with the games, but at their core they were still fun to play even if a lot of it could be cringe and some stuff doesn't hold up at all. So a reboot could be cool, especially since a lot of people long for the days of SR2 and even 3.

Unfortunately, this is more like a bunch of people looked at the franchise and said "Saints Row sucks. I can do better", then took a sledgehammer to everything outside of the color purple. There's nothing left but the writer's ego.

Gunplay is bad, driving is bad, writing is worse, everything just feels so bland and soulless I'd believe you if you told me it was AI generated.
I couldn't care less about the bugs if anything in this game was fun, but it just isn't. Even without comparing to previous SR titles or any other GTA-like, the game just isn't fun.

$100 million down the drain, countless crunch hours wasted, and this is the final result.
"Sad" is the only thing to say about it.

Very very over hated I really enjoyed this game 🤷🏽‍♂️

Saints Row (2006) if it was remade by r/fellowkids.

Even with a pirated copy i felt like i got scam

If you saw me playing it, nah, I didn't play the game. I just know it's bad.

I think this game gets dogpiled on unfairly. It's not amazing, but it's fun to turn your brain off to and just explode things.

Man, this game is so mediocre. it's still quite buggy, it was way worse on launch apparently so If I had paid for it in that state I'd probabky give it 1 and a half stars. The story is meh, there's a couple of nice moments and missions but that's it. The gameplay is a bit clunky but it gets the job done, you can do takedowns and some special moves. There's good weapon variety and it's the same thing with cars. The city felt mostly very boring, the side activities didn't interest me in any way. There's a really good thing about this game which is the character customization, you can change lots of things to make your character's design stand out! If this game had been in dev for a couple more years it could've been great. It's insane how GTA V (a 9 year old game when this released) does everything better and I'm not a huge fan of GTA V lol. I'm still hyped to play SR3 and 4, which I both have on Epic.

I have played just about every saints row (2 is my fav)

i saw saints row was coming back and everyone said the reboot was going to be ass and i said "lets give it a chance"

wish i never did...
problaby one of the worst games i ever played
other than the customization (which is really good) the game sucks at everything else
mission design, the open world, the writting, the story, combat. also very glitchy when it first came out too.

it feels like a game that should have came out in like 2012. but horrible cringy writing of a present day game.

i had already payed full price and i sadly had to torture myself and beat it, ending was ass as well.... what a sad way for a great franchise like saints row to go out...

This game literally killed Volition

Eu poderia fazer uma piada sobre a estética horrorosa que parece ai generated, sobre o gunplay medíocre, a dirigibilidade e física cagados, os péssimos personagens, o mundo aberto vazio e sem graça, as missões repetitivas.

Mas vou só falar que uma missão bugou após o checkpoint e me colocou em uma situação de softlock onde eu precisei ficar 10 minutos quebrando e bugando o proprio jogo pra consertar ele e progredir. Esse dia foi cinema

The Poochie of videogames. All flavor and interest drained from the series. Even worse than the hamfisted board room/focus group manufactured attempts of the story to appeal to a certain demographic and nobody else, are the flabby controls and gameplay-- worse than any other version of the game. Nothing about the gameplay or the city is unique and interesting enough to warrant wasting any time on this. Thank god I got for free.

Everyone has their guilty pleasures. Sure, you could make the case that you shouldn't feel guilty for liking anything and that the onus is more on the person complaining than you. That being said, yikes, if I don't feel guilty for enjoying this particular mess.

Not that I'm blaming anyone in particular, really; I mean, it is easy to see what people take issue with when you're playing Saints Row.

I dubbed it my GOTY of 2022, and while I don't necessarily regret saying so, it's clear that a sizable portion of that was a combination of the honeymoon period and me forcing myself to enjoy it as much as possible without just relaxing and taking it as it was presented to me.

Now that I've done the latter, it's clear that Saints Row is a game with a lot of charm and heart, but much of that is couched in a plethora of bugs that still persist today, even with several major updates under its belt. There are gameplay mechanics that feel like an afterthought, like the takedown system, for instance, which locks you into an animation that can take several seconds to play out every time.

The key issues, though, are an underdeveloped antagonist who ultimately just amounts to 'evil man' and general tonal inconsistencies, particularly with the player character, who jumps between being a fun, goofy reprobate who's fresh out of university and a ruthless mercenary with a love of murder. Sure, there have been numerous characters across media that fit those criteria, but Saints Row wants to have its cake and eat it too, and it tries to do both but never really sticks the landing.

And yet, I still really enjoy Saints Row. Despite my own criticisms and what super-online folks say, it's clear that this game wasn't just shat out without a moment's thought, and parts of it, like the LARP questline, the sheer depth of customization, and your trio of closest friends and the banter and rapport you have with them, are all things I found to be really charming and definitely worthy of praise amidst its more lackluster elements.

I don't believe Saints Row is a bad game. It definitely has meh-to-bad parts in it, but it's also a great sandbox to play around in, with Santo Ileso being a lot of fun to explore from start to finish, delivered with fun and charming characters and an overall buoyant energy that might be inappropriate for the series it's rebooting but, for better or worse, is still synonymous with the 360/PS3 era of open-world games that the series was birthed from in the first place.


Saints Row is the latest entry in the action-adventure video game series created by Volition and published by THQ and Deep Silver. This game was released in 2022. and due to negative reviews Volition shut down in August 2023. and the IP was transferred to Plaion.
You are taking control of the boss to create a new criminal empire led by The Saints in Santo Ileso. Along with that, you have three other companions (Neenah, Kev and Eli) to help you achieve that.

*Note: Since this is the first Saints Row game I've played, I will not be able to compare it to previous titles nor I don't know what is the set standard for a Saints Row game.
Also, I won't be able to say anything about the coop features this game offers since I didn't have the possibility to try them.

I already knew about all the backlash towards this game, but I wanted to try it anyway, having low expectations. At first, I was amazed by the game, but the more I played it, the more issues, bugs and unrealistic features I encountered.
Vehicles having a health bar is okay, but somehow you don't take any damage except visual when you crash into a vehicle on purpose, you take damage only if you're crashing into the environment or when someone else crashes into you.
The traffic system is great, but if you're standing, waiting for a green light, the vehicles behind you think that you're obstructing traffic on purpose and they will try to surpass you even though the light is still red (I know no one will be obeying the traffic laws, but since this is an open-world with traffic, I wanted to try to see how realistic the game is).
The story overall was funny at times and unrealistic at others, especially when you're hijacking the Panteros' convoy and Marshall's train and while doing that, the convoy and train are driving in an infinitely long straight map.
The difficulty options are adjustable along the way, which is great, since the more I was upgrading my weapons, the easier the chosen difficulty seemed to be.
You have the possibility to upgrade both cars and weapons up to three times with money, cars also have a few other upgrade options, but all of them have a Signature Ability which is unlocked after completing a certain challenge for that car/weapon.
The best part of the game is the customisation, cars, weapons and you (the boss) can be customised in many ways. You have many options to customise the appearance of your boss. You can get clothes in shops found around town. It is worth noting that there is a bug when adjusting the colours of clothes. Many of the clothes will not give you the possibility to change the colours at first, especially clothes with some brands and underwear. To be able to change them you just have to switch back and forth a bit until you get the option since all clothes can change colours.
The physics in this game are also unrealistic at times, but nothing too severe to disrupt the gameplay.
The city of Santo Ileso is in my opinion quite deserted, there aren't as many people wandering or driving around the city as someone would expect.

Unfortunately, this game pays more attention to venture missions rather than story missions since you're building a criminal empire and by doing that, the game has many repetitive missions. Well, you don't have to do them, but if you want to earn as much money as possible to be able to build the last building as soon as possible, you will have to do them. The game also contains several types of side hustles (side missions) which are also repetitive and not required to complete. The story itself wasn't quite long and you will spend more time doing side activities.

All in all, wherever there was a good feature not far a bug or something unrealistic would be hidden to make the game less enjoyable. The game in its current state (April 2024.) is still filled with various minor bugs that do not affect the gameplay much, but they do make the game less amusing, it's probably much better than what it was when it was released.
To sum up, this game is good, but there is much that needs to be done to make it a more pleasurable experience.

Brain dead MAGA people calling this "woke." They want the same characters to be reused until the end of time because they can't get over their nostalgia, how sad! Fun refreshing gameplay that will put GTA6 to shame. If you're still supporting Rockstar after all the crap they've been pulling, well, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee.

I went into Saints Row expecting it be the worst of the series - an unpolished, unfocused mess with poor writing and annoying characters. Through the first act, that is what Saints Row is. This game does not put its best foot forward. The game has a slow start, the writing is at its worst, which leads to the unlikable characters. However, once the Saints start becoming Saints, things get better and better. By the end, I was loving my time with Saints Row's last hurrah.

Not to say it was a great game by the end. The business venture side missions (which honestly felt like the bulk of the game) became tired and repetitive fairly quickly. Each business has its own unique side mission, which are mostly fun. The problem is I do the side mission, had fun, and the game says do it ten more times. Its those last ten times that are no fun.

Most criticism I heard about the writing and characters were one hundred percent accurate based on the first cut scene with the companions. It was a bad scene. Fortunately, the characters got better. They don't compare to the original Saints; the new Saints have plenty to like about them. The story focused more on the companions and less on the rival gangs. I would have liked more story to flesh out the other gangs; maybe focus less on the business ventures.

Additionally, the game's story was oddly paced. It felt like it took forever for the Saints to form. Then before I knew it, all the rivals gangs were defeated (in a span of three consecutive missions) and I was on the last mission. It could be because during act two, I was mostly focused on the business venture side missions, but thinking about the story, it definitely felt the first act was the longest, which each successive act being shorter. Which is a shame since the first act is definitely the weakest.

Stand alone, Saints Row is a decent game with writing and pacing issues. As an entry in the Saints Row franchise, it definitely falls beneath the heights of 2 and 3. Volition and Saints Row deserved another go around to get things right (I say the same thing about Agents of Mayhem). Unfortunately, the volatility of the video game industry means neither Volition or Saints Row will get to return to glory. While it wasn't the studio's or franchise's best, Saints Row was worth a playthrough, and I had plenty of good times with it.

just super flimsy and annoying. there's like no soul or anything inside this game. it is hollow and empty. nothing to grip or hold on to. i had hoped maybe there'd be a spark inside of it, but nope. nice setting though. the bright orange amalgamation of New Mexico and Nevada is really soothing on the eyes. but it, too, is a hollow nothingness ultimately.

when one of your side quests is functionally broken, I think you should take time to rework it.

It killed Saints Row and Volition

This game got done dirty. One of the most joyous, fun, well-written, bitingly smart open world games I've played. On par with Saints Row 2 for me personally. Difficulty is slightly unbalanced and a little overly punishing on default, but there are so many different tweaking options that it really doesn't matter. Also a rare game where the DLC expansions are on par with (or even better than) the best of the base game's content. Don't be put off by that absolutely godawful launch trailer, the game is nothing like that.

Every time I try to give this game another chance, I almost immediately put it back down, and every time I think "Wow, this game seems like it had so much potential but studio meddling has ruined it." I used to think that was just extreme levels of cope, but ever since Volition went under, I have seen articles come out that straight up say "Yeah, we wanted to make a good game with things fans wanted but Deep Silver kept telling us no."

i've played every saints row and liked all of them and this is no exception

é um jogo divertido, tem um historia muito enxuta, gameplay divertida. é bom pra passar o tempo, mas não me prendeu o suficiente pra querer fazer side quests.
No geral é isso, divertido.

i 100%'ed this game; let it be known that I'm the truest most dedicated Saints Row fan out there
this game's a 2.5 out of 5 and I'm being pretty generous with that.