Reviews from

in the past

Sonic the Hedgehog, 8-bit. I like it!

It’s not got much to it really. It’s by far inferior to it’s 16-bit counterpart, has almost no regard for designing sections around speed, and the Game Gear version has horrible slowdowns when more than a single entity is on the screen. Despite this it still feels like good classic Sonic to me somehow and is just a simple fun platformer with some cool level themes and a very charming soundtrack. (Who knew Yuzo Koshiro composed a Sonic game?)

One of the most charming things is the overworld map. A real effort was made to provide the player in-game some continuity between each zone and how the overall journey pans out across South Island. Something the 16-bit versions of Sonic 1 and 2 mostly didn’t try. You can actually see how we go from Jungle, to Labyrinth, to Scrap Brain, don’t just gotta take their word for it anymore.

100% - Max Special Bonus - All Special Stages, Collectible 1 Ups, Chaos Emeralds

The simplicity of the game works both in its favor and against it. I found myself getting annoyed with this version far less than the 16-Bit one, though there was also less spectacle in the gameplay, graphics, and music.

Finding the Chaos Emeralds in the stages is a neat change, not sure if it's better than Special Stages but it does promote exploring the levels (even if this version has less potential exploration). Additionally, this change makes Special Stages way less frustrating as the only thing you miss out on by missing or doing poorly in them are extra lives and continues (and points if you care about those)

I really enjoyed the sense of setting that this game uses, the zones tell a story in a way that the 16-Bit version fails to do, and the map helps a tremendous amount in this regard.

It's not the best handheld platformer, but it does seem more complete and enjoyable than the majority of its contemporaries

Plataformer clássico que bota de chinelo muito jogo indie em.

Despite bein' the first in the series, it's surprisingly just as a fun as the Genesis version, if not more.
Though It's best to jump into this game w/ a different mentality as it plays more like a traditional 2D Platformer rather than a Sonic Game.
The emerald hunting was alot more fun than whatever the Genesis had cooking up.
I'd recommend it a whole lot

The only good act is Green Hill Zone

I didn't know this existed till recently it was decent.

Not half bad overall. About on the same level as the genesis version for me. Doesn't reeeeally play like a Sonic game, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. One of the harder games in the series, and I did end up using save states to get through it cuz tbh I couldn't be bothered messing with the lives system. A fairly good time tho, didn't age THAT badly.

This game is honestly pretty fun for the first two acts. The last four really drop the ball but I'd be lying if I said this game was devoid of enjoyment. I honestly like a lot of the bosses in this game more than the Genesis version and Labyrinth Zone is slightly less terrible. If it wasn't so held back by hardware limitations, it would probably be on par with the Genesis version, but this one isn't half bad, even though overall it's pretty mediocre and the last few levels are just boring, like they were running out of ideas.

Some of the stages level design don't support the fast pacing scroll platforming. Instead they are really slow paced, going against Sonics momentum/speed gameplay philosophy. Amazing visuals and soundtrack.

Nunca achei graça em Sonic, tipo, personagem é legal, já os jogos....