Reviews from

in the past

Nobody I know was forced to play this.

Without a doubt the most fun I've had with The Room franchise so far, this third game is a much more cohesive, content-rich, and visually impressive game over the previous two entries. I feel like the puzzle design has been improved a lot and doesn't merely rely on you clicking random things all the time. The narrative is also really interesting and the whole game gives off an awesome mysterious vibe. An added bonus is the multiple endings, which I actually enjoyed working towards and seeing.

O 2 é bem melhor, mas esse não chega a ser ruim não

Aufwendigster und Schönster Teil der Reihe bis jetzt, durchdachter als der Zweite. Trotzdem immer noch hinter Teil Eins.

I don't think this game is that good because of a lot of rooms that you have to travel ingame to discover one action but adding more endings isn't that bad, liked it

I must have played through this game 20 times by now. I know all the solutions to all the puzzles but it's still fun to redo them all again. Even better than the previous two instalments.

The Room Three is a masterpiece and well worthy sequel to the two previous games. Fireproof Games has once again done it in creating a puzzle game without making it tedious (well almost, I'll get back to that) or repetetive.

In this game there's a lot of new and innovative puzzles and mini-games previously not seen in the earlier games. I like the new mechanic where you go into small spaces to solve puzzles or mini-games, and I'm a big fan on how they changed the "line game" into something different. There's various rooms and it's all interconnected by it being set in a big mansion.

The game does look stunning and it's noticeable that they've upped the graphic in this sequel and that's definitely a plus. The environment of the mansion is fun to explore as there's details everywhere, including things not even relevant to the puzzles. It simply looks good!

So something new and different with this entry in the series is that it does have multiple endings. "Oh no" you might think, but also "Hey, that's neat!". I think both, mainly because to get all endings you basically need to repeat the last puzzle of the games over until you get all four of them. The endings are nice though and it does add an extra touch to the game.

Definitely recommended if you enjoyed previous games in the series! I hope a fourth game is coming out, perhaps not set in The Room universe but I'd just love to see more games from Fireproof. I know they've released the VR-only spin-off game but it'd be great with more non-VR titles!