Reviews from

in the past

me a few days ago: haha i will install a load of funny mods and see what chaos happens :)

me now: i will protect my wife ryo and daughter giulia with my fucking life and be the best husband and father i can

edit: this game has given me a fucking existential crisis

edit 2: playing too much sims may have fucking killed my pc lmao

The inital release of this game dissappointed many fans as they reduced the traits from 5 to 3. This I think was rectrified later, however, it's obvious where EA were going with this as items were missing from the previous game and sold back to everyone in packs.

Currently all of the packs together combined cost, currently, £1,099.24. I thought it was bad enough with the previous games with the amount of extra content being offered, but like I said, much of the stuff that was standard was removed from this game and to make up for it, you have to pay.

The backlash clearly caused quite a commotion as the game is now currently free for download, but missing so many functions I'm not certain you could call it a actual game anymore and just a removed portion.

What the game does give you is a lot of fun though, along with the ability to become a mad scientist and take over the world! Of course, it's all in good fun!

Something else I quite liked was not only do you have the stock families, but you have the ability to upload your own fun family to the system for others to enjoy too or just make your neighbourhoods feel a little more like it's filled with real people by having their own made characters! However, if you don't have the DLC on those characters you can't bring them into the game world, which sucks.

The game allows for the addition of mods too which you can use to enhance the game and attempt to make up for the massive gap of content created by having so much of this game gutted, It's still good for what it is, but I just hate the corporate BS that's going on here to try and swindle money out of everyone.

already feels so nostalgic for me ;_; i think everyone will always have a soft spot for the sims game they grew up with, and this one is mine. i adore ts4, flaws and all, and i still play it fairly often 10 years later (modded to hell, but yeah). idk it just makes me feel all light and comfortable and silly and creative ect ect.

A really fun life sim game if you have $1000 to spare!

If not it’s just OK.

love the build buy in this game but the gameplay cannot compare to other games

Get this if you have a powerful pc and wanna mod the fuck out of the game.

I LOVE this game, I thought it was revolutionary when it came out, it had a different vibe than everyone else, I missed the free map from The Sims 3, but besides that, I'm going to give it a low rating due to the DLCs factor, have you seen the cost of them all? It's bizarre.

impossivel jogar sem mod e varias extensão e pacote ele é muito mais facil que os outros de um jeito chato mas o modo construção perfeito

up with the ranks of overwatch as another game that's carried by porn

Maybe the worst sims game but it has the best mods so thanks ea for making this game so talented people can make it cool

(Wicked whims is great i can live out my sexy bisexual fantasies with goro akechi)

Enjoyment - 5/10
Difficulty - 3/10

If you need a fix of Sims in your life, this will do the trick, but at that point you might as well go to church to wash away your sins. The PlayStation 4 version ran like a old motor struggling to get into third gear. Maybe this is the sign from God to get a Honda Civic. Waiting for the Joyous Church pack.

Tive uma boa vida nesse jogo, tive dois filhos lindos e uma esposa, era bem sucedido e rico, um renomado artista! A vida dos sonhos!

i dont even like this game why do i keep playing it

Me when my I release an unfinished game and make all of the things that should've been at launch a paid dlc

péssimo. personagens sem personalidade, sem vontade própria, literalmente robôs. não reconheço dina caliente como dina caliente e isso serve para todos outros personagens da saga. jogabilidade péssima... gráfico não é tudo em um jogo e a única diversão que pode vir do the sims 4 é o próprio enredo que o player tem que criar na sua cabeça.. toda diversão vai ser merito do jogador e esse the sims não terá nenhuma influência sobre. esse the sims passa longe de qualquer traço do 2 e 3, é uma vergonha para a saga...

Gosto muito de Sims no geral. Embroa não tenha jogado muitos e saiba que este não é o melhor, o jogo é agradável. Pena o monte de DLCs que tem e que deveriam ser contéudo incluido com o jogo base. Ainda assim, consegue ser um jogo divertido e ocupar muito do meu tempo livre.

really my favorite game of this franchise.

...nevertheless, this is a case where piracy should be warmly welcomed. i'm pretty sure that the total price of all dlc is equal to the price of a human kidney.

Really love it, just wished there were more variety (for furniture etc) for a building game

I studied, worked, got married, had a child, had countless promotions, grew old with my wife and finally my daughter continued the legacy. How boring, but the construction is very interesting.

Cool CAS and building mode. That’s it.

I have 5000 hours in this game, I think I may be legally married to it 🧍

aí gente, como eu amo passar 5h seguidas instalando CC, 3h fazendo minha sim, mais 3h fazendo minha casa e nunca mais abrir aquele save ❤️
serio, o que os gráficos desse jogo tem de bonitos, ele não tem de boa jogabilidade. se vc quer realmente uma experiência realista onde seu Sim tem uma vida normal e não gasta metade do dia fazendo um relatório no computador, vc tem que instalar diversos mods que dão uma vida pros NPCs, adiciona mais profundidade pras aspirações e vontades do seu personagem, shortcuts pra diminuir o tempo que vc gasta em coisas inúteis e mais outros mods que deviam ser obrigacao do proprio jogo de ter, como mais profissões que te deixem acompanhar o Sim e tomar decisões, doenças, e outros detalhes que fazem MUITA falta
não vou deixar de jogar nunca pq amo o create a sim, é super divertido e posso passar horas fazendo personagens de série, filmes etc e suas respectivas casinhas, mas como jogo de simulador de vida real ele é bem ruinzinho

Bro this is my comfort game I love it so much, I've spent way to much money on packs but who cares. i tend to come back to it every few months play through a legacy for 3 generations and quit then start a new one months later lmao.

jogar crackeado é daora mas o normal é absurdo de tanta coisa que precisa pagar