Reviews from

in the past

This Witcher 3 DLC is especially unique, and doubly so if you play in Polish. Story is amazing, engaging, and Olgierd's character is something out of a Sienkiewicz novel.

Great dlc, story and characters are really good also boss fights were really cool + ending was so special

Gameplay - 10
Story - 10
Graphics - 10
Soundtrack - 10
Level Design - 9
World Building - 8
Character Development - 8
Immersion - 9
Longevity - 8
Innovation - 8

Overall - 9.0

A masterpiece in story writing and some of the most engaging characters in gaming makes this my favorite DLC in any game ever.

Just amazing. This DLC introduced my favourite all-time favourite villain character in anything I've ever experienced. The quests are wonderfully made, including an upbeat wedding, a heist of an auction house, and the exploration of a painted world. Some content is added such as new enemy types and some bandit camps, as well as new gwent cards and a new 'runewright' system. I seriously cannot recommend this masterpiece enough.

Gaunter personnage le plus impressionant et terrifiant de l'histoire

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Wow. This was extremely good. I was really struggling to think if this deserves such a high rating, considering I don't usually rank DLCs all too high, but it really, truly does. Damn near everything about it was done perfectly, and in many ways its even better than the base game.

Starting, as I do, with the positives. The main storyline is fan-fucking-tastic. The major characters all play their role extremely well. Olgierd acts as something of a "fallen hero" in this DLC as his actions have continuously done harm to all those around him, but you come to understand that his intentions aren't all villainous. The Master Mirror, on the other hand, acts as the main antagonist of the DLC, and I'd easily argue he is a much better villain than Eredin was. The game shrouds him in mystery and even from the moment you meet him you know something isn't quite right. Shani, who returns from the first Witcher game, is just an all around very likeable character and I was smiling ear to ear when I saw her return, even if she plays a more secondary role in the DLC. There were some other great characters of note but all-in-all the point is that from their writing to their voice acting performances, it was all great. The four major quests of the DLC all followed different characters and told separate stories but despite that were all very good and felt interconnected to the main story. From going to a wedding party as Olgierd's brother to going through the memories of Iris von Ererec, it just worked, and the former quest was even among my favorite quests in the entire game. It's just so well done. I could gush about this DLC's storyline for a while longer, but I think it's in everyone's best interest that I don't.

On the negative side, the game still holds some of the jank found in the base game. It's a big game, so I can't blame it too much but its still worth mentioning. The DLC has a couple of side quests as well. They are pretty tame, and not particularly memorable. 100% a weak part of Hearts of Stone, but still, even getting some side content is pretty good for a DLC.

I don't really know what else to say. It's just really really really good. CD Projekt already put their all into this game, and the DLC follows up the high standards really well. Would totally recommend to all owners of The Witcher 3.

Hearts of Stone é uma DLC incrível, história bem legal, antagonista muito foda, ele realmente dava medo, a história da Iris e do Olgierd é muito bonita, achei a DLC ao todo muito boa.

Pas mal mais pas au niveau du reste

Можно выебать рыжуху. И она даже не сифилисная, как в оригинальной игре!