Reviews from

in the past

moldou o meu gosto musical e me apresentou o meu esporte favorito, com certeza um dos jogos mais importantes da minha vida

Skateboarding is kinda silly when you think about it but then everything is silly like why am I even writing this.

Immer ein nettes, kleines Spiel zum zurückkehren. Es ist so viel besser als Teil 1 in so ziemlich allen Punkten, Vert fühlte sich in der Reihe nie wieder so gut an.
Ich merk aber auch immer wieder, wie ich so ab Venice mein Interesse verliere und keine Lust mehr auf die 100% habe weshalb ich es immer nur noch durchziehe. Anyway, fun game.

Can't go wrong with THPS2, it's definitely an upgrade compared to the first game (manuals, finally), and it might be one of the best games on the PS1.

(Completed 100% as Tony Hawk only, will revisit once I get a physical copy.)

I tried it cause i've heard it get props since 2013. Wasn't for me. Cool soundtrack though. Controls were 2 difficult.

This is the one that started it all for me, this is where the obsession with this series began. Am I being biased? absolutely! did I grow up with these games as a kid? yup! and I love every bit of that for me. THPS2 was so important for me as a young human, it's still in my DNA. Going back and playing this one is clunky at times, especially when you compare this title to the rest that followed. I find myself thinking much harder when trying to run combos, bail central. I mean, the soundtrack.. cmon.. perfect. The absolute throwback of 90's skateboarding style and fashion? perfect. This game is a time capsule and a monument not only for myself but I know for so many others. If you've never played THPS2 before in your life it might be a little late for you to understand the fandom, but recognize its importance.