Reviews from

in the past

Mal wieder eins der Spiele, dessen Wertung ich nicht verstehe..
Warum haben ausgerechnet Backtrackingspiele die miesesten Schnellreisesysteme?

Das Spiel fühlt sich unrund an. Blocken klappt nicht immer, auch das Schlagen ist sooo langsam.
Aber das ist kein Problem, denn das Spiel ist VIEL zu leicht.

Es gibt weder Story noch Atmosphäre.

Gegner besiegen bringt zumindest meist etwas.

Die ganzen Verbrauchsitems sind nutzlos, da das Spiel ja zu leicht ist.
Daher sind auch 9 von 10 Kisten nutzlos.
Und mehr als Kisten finden bietet das Spiel leider nicht.
Die meisten Gegner sind mit "hingehen draufhauen" zu besiegen. Und dann liegen die noch locker 5 Sekunden da.
Was bescheuert ist, wenn man in nem dünnen Gang ist UND NICHT VORBEI kommt.

Gegen Ende schickt einen das Spiel natürlich nochmal überall hin.. backtracking pur.

Die Vergleiche mit Zelda sind ehrlichweise ne Beleidigung.
Das Spiel ist nicht ganz kacke (daher 3 Sterne) aber ich war echt froh, als es durch war und ich nie wieder durch diese inspirationslose tote Welt laufen musste.

The level design in Tunic is something to behold, I was impressed at how the game comes up with creative pathways and areas throughout. Tunic unfolds the deeper you get, it expands and becomes more unique and special. It's a true gem and one of the best indie games of the last decade.

With only two minor achievements left, I can safely review this surprise gem! It's a mix of Zelda, Dark Souls AND puzzle games like Fez. While the first half captured me with exploration and combat, the latter half for completion had some of the most satisfying convoluted puzzles I ever solved. Play it!

Игра - бимба. Зельда на максималках + мини дарк соулс. Самые сложные загадки евер, если на тру концовку. Шедевр.

This review contains spoilers

This is objectively probably deserving of a higher rating than I'm giving it, but you've likely read reviews other than mine and/or played it yourself and loved it so this is lower based purely on my individual enjoyment. Tunic is a well-crafted and thought-out experience boasting great music (the music that plays whenever you're shopping is a personal favorite of mine!), beautiful art style, fantastic level design, and of course the best part was the instruction manual the game revolves around.

I played about two hours and initially felt incredibly overwhelmed. While this is more akin to a classic Zelda game, parts of it felt like a metroidvania to me which really is not my style of game. Eventually, I took to turning off and on some of the accessibility features as needed. This made the game much more enjoyable and digestible for me so kudos to the devs for including it. I'm not one to stray away from a challenge, but given that I probably would have quit without them due to my personal taste when it comes to certain mechanics it was a welcome addition and if you're in a similar position don't be afraid to use them!

The premise of Tunic appealed to me for many reasons and I've enjoyed games similar to it. This played like a love letter to many classic games and I can not stress how genius some of the level design is. If you love having A-ha! moments this is something you'll probably enjoy a lot. If I was able to beat the game (yes, both endings however I had to submit to a guide to get a few of the last pages) and enjoy my time with it despite not really vibing with bits of the genres it touches as a whole, I've gotta give it props.

This game made me feel both incredibly smart and incredibly dumb.

This is a very cute, very charming and very likeable game that I don't want to play more of after giving it an hour or two. It's a Zelda type game where you run back and forth in an overworld, while also delving into some dungeons and solving some puzzles, with some of the coziest graphics I've ever seen, relaxing music and the just plain adorable focus on the game having an in-game, Famicom-inspired manual complete with wonderfully cheesy little illustrations and explanatory text, just like a real Famicom manual. However, the fox moves far too slowly for me, in a game where you're supposed to do lots and lots of running back and forth, and I don't know why there's so much combat when it really kind of sucks. Clunky, slow, cannot cancel a single frame of animation. Probably on purpose to be retro, but I'm just feeling frustrated with the actual game while enjoying the aesthetics, and I no longer feel like I have time for a game that's only ticking some boxes for me and not all. If I felt like I had more time to play whatever I want, I might've stuck with and learned to love this game, but in a market as flooded as today's, I'm just going to have to prioritize other games over this. Glad I checked it out, though.

Meu cérebro nunca gastou tanta energia na vida quanto ele gastou pra joga esse jogo. Mas, definitivamente é uma coisa linda e valeu super a pena.

This review contains spoilers

Throughout most of my time playing this game, I was almost certain I was going to end up ranking it alongside Outer Wilds as one of the best ones to unravel yourself. The process of finding manual pages and gradually learning how to play the game is exceptionally wonderful, but Tunic’s end game spoiled that fun for me.

When I finally put together how to make the golden path, I made a single tiny mistake and somehow still got the page 9 save data. This read as positive feedback to my work thus far, so I put the final piece together, input the code at the mountain door, and then nothing happened. What should have been the culmination of my experience was broken as soon as I was led to look up what it was that I had done wrong. It made the act of picking up that last page feel exceptionally anticlimactic.

Then there are the secret treasures. I’m certain most players will inevitably bump into at least one of these things and get interested in finding every single one of them. For the most part, the treasures are pretty simple to find, but rewarding nonetheless. This is the case for all of them except the last treasure revealed on page 1 of the manual. Why the devs thought it would be a good idea to make the player translate the game’s language for this one secret is beyond me. It’s something that had never been required by literally any other puzzle in the game and really killed the pacing of the end game as I spent many hours putting it all together.

I think this game can be a brilliant experience at times and I’d still recommend it to people that are looking for a cool puzzle game, but I just don’t think it can stand up with the greats when it’s end game content has fatal flaws at the most critical moments in the player’s experience.

I thought I was in for a cozy, chill, little puzzle-solving game geared towards kids. I was wrong. This is not a fun relaxing game for kids. It started simple enough, but I quickly got frustrated when the fights got harder and all I had was a stick and no shield. In fact, the fights were so intensely difficult that I went right into my violently angry voice in my rage against it. There's no way kids could do this with any success. The soothing music and gorgeous and lively environments were not enough to tame the rage in me after every one-hit murder I endured. I had to put on immortal mode after my eighth death in ten minutes just to enjoy the game and not throw the controller into the TV screen.

When I found more and more pages of the manual and found more interactions with indecipherable symbols instead of English, I realized the made-up language NEEDED to be deciphered. Thanks to the reddit user who figured out that it's based on English, but with text built like Korean. The language would have been easier if it had simply been a pigpen cipher, but it was phoneme-based, and each stroke changed the sound/meaning. It's not learning a cipher at all, it's learning a writing system! Who has time to stop playing the game long enough to decipher hundreds of pieces of dialogue, story, and instructions, let alone figure out the language itself in the first place?? Three cheers to the reddit user who figured it out, and three more cheers for the other reddit user who built a tool to write in and decode it, stroke-by-stroke. And three more cheers to the person who made the interactive map of the whole place.

Thankfully, with enough pictures, the manual wasn't IMPOSSIBLE to decipher, and I figured out a (very) few things on my own. But I still had to look up how to do SO MANY things, and I still struggled. There were key pages of the manual that I was missing, and even after finding them, I still struggled to figure out what's necessary and what's extra (I can't even get started on the extra stuff - there's hidden passages with absolutely no indication, and d-pad codes that seem insanely random if you didn't look them up).

The fast-travel spots are few and far between, which made doing the cleanup after beating the game (I got both endings) too tedious to bother. Would have loved little pencil marks on the maps when discovering hidden passageways, if only to keep me from spending hours figuring out how I got to certain spots once but couldn't find the right path again.

Overall, after putting on god mode, I enjoyed the game enough to keep going. The music was lovely, the environments were gorgeous and engaging, and there was plenty to do! I highly recommend finding the deciphering tool made by a reddit user (it's linked on the reddit entry from the person who discovered how to decipher the language), and keeping that and the interactive map handy at all times. I had over 20 tabs open on my browser, but those two were the real MVPs (whatever that means).

And I definitely recommend going in knowing this is like... I dunno...
Souls Jr.

A good independant game, with a alternative awesome end and a easy platinum (don't break the foxy bank)

I'm confused, I'm intrigued, loving it so far.

Game design absurdo. Explorar nesse jogo é fantástico.

Decent-ish 2D Zelda inspired action adventure game with some Soulslike elements. Your enjoyment will be largely dependent on how much you buy into the mysterious fake language and in game manual discovery premise. Personally it didn’t land for me, but I can see that aspect being a selling point for some people. Combat is fine, but is pretty limited. You’ll end up doing a lot of backtracking later in the game, which, combined with the steep difficulty curve on the final boss leaves the whole experience on a sour note.

Super fun Zelda like, got the true ending, didn't have to do the final fight

Tunic is a game that takes the cool things from the old retro games, and brings it to the modern age beautifully, albeit not perfectly. It's one of those games where the less you know going in, the better it will be. My two gripes that bring this game down is that the combat is sustainable, but it could be much better, and some of the puzzles are ones you WILL NOT be able to figure out without googling the solution, BUT the game is fantastic and most of the puzzles are thrilling. The music is awesome, and assembling the instruction manual is a really cool way of showing the player what to do. Highly recommend this game!

Clever and aweing, last puzzle too hard for me

Que jogo bom, o jeito que eles fizeram pra apresentar as mecânicas do jogo através do manual é incrível.

I had a lot of fun with the exploration and finding all the secrets. Isometric world aside, a fantastic game.

After 2 years, I finally restarted this game and played through it in full. Definitely one of my favorite games of all time. The puzzles are so much fun to figure out and I never felt frustrated with the game. The final puzzle is also one of my favorite things I've ever done in a game. Can't recommend this enough.

As a zelda meatrider, was a pretty cool game

GooeyScale: 70/100

Super complicado, pero muy muy bonito y que invita a descubrir mil formas de llegar a los mismos sitios

This game is frustrating but it’s got charm. I’d say I’m a fan. has that unique charm to it. The artistic style never fails to disappoint in finji games.

I will admit I did use cheats to finish it but I got time on my hands. And I’m a pussy!!!

The final boss was just.. too much. But I get the story reason why it’s so great. With no spoilers of course. The endings were also dark to borderline cute.