Reviews from

in the past

É legal, mas não clicou comigo tanto quanto para outras pessoas.

A mysterious and tragic short piece of art with sort of anthologies to tell with a beautiful presentation.

Me gustó el storytelling una bararidad y la usettling atmosfera

Good for a walking simulator. A few of the stories were quite affecting.

"Don't be sad I'm gone, Be happy that I even had the chance to exist at all."

What Remains of Edith Finch is an emotional rollercoaster of a game that will only ever hit as hard as it does once. Please go into this blind if you have 2 hours to spare. It will be worth it.

Если вы делаете симулятор ходьбы, вы не можете игнорировать эту игру. Когда у вас нет геймплея, вы можете и должны выкручиваться за счет истории, повествования, стилей, визуала, чувств - эдит финч всё это делает. Это вот ровно та игра, которую можно порекомендовать человеку никогда толком в игры не игравшему, но ценящему хорошие истории.

What Remains of Edith Finch has one of my favourite moments in any game. It goes sooo hard

i genuinely dont understand why there is so much love for this game . i really did not care for it ..

I think more than a game, here we have a work that tells a bit about the cycles of life. The narrative is exploratory and the gameplay is simplified, and this seems intentional so that you can notice all the nuances of this story that surprises and moves you.

immersive games with really good story

this was on my favourite games list that i picked when i signed up for a bit until i realized i actually like slime rancher a little bit more. sorry edith finch you got overwritten for slime rancher. you are one of the greatest games ever made tho just for the fish segment

[This review was written in Oct 2023]
Oh wow. This is one of those games that are must plays. Much like outer wilds (my favourite game of all time), this game makes you think. What is has to say about fate and approaching your future truly spoke to me. As I am currently transferring from school life to life into university and adulthood, this game made me think about what was important to me, and how I should approach my future, cherishing every moment I get with not only my family, but myself. Only gripe with this is how it is ultimately a walking sim with very minimal captivating gameplay, a creative walking sim, but a walking sim nonetheless.

A powerful game with such unique environmental storytelling and gameplay. It kept finding a way to surprise me.

quick, good story with very interesting themes

Super fun and emotional short story that is such a good time

What do I even say. Basically an interactive short story. Did what it wanted to do very well. Powerful, emotional.

okay i loved this at the time. but now i'm like why are we watching so many child deaths?

Very interesting form of storytelling.

i really quick game with a super unique way of telling a story. didn't take long to complete and i couldn't help but just sit in thought once i finished

Dictionary definition of underrated.

quick summary of the review: story is good, there are parts i REALLY dont like, and the gameplay makes sense except for the main part of it where it really sucks

uhhh backloggd spoiler filter GO
okay thats probably enough
im gonna start off real quick by saying although the story is pretty good, there are a few story beats that make you go "really?" or just make you feel like it's really unrealistic
the whole psychiatrist letter with lewis just felt really forced to me, like i dont think in any world would a psychiatrist write a letter like that then mail it to the mother of their patient (who just committed suicide)
it feels like it wouldve made way more sense for it to be split across multiple letters, instead of one really detailed "heres why your son killed himself" letter
also just the idea that edith, at 17 years old and pregnant, would decide that going to the house and doing things like climbing rock climbing walls and crawling around secret tunnels and shit is worth the risk also just feels entirely unrealistic, both from a "would a pregnant person do that?" angle and a "could a pregnant person do that without throwing up?" angle
ive read some people say that its probably intentionally risky for her because of the whole "curse? or massively unnecessary risk-taking by the entire family?" debate and edith's actions is just proof of the latter
but i think thats dumb! this is my opinion
as for the rest of the story i think it's all pretty good and although the whole cycle of learning about a person before immediately learning about their death got a little tiring, it all helped paint a really interesting bigger picture when taking it all into account along with the other things revealed in the game (the curse and the history of the family and whatnot)

speaking of painting, i think i may be alone in thinking that the whole "unfinished swan" connection is kind of ass
like the whole "he became the king" thing feels forced (there are inconsistencies in the unfinished swan that contradict this game), it ruins the mystery (because if he can just magically become an omnipotent king then of course there's a curse on the family) and ultimately it shouldn't have been confirmed as "canon" in any way and just left as a fun "haha what if" as an extension to the already existing reference in milton's room (and potentially depending on how you interpret it, the circumstances of his disappearance)

anyways none of this makes the story bad, just kind of spits on an otherwise really interesting experience and story

i cant really say if any of it was bad or good because in some strange way you could call this a collection of minigames where the quality of each game doesn't really matter considering any lack of quality could be considered a part of the story
i will say though the interstitial gameplay parts are kinda badly designed
like movement can just be really annoying, especially when there are areas where if you move towards a thing, you're forced into an action you probably didn't want to do
like slowly crawling into and out of a box! multiple times! or slowly entering/exiting a room! multiple times! or slowly looking into a peephole! multiple times!
this all could've been very easily prevented by just making it a button/click prompt, like several other things in the game are
also some actions have this weird interactivity to them where moving the mouse causes the action to happen or unhappen
so like turning a page in a book is like
swipe the mouse right to turn the page, OR swipe the mouse left to... unturn the page
sometimes this backs you entirely out of the action, and other times it just awkwardly puts you on the first frame of the animation until you move the mouse to the right, where you can then swipe your mouse back and forth to make the animation repeat multiple times which was honestly pretty funny and i did it every single time
it also kind of messes with the mood of the game but that may have just been my own fault
there were also a couple instances where there was just way too much swiping needed to complete the action
like i wonder what part of the game design process resulted in this swiping mechanic because it's implementation is so weird that it doesn't feel immersive at all, while also feeling entirely unnecessary for the majority of the game
it's bad! is it worse than quicktime events? no

other stuff!!!!!
the artstyle of this game is pretty good, i liked it, except for the weird family photographs that all just looked really off for some reason
also the very few moments where we see a person in their entirety reveals that apparently their main 3d modeler kind of sucked at humans
i mean apparently its this guy and he made this after the game released and
yeah it makes sense why he's a prop designer now (just my opinion!!! he is very skilled!!!!)
imo if you're gonna have a very emotional game like this, you should probably hide the achievements until after the player has finished a playthrough because i ABSOLUTELY was focused more on getting the achievements than on the actual story being told in some places

thats it!!! this was NOT a puzzle game
do NOT go into this hoping for puzzles (like i did)
if you want a game thats like this but with puzzles, you can probably find something similar on my list!
or just play the unfinished swan
that has puzzles

To get my biggest gripe out of the way - I went into this thinking it was some mind-bending game laden with twists, making you really think how each plot element would work itself into one another. That was not the case at all here, but I didn't realize until near the end. That’s also not the fault of the game or developers - it's solely on me, the player, for affecting how I would view the story.

This is just a simple story about a girl named Edith discovering and coming to terms with the deaths of every member of her family, most of them who she hadn't even met - in fact, many of them die before Edith is even born. "What Remains of Edith Finch" is essentially a walking simulator with the many different types of gameplay and mechanics thrown in throughout to aid in the storytelling. The setting is beautiful, whimsical, and cozy, while also possessing a feeling of ominousness and dread.

Overall, it's a good game that can be beat in one sitting (2-3 hours), and that short length lends to its replayability.

9.5/10 Rating. This game is very short, but my god is it impactful. I don't think a game like this has ever made me feel this emotional before and I truly appreciate this piece of art.

This review contains spoilers

Os Finch me lembram muito da minha própria família, mas acho que isso é algo que todo mundo que jogou o jogo diz.

Vindo de duas famílias com veias artísticas e problemas psicológicos (Quem nunca...), eu me lembro de mal saber o que pensar ou como reagir quando eu joguei esse jogo. Por vezes, eu via um espelho, e por outras, eu via relances de um possível futuro ou um possível caminho que poderíamos ter seguido, dadas outras circunstâncias.

Todos os Finch são artistas em algum aspecto. Isso me comoveu mais ainda anos depois que joguei esse jogo, quando eu descobri que meu avô tocava violão e cantava, e que, por mais que eu nunca tivesse o conhecido, eu cantava as mesmas músicas que ele.

Famílias são tão estranhas, e mais estranhas ainda são suas tragédias, que são intrinsecamente conectadas por um vínculo irremovível. Mesmo que você queira apagar sua conexão com sua família, suas experiências com ela estão dentro de você para sempre. O melhor a se fazer é reconhecer isso e aprender com os erros e acertos... E eu acho que esses são os objetivos de Edith.

(Faz tempo que joguei esse jogo, então pode ser que algumas coisas estejam meio incorretas).

This was a very melancholic experirence. The way naritive and gamepaly was interwoven was so interesting and moving. The Enviromental design and writing was able to convey so much in so little time that it was nearly overwhelming. this game is bursting with creativity and love for the craft. so many details and clever ideas. Its a simple tale filled with so much emotion and depth without feeling corny or insincere. An moving reflection about death and intergenerational trauma, what family and heritage means and how to deal with the inevetiable. But still being so life-affirming and postive while dealing with so much grief.

I was sadly fighting with the Controls and video settings which interruppted this well crafted experience somewhat.
A definitfe Mustplay regardless

felt like it was a bunch of random stories, wish like it had an actual message, the fish guy's story was pretty sad :(