Reviews from

in the past

Its all fun and games until Matt comes along.

It was fun for the first few days as it essentially served as an introduction to all the unique features that the Wii had. However, the extremely shallow mini-games coupled with the unreliable motion-centric mechanics resulted in me dropping this with much haste. I get that it's a free pack-in game, but that aside, Wii Sports was so paper thin in every way that I can't say I remember it fondly. I don't get the mild reverence there is for it these days either.

ce jeu m'a fait découvrir le baseball et m'a fais croire que j'étais une légende au bowling

Bowling and golf where my (virtual) sports back then!

rich in narrative and complex in its gameplay. comprehensive in mechanics and breaks the boundaries of what creates a modern classic. a true form of art akin to contemporary absurdist literature.

One of the best games to ever exist. Just trust me.

Had so much fun playing this with family as a kid. Occasionally someone would throw the bowling ball backwards just so we could all laugh at the reaction. Also loved playing baseball and tennis with my sister. Picked up boxing when I got a little older, also very fun. Easy to play awhile and end up sore the next day. But sadly, our disc stopped working. It was well loved - our very first Wii game.

Faltan más juegos yo creo pero aguante

Seeing irl friend as mii irwii is funnii

Literally one of the only games my folks played. It was short lived and they never played anything else after but that feeling of being a kid and getting your parents to play the thing you love is both victorious and amazing.

Good fun games too (including mini-games); incredible soundtrack; and just the cutest visuals. Hmmm, if this game offered more then it would surely make this a little better. Guess we will see....

Something the whole family could play to take their minds off the 2008 recession

i love the tennis idk why they didn't bring it back

The only sports game you shouldn't throw out

Wii resort clears but this has some classics.

The only problem I have is the motion controls not working but I mean how can you not love this game?

basically one of the best wii games ever made