Reviews from

in the past

One of the few times I ever got my mom to play a game with me and it was boxing on Wii was quite memorable(and hilarious).
Very good selection of sport games that are easy to come back to, even now. Personal Favorites were Golf, Bowling, and Boxing. They were simple but pretty deep and fun to master.
But that memory is what holds this game up so high till this day, great game that anyone can pick up and play!

Easily the best pack-in game and "here's what our hardware can do" showcase that exists. Historically, I'm the kind of person who needs carrots on sticks to chase, things to unlock, etc. but I put so many hours into this game just playing it for fun. So many good memories of playing with friends and family. Truly, the Wii was a phenomenon and Wii Sports played a large part in that.

a fun game, you probably have it if you own a wii. i would recomend just playing wii sports resort if you have it

What more can be said about Wii Sports that hasn't already been said? Despite being a tech demo it has cemented itself as one of the best selling games of all time (even if it was a pack-in game with the Wii). It's really simple pick up and play fun that anyone can play.
It might be really really good, but I personally prefer Wii Sports Resort, since that is a much fuller game with a lot more diverse content.

A certified hood classic. This is a great pack-in game for the Wii that showed exactly what was special about the Wii. The game also just oozes with charm. Each of the sports are also fun to play, especially with family and friends.

holding a wiimote and nunchuck and standing in the middle of your living room is literally the most enjoyable experience of all time disregarding even playing the game. The rubber protector thing for the wiimote alone was like a toy in itself. All of these games take place in perfectly idyllic isolated worlds populated by spectators that don't care about anything outside of the game you're playing, the UI feels like an ad for a new community college or smth... I don't know whether it's the fact that I was a child when this was released or if this actually is the perfect distillation of the innocence of childhood in game form. Feels like a demo for real life

Matt still haunts me in my dreams.

i am GOATED at tennis dont even TRY to play against me i fry those cpu's asses like fried CHICKEN (i live in kentucky)

what is truly stopping me from giving this 5 stars

this game carried my relationship with my parents. i'm trans now but that's okay, this game tried its best

i accidentally threw the wiimote in my friends face

The best game was Boxing.

Be Warned, Matt will rock your shit.

Who doesn't love Wii Sports

This game is the reason why the wii was successful and it shows.

I used to think I was the hottest shit for saying I threw my Wii remote at the tv playing bowling for the first time at a friends house. Like I was SO bad ass for almost damaging their property.

This game is good. The sky is blue. I'm an idiot.

When is it appropriate to log this as "completed"? My roommate and I have basically done everything there is to do, but still play it once or twice a week together. Solid game to play a few rounds of with others

Wii Sports Boxing Results Music for 10 Hours

i am a fucking baseball demon do not test me you goddamn pussy

Such a good launch title, really made you feel like this next console was going to be a good blend of something old and something new.

I'm rating this very high mostly out of nostalgia. I actually tried to speedrun this game a couple of years ago, and it was really fun!

Played out of necessity, stayed for the soundtrack. Stay golden, Wii Sports ❤︎

The only game my grandma can beat me at.

It was fun for the first few days as it essentially served as an introduction to all the unique features that the Wii had. However, the extremely shallow mini-games coupled with the unreliable motion-centric mechanics resulted in me dropping this with much haste. I get that it's a free pack-in game, but that aside, Wii Sports was so paper thin in every way that I can't say I remember it fondly. I don't get the mild reverence there is for it these days either.

My cousin threw a wii remote at me bc of this game

Still a top tier Wii experience.

We all had it, we all played it if we were exposed to a Wii. We all had our favorite game/sport. For me, it was the golf. I loved that the courses were from NES GOLF which I've played for many many hours in my life. Of all the games it felt the most natural to me as well. It was the game I could beat my friends and family on in Wii Sports. And eventually I played it by my lonesome and snagged an elusive -10 mark I had set for myself. I retired and didn't look back for a decade or so.

I was never sold on motion controls despite my time investment on Wii Sports golf. I didn't give any other Wii games much of a fair shake (literal or figuratively). My Wii didn't stick around. But in the modern era of VR and all their flailing about, I slowly came to appreciate the Wii. Rose tinted or not, I started to believe it wasn't so bad.

I eventually got the urge to swing the WiiMote golf club again the other day and bought a used Wii on Ebay that night. I hope to try out some games I never did the first time I owned a Wii but Wii Sports golf was the reason I bought it. It still plays as good as it did back when it was hot. It was like riding a bike. A healthy dose of nostalgia and direct shot of fun. And yeah, the controls really aren't bad all things considered. We still got a ways to go in that department.

Whether doing daily activities, chasing training gold medals, or playing one of the sports, Wii Sports is possibly thee quintessential Wii experience. It helped solidify the popularity and accessibility of the Wii. I'd argue it still does.

i remember when i was younger i would always ask before playing games because i was a baby and thought i needed to ask my mom before playing a game my older sisters owned but when my sisters got a wii for christmas and i saw wii sports i needed to take matters into my own hands and play it because the wii was so cool to me

Good fun, the controller gave up trying halfway through every tennis match but still.


As a bundle compilation of how the Wii remote could be used, this does a great job. Everyone knows how these sports work in real life, and translating that into a game like remote really helped introduce people to the gaming like control scape, and really allowed for lots of people to experience games; even if alot of said games where not particularly "main stream." Beyond such however, Wii Sports is just really well put together, climbing the ranks to fight harder opponents, endlessly playing against freinds, and the many practice games make the game feel very complete, especially considering its bundle status. If anything, I would have liked more golf maps, but given how distributed all quality of all the games turned out to be, I can overlook it.