Reviews from

in the past

just a beautiful marvel of game design and fully embracing what makes the first so mesmerizing in vibes to begin with, added by the fact that this actually has a communal aspect to it and so much customizability. I really do think this is one of the most special fangames ever, Ill be circling back around to this a lot and im logging this with dates and leavin a review bc even though its not a "beat" game, there's just no way anyone will ever be able to truly soak it all in and i think that absolutely embodies a moving breathing work of art

I DIDNT EVEN THINK THIS WOULD BE ON BACKLOGGD??? ABSOLUTELY AMAZING GAMEEEE it’s such an amazing collection of worlds made by so many creators. the music is INCREDIBLE. this game is so massive and in depth that it truly replicates the feeling of a dream with how endless and varied the worlds are. i’ve been playing this game for years and am still finding new things. could not recommend enough

"Nah bro, this edible ain't shi-"


It's so good! I had a very serious 2kki phase for a while, getting almost every badge and all the menus, and now I have left it behind for a while now. I still think it's an incredible game with so many places to see, so much to do, so much to explore!! One day I might return to it but I hold very dear memories of it.

Just pick a direction and start fucking walking.

artistically speaking no other game touching this