Reviews from

in the past

People often misunderstand Bubsy. They think that all of the games were terrible, but that's not really the case. Evil was born with this title, to be sure, but it took time for that evil to fester into the soul-draining insanity that would become Bubsy 2.

The first Bubsy game is much more of a stereotypical mascot platformer akin to so many others of this period. The visuals are colorful and even sometimes creative, but the levels themselves are dull and Bubsy's movement can often be annoying thanks to his useless gliding ability. Beyond that, it plays okay enough.

Got a chance to finally play this infamous game.
Ngl: I expected worse. Like: WAY worse.
It still doesn't mean it's a great game by any means lol, it's the kind of game that will test your gaming sensitivity at insane levels. And I mean stuff like Bubsy's unbalanced dumb walking/running speed and managing to beat the level but dying while succeeding it because of falling damage.

In a fucking platform.

Ah yes, on top of that: one hit and you're dead.

Here's a thing that will sound blasphemous still: this goddamn franchise...was the closest thing of having a Crash Bandicoot for SNES. I know it sounds crazy and dumb, but my point is very simple: Bubsy animations and expressivity reaches Crash's ones alright.
I know one is objectively a series with only crappy to mediocre platforms, something that can't allow this unlucky creature to the "videogame olympus" alongside Mario, Sonic, Crash Bandicoot himself etc.
So just for being the first game and attempt I'm willing to give the equivalent of a 5/10.

If the rivalry between Mario and Sonic back in the SNES VS Genesis era was an animated movie by Illumination or Sony, Bubsy would be the comic relief character interrupting the serious confrontations between Mario and Sonic with corny pop culture references and Marvel-movie esque quips.