Reviews from

in the past

The only decent Bubsy game. All downhill from here

I'd always known and felt that this game was terrible but I always kind of forget just how bad it is and how poorly put together it ended up being. The camera never plays fair, never actually showing everything you need to see, often requiring you to stop moving and look around (This is supposed to be like sonic, and I know that doesn't mean running fast all the time. In sonic you never have to stop in your tracks to look in order to properly see your surroundings. You always see just enough). Bubsy also having 1 hit point on top of that is quite miserable, as you trek forward slamming yourself into enemies you couldn't react to or even expect to be here. It's kind of just a trial and error game. I'm sure with that in mind you can get fairly good at it, but would you even want to?


I have no idea why I enjoyed Bubsy as much as I did when I was a kid. For a decent span of time, my cousins and I would load this in every day after school, and we had fun with it. However, even at 9-years old, I could tell that something about Bubsy was off. I could sense it was on a tier well below other platformer titles that I had played, like Mario, Sonic, and Rocket Knight Adventures. But regardless, I still found some level of excitement in playing Bubsy as a child, and I can't quite put my finger on it. When I go back to watch gameplay footage as an adult, I find myself sort of flabbergasted that I liked it at all, because I can clearly see it for the massively flawed game that it is, and there isn't a single thing about Bubsy that I find appealing at this point in my life. Still, I have to give it some sort of credit for keeping a naïve 9-year old me, and my younger cousins entertained for a few months.

lo que pudo haber sido y no fue

Ok yeah this game is really bad for many reasons, with most relating to movement and level design, but why was the music so good in this mediocre game? Also why were me and my brother obsessed with this game when we were younger even though we were both terrible at it?

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what could possibly go FUCKING wrong !!!!!!

What if Sonic but slower and not as good?

note to self: if people tell you a game is bad, they're probably right
(i played like 5 minutes of this before giving up)

Wow did they ever try so hard with Bubsy. These people wanted Bubsy to be the next big thing so badly they made a pretty sizable series and even a shitty cartoon (or at least tried to)

Too bad the game is just not good. Controls like sonic but doesn’t have design or the same purpose sonic as. Design as a whole is random and confusing. It feels like these giant shitty scrambled platforming stages with hardly any thought gone in.

The personality is certainly there to give it credit but it’s damn annoying and I want to punch Bubsy in his stupid face.

Yet Bubsy came back?? I know it’s a joke and i’ll admit it’s hilarious Bubsy got games in 2017 and 2019 but outside of meme status the games are cat shit.

Bubsy is funny fun for like the first half, but the second half its just annoying. Its far from one of the worst platformers I've played, but it isn't great either.

The music is solid and the visuals are nice though.

It's deserving of its reputation.

It has strange momentum-physics (you can resist your forward momentum enough to change direction midair, but you'll still continue moving forward if you get off the d-pad), and you move too fast with a too zoomed-in camera in too big of stages to really be able to react to danger in a realistic manner. I suppose the 10 minute time-limit is to encourage you to inch along through the stage.

So yeah, it's definitely not what I want or am looking for in a platformer.

Falling damage in a platformer...
I actually love the fanart of Mario and Sonic beating the shit out of Bubsy, just like they quite literally did in sales

what could paw-sibly go wrong

This Game is in no means good. It has a wonky camara, unfair enemy spawns, abysmal level design, and some of the worst features implemented into a platformer. All this aside the game at least deserves the one star because it offers infinite value to aspiring game developers to learn what to avoid when making their own platformers. This makes the game technically a valuable, horrible experience.

Bubsy is this kind of series known for being bad, and it's really living up to its reputation.

This game is no exception in the series. The level design is plain bad and doesn't feel compatible with the gameplay.

Omg, why did I even play this. I hoestly feel like this game would've been more playable if the screen was more zoomed out and Bubsy wasn't right in the middle of the screen. Plus, the momentum is so weird in this game. You buid it up but once you try to stop he has to slow down as if he's actually a vehicle slowing down. Anyway, this game was difficult mainly because of what I just mentioned. It was such a headache to play through this. Idk why I even did it lol.

A little better than its reputation, but not by much. It wants to move like Sonic, but other than the actual movement speeds, it's just not designed to be played that way. Everything kills you in one hit and other than repeatedly dying and replaying you have no way of preparing for what's coming when the screen scrolls. Not good!

But we rented this frequently when I was a kid and I have fond memories of playing it with my mom after school. Looking back on it I can't believe she had the patience to suffer through it with me, but suffer we did. I'm 35 now and "MKBRLN" and "STGRTN" just appear in my head sometimes. There really were some good elements to this game! Just not enough of them.

Banger soundtrack, too, I'll give it that.

I planned to finish the game from start to finish using ''save'' and 'load'' by the emulator, as it is the only external way to remedy the terrible level layout, the unjust traps, off-enemies of the camera and not to mention when Bubsy runs as fast as the Sonic the Hedgehog it hits a wall and you die of it.

Everything went wrong... But tolerable up to level 7 where I die and save in a place I shouldn't, so I died and when the game loads the control point turns out that at that point there is an enemy and he kills me immediately without me being able to do anything about it, this makes me want to shit the computer, so I decide to use a code to access level 13 (which is not really the final level since the final level is 15) I surpass the level based on space machine and teleporters I surpass the last boss who knows nothing but regurgitate attacks without giving you space to dodge and finish this shit.

This game is only memorable to me because of the death animations, if it didn't even have that, I'd forget this shit existed

If the rivalry between Mario and Sonic back in the SNES VS Genesis era was an animated movie by Illumination or Sony, Bubsy would be the comic relief character interrupting the serious confrontations between Mario and Sonic with corny pop culture references and Marvel-movie esque quips.

Desperdicie tiempo de mi vida jugando esto

A complaint I heard often about this game is that it's hard. (among other fairly irrational complaints that it sucks because Bubsy just sucks.)

I remember as a kid, my Auntie (a late teen/young adult at the time) was an absolute boss at this game on the family SNES and the only person we knew who was any good at it.
We had a modest SNES game collection yet nobody else gave this game the time of day. But my auntie loved it and moved about as Bubsy fast and effortlessly while the rest of my fam could barely complete the early levels briskly despite a number of attempts to pick it up.
So yes, it's pretty challenging and mainly frustrating, but the game looked pretty fun when I could watch her breeze through it.

That being said, to me it seemed like the levels were packed with hazards and tricky traps and because of the faster pace of the game at times, you fall prey to them very often.

While I've only heard and not witnessed the failures of follow-up Bubsy titles, all I can say is that I think people are too caught up in believing that Bubsy sucks in its entirety and neglect this pretty whimsical albeit hard-to-maneuver series debut.
I think it's senselessly overhated, worth trying, a unique experience, but not exactly a great platformer in any sense.