Reviews from

in the past

Mario kart but epic although kinda hard

This game is great but I never owned it, so I never finished it.

why the fuck didnt nintendo keep the ball rolling with this, this was actually pretty awesome i loved all the differfent vehicles and everything
and all the original characters thatd get old yeller'd LMAO

i liked playin as conker and the mouse girl a lot, the map variety wasnt like BLOWING ME AWAYYYYYYYYY but it was alright.

It's fun with its races and minigames, it has such a bright atmosphere, the child me loved this! The bosses and balloons were an irk, and the game expects you to adventure while racing if you want to unlock more, thankfully the collectibles aren't needed to beat the game. Characters are unique, some even have different speeds which I am not too fond of, and the soundtracks are catchy.

Melhor jogo de kart já criado, apesar de ter uma versão de NDS essa de n64 segue sendo a versão definitiva.


It is with a heavy heart that I announce that I'm not all too fond of Diddy Kong Racing. This hurts as a fan of the character, as a fan of the Donkey Kong series, as well as a fan of other racing games.

I have not tried this game in multiplayer, which is to say, I haven't experienced this game in arguably its best form. If you'd like, consider this a review solely for the singleplayer offerings. The story mode is both the game's greatest strength while simultaneously holding it back from excellence. Uniquely, there's a hub world for you to explore, and you can do so in a car, boat or even a plane! While there's very little to find or see, the overworld is quaint and it'd be wonderful to see expanded in other Kart racers going forward, though I'm doubtful this will ever come to fruition.

There are smaller hubs within the wider overworld, and these all play out the exact same. First you race on the four tracks, and I hope you like them because as soon as you've gotten first on each, you'll be doing it again! Now, you have to win the race while also collecting some balloons which are placed in awkward spots across the track. The next phase is a boss fight (and I will get to these), followed by a Grand Prix where you race through the four tracks... again. Finally, you take on a more difficult version of the boss and lo and behold, you've cleared the world! There's also a minigame in each hub, but these aren't very enjoyable and barely worth mentioning.

I think the issue is self-evident: this game is incredibly repetitious. There's nothing to set repeat playthroughs of courses apart from another, which is very odd given the game has a built in system for this! The game features three vehicle types, and while I don't know the details of which vehicles can and cannot work on which tracks, why on earth does the game never just switch up your vehicle when possible?? You can choose another vehicle when retrying courses after their current objective has been fulfilled, but at that point there's absolutely no reason to redo the race. I'm flabbergasted by this, you worked so hard to make these tracks traversible in different ways and you aren't going to showcase this during the game's campaign? Baffling!

The tracks overall are pretty good, especially towards the end. I don't love using the planes, but the car and boat handle well and I like the distinct character attributes. The items are nothing special, but being able to upgrade them by running into the same item multiple times is refreshing. Unfortunately, this brings us at last to the boss fights, which are largely terrible. The difficulty spike is brutal and I must confess the first fight with Wizpig contributed to some genuine anger on my end, which I'm not proud to admit. Each boss is uniquely infuriating, with annoying stage hazards and awkward body blocking galore. The precision required for the aforementioned Wizpig is unbelievable for a game this undeniably aimed at children, and while it ultimately only took about 45 minutes worth of attempts, I didn't find the experience of improving at the race at all rewarding.

I think I initially gave this game 2 stars, coming straight off of the first fight against Wizpig. The rematch was ridiculously easy in comparison, and I left it a day before returning to award the game 3 stars instead. I tend not to struggle with scores, but this one really had me conflicted. The core racing mechanics are strong, and the tracks are good enough to bolster this fact. The game is then marred by a poor structure and agonising boss encounters that left me in a bad mood, which impacted how I felt about the game's fundamental elements. There's a good racing game here, but I'd suggest you stay clear of the campaign lest you want to suffer.