Reviews from

in the past

Felt really clunky and really slow turnong a ton of charm but the main gamdplay does not really hold up.

4.5 Stars From David - "I like the Elephant in it"
4 Stars From Me

I do not know what makes this better than all the Mario Karts, but if I had to guess it would be the mixture of the over-world, the variety of vehicles, and the challenging progression gameplay.

Has so much personality and charm that I find lacking in MK64

Love the aesthetic, love the soundtrack. Cute, silly animal characters. I have to play as Tiptup to make the game playable.

Loved playing this as a kid, still really fun to play but frustrating for true 100%

This game was much harder than I remember. As a fan of all kart racers, I was excited to play this as it had a fleshed-out hub world and an interesting story to go along with it (at least for when I was a 5 year old of course).

However, this game is not for the average kart racer fan. Trying to do all the challenges, unlock all of the courses, get the secret characters, and even just trying to beat the final boss requires a mastery of the game I have yet to accomplish even today. Don't get me wrong, this is still a fantastic time and is super addictive, but this was difficult. Only play if you want a challenge.

they need to make another game like this

Eu vou dar nota máxima pra todos os jogos da minha infância ?........ sim eu vou

Coldest racing game to ever do it...

The best fucking kart game ever CREATED.
Jesus fucking christ, do you HEAR THIS SOUNDTRACK? HOLY SHIT

Diddy Kong racing > Mario Kart


probs the best single-player campaigns for racing games on N64

I almost got crazy on the final boss

one of the more enjoyable racing games i've played. definitely like it more than mario kart in terms of gameplay, it's easier to pick up in that aspect.

Esta bien, pero le falta algo para sentirse excelente

Damn shame that this game never got a sequel.

has an enjoyable single-player experience, unlike mario kart. but still i dont exactly see the entertainment value playing multiplayer when something like mario party exists.

This review contains spoilers

Where Mario Kart 7 takes the cake for me as the greatest kart racer in general, Diddy Kong Racing competes in a single player lane in a totally different way.

I'll admit, when me and my partner first booted this up, I was uninspired by the multiplayer. It seemed mediocre at best. However, if you dig into the Adventure mode, which is definitely the main thing on offer here, you get an enjoyable, challenging experience which unlike Mario Kart often feels balanced and fair, despite it also having items, albeit in a different way.

If you're a standard kart racer fan this may not be for you, but as someone who absolutely loves mastering courses in Sonic Adventure 2 (yes, I just compared a kart racer to a Sonic Adventure game), the challenges in single player for these tracks are rewarding, enjoyable and addicting, with minigames and unique boss races to boot.

Whilst Mario Kart 7 took the water and gliding segments and combined them into the tracks, Diddy Kong Racing innovated by letting you choose which you wanted from a boat, car, or plane, each of which control fantastically, but spoiler - not all characters are built equally. Some of them do feel bad in certain vehicles, the only real option is Bumper with Pipsy being a close second.

People who hate on Bumper have no bitches.

É totalmente entendível as empresas de hoje não investirem em jogos como esse, que não renderia lucros com microtransações e outras coisas. Mas é bem triste saber que não teremos mais jogos como esse atualmente. Esse jogo tem um sistema de combate bem engraçado, e o modo de jogo onde você precisa disputar ovos de dinossauro é muito diferente de qualquer coisa já feita em jogos de minikart. A nintendo tem os seus defeitos, mas sabe fazer jogo co-op local/on como ninguem. Obra prima

This game was way ahead of its time. They turned Mario Kart into a full Nintendo 64 adventure experience with satisfying progression, awesome boss races, and 3 different types of vehicles (cars, hovercrafts, and planes) back in the 90s. Nintendo DS rerelease was also great.

I never actually owned this one, but rented it frequently!
The fact that it was both a fun racing game and a whole adventure was amazing. Also, lots of secrets that were fun to discover as a kid!