Reviews from

in the past

Me gustan más los originales, pero es bonito

A melhor evolução em uma franquia de games, que mexeu com meu psicológico!
E se tornou o meu favorito!

baldur looks like he scrolls reddit

"There are consequences to saying the N-word."
"How do you know?"

Golden standard for how to do a legacy sequel.

I saw nothing wrong with it. Stunning visuals, great gameplay and who can forget...

Joguei até a metade e gostei imensamente. Pretendo jogar novamente desde o início e completar o jogo quando tiver oportunidade.

For me, this is a next-gen game. From the start of the first cutscene to the last one, it truly felt like a cinematic experience with gameplay involved. This game suffers from RPG trope of "OH I CAN GET +3% POISON RESISTANCE IF I SWITCH THIS GEAR" and repeated enemies but it's all relatively minor compared to what the game sets out to do. From boss battles to execution animations to ordering your son around, this game achieves everything it sets out to do and lets future generations know "this is what a goddamn action adventure game should look like, start to finish."

I completed it.
It was mostly an average game. They should have focussed more on making the combat great instead of sub par.
The story is acceptable and the graphics are good.
I really love the first three games, and they were focussed on combat rather than graphics.

This was my first full playthrough of a God of War game and it was a great time. A Greek god building a life in Norse realm just sounds real cool. Through out the adventure I stopped many times just to look around and enjoy the masterfully crafted scenery this game offers. From frozen mountain tops to scorched earth mountains it was real easy to just indulge in the visuals. The music didn’t show too often for me but when it did, it was a pleasant sound, i just hoped for more of it. Action! This games combat is great! A lot of great combinations to tie together that feel so satisfying to land. Even when you don’t quite land your combo you can recover and back into the actions seamlessly. When the fights got more difficult I found myself customizing my abilities and enhancements to suite that specific encounter, so there is plenty of customization you can do on your stats. Finally the story of this game is original, almost seems to blend with the classic epics of the ancient world like if we were discovering new story’s from Norse mythology.

Isso não e jogo e uma Experiência tu e doido muito toppp
karakaaaa jogãoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Brilliant game that exceeded my expectations. The combat is fun and the game has great writing with emotional and realistic depictions of the theme of family. The lore is so damn good and the switch to Norse mythology makes the series feel fresh again.

If it wasn't for some annoying puzzles in the early game I would have given this a 10.

One of if not the only game I can personally relate to in some way.
Aside from the stellar story. I really enjoyed the gameplay though it was a bit simple.
Exploring the different realms were fun also. And it has plenty of great bosses throughout. The only big knock on the game I would have would be that some bosses were Overused.

Об этой игре было много сказано прекрасного. Я лишь напишу ещё один пятизвёздный отзыв. Но добавлю кое-что: это не по праву лучшая игра 2018-го года. Её место должна занимать Red Dead Redemption II с её глубоко проработанным открытым миром и масштабной сюжетной линией.

Гадовор вышел офигенным, но не настолько: схватки с рескинованными боссами портят впечатление, а открытого и живого мира нет. Третья по-прежнему остаётся лучшей для меня, ведь там безумное количество боссфайтов с неимоверно крутой концовкой

N tem muito o que falar. Esse aqui é cinema! Outro jogaço que sempre quis jogar e finalmente consegui. Não dou 10 pq em alguns momentos senti o jogo meio monotono e repetitivio (ou talvez eu que tenha demorado naqueles enigmas da arvore dos 7 reinos sksksk). Mas n demorou muito pro jogo entrar em uma ação crescente e chegar em um ápice épico, tal qual o inico do game. A história é boa pra caralho, ela salvou bastante nesses momentos mais monotonos com as interações e diálos entre os dois protagonistas. Menção honrosa para os Irmãos anões e a Cabeça, que trouxeram um carisma muito bem vindo pro game.

A really good reboot for the God of War series.

Benim için hayal kırıklığı. Çıtanın arşa taşınması bunda kesin etkilidir ama çok düz bir oyun

kratos était bien mimi dedans

Primero lo primero. Lo mejor del juego es sin duda Kratos y la historia a su alrededor. Tanto Atreus como la historia que le concierne a él ya flaquea un pelín, a ratos parece escrito por otro guionista al que se la suda el personaje.

El resto de cosas es un "Está muy bien, pero". Por ejemplo el combate. Está muy bien, pero se hace cansino y que muchos enemigos sean simplemente esponjas de daño no ayuda. Está genial que tengas dif formas de combatir y una de ejecutar pegando a puños, pero con ciertos enemigos casi te obliga si no quieres estar mucho rato. Esta bien que haya varios tipos de enemigos, pero aparecen en ciertos lugares sin orden ni concierto, sobre todo en las fases finales, de forma que al final los ves simplemente como enemigo numero 1, 2 y 3.

Con respecto al juego en sí una cosa que me molesta bastante es que no está enfocado para gente de mi edad. Cada 30 segundos encuentras un cofre o dinero. Todo el maldito rato, no vayas a desconectar y encender el móvil. Podría pasarlo por alto si no fuese porque claro, si hay tantos cofres te tienen que dar algo en ellos y siempre dinero no tiene sentido. Ya está, le metemos muchos recursos y objetos que equiparte. Muchos objetos, encantamientos y demás cosas que equiparte. Muchos.

¿Le hacía falta tener ese componente RPG? Para mi no y lastra la experiencia ya que lo que menos me gusta todo va relacionado con eso. Si queires poner armaduras o talismanes genial, pero que sean pocos e importantes. Si en 1 h voy a obtener dios sabe cuantos objetos y recursos que no voy a leer, abrir cofres es algo rutinario, no algo que quiera hacer, pero te hace falta para mejorar muy ligeramente ya que los enemigos tienen niveles y es de esos juegos donde 1 solo nivel es la diferencia entre matarlo fácil o que te mate de 1 golpe.

Con respecto al apartado jugable, no me molesta mucho el que haya minizonas con sus puzzles, combates dificilesy cositas interesantes, pero la forma de moverse es un poco coñazo. Yo entiendo que salió para Play 4, pero hay veces que en 1 minuto te comes 3 pantallas de carga camufladas por un desfiladero, agachándote un rato por una cueva o cosas así. Es muy cantoso y lo enlentece todo muchísimo.

Por contrapartida el visitar lugares tan diferentes le sienta muy bien, no son zonas que la mitología nórdica haya explorado demasiado. Excepto las zonas donde son combates infinitos y desafíos. Ya que estás úsalos para enseñar un poquito de su lore, no solo para poner cosas para rellenar horas.

Finalmente, lo más interesante del juego junto a Kratos son los combates contra las valquirias. Todos diferentes, desafiantes si no sabes que hacer e interesantes. Podrían tener menos vida, pero en ese juego todo es una esponja de daño. Diría que son los enemigos mas complicados del juego, pero hay unos malditos hombres lobo que salen en parejas de dos o tres (y cuya aparición no te explican porque total, que mas da), que me han costado más que algunas de estos bosses opcionales.

En definitiva, buen juego que si le limpiaran gran parte del componente RPG, los cofres por doquier y profundizaran un poco más en los lugares que visitas, tienen mimbres de ser un sobresaliente.

The way they interpreted the Norse gods was really cool. The gameplay loop was fun and very addictive. The story was good, and I liked how they conveyed the father-son relationship between Kratos and Atreus. Mimir and all of his dialogue were pretty good, too. I had fun.

This game is AWESOME, it's not wonder it won the 2018 GOTY, perfect story, characters, music... The relationship between Kratos and Atreus is pretty well designed, the combat is incredible too, not a single negative point, AMAZING!

Quien diría que el mayor desafío de Kratos iba a ser el convertirse en un buen padre luchón

Hot take but this game is just mid...

great game. phenomenal game even. my biggest complaint is the overly reused boss battles and the side quests are so damn mundane. but the main story is what youre playing for and the main story is genuinely so good and everyone should play this game.

I remember booting this game up when it was first put out on PS Plus part of the monthly games. I never got past the beginning scene where you fight some enemies outside of Kratos' home and deleted right after that. It wasn't until a good few years later when I got my PS5 which was bundled up with Ragnarök. When I first got it set up, one of the few games I told myself to play and get through on said PS5 was this very game. It was such a great game. The music just added to this experience. Every time the main theme would play when someone brings up his past or when he gets ready to fight, it gives me goosebumps and I hype myself to defeat enemies. One particular scene stuck out to me from this game which is when Kratos retrieves his blades. One of the best/top 5 moments from gaming I have experiences. The portrayal of an older, wiser Kratos was a great move from Santa Monica. I don't know why I didn't complete this game earlier.