Reviews from

in the past

For the turn-based RPG fans, it is comfort food. Gameplay is fun and story is alright. It just doesn't stand out very much.

Boring. The piano-only music gets dull REAL fast. Also, some music pieces seemed like they were asking the composer to write things that just don't sound too well on piano or sound forced - as if they were playing
a piano reduction of an orchestra piece. It would've been better to have piano + 1-3 instruments here and there to keep things interesting. I can't believe no one in the development team, play testers, the composer, said anything about it 🤦🏻‍♂️
Even if, for their own stubbornness (let's call it artistic integrity to make it sound nice) they only wanted piano sounds, there's SO MANY special and experimental techniques you can do with piano to get other sounds. It would've made it more artistic even (and would've made great marketing).