Reviews from

in the past

Love hate with this game and I can't play for long before I start hating myself and who it makes me. JK the game is fun and there's a lot of hate for this game but takes time getting into. The highs in this game are amazing but the lows are super low and make me want to punch my monitor. Game says it's free but you might end up paying Riot a lot of money.

Don't ask how much I've spent on this game and how much I can dislike it.

hehe xd

The game has a really solid foundation but also a lot of random jank here and there and a client that they dug up along with some dinosaur bones that barely functions. Game struggles with jumping the shark with newer characters, and a lot of characters can feel like they just invalidate others because they come out completely busted or borderline garbage. Community is shit lol but there are some good ones.

Id rather get bit by a gerbil infected with rabies and die from it than play a game of Season14 alone

i was addicted, but i ESCAPED. i can feel myself get cancer whenever I play this game. something about it just makes my blood boil and I can feel myself get angry at NOTHING. this game needs to be studied for its effects on peoples brain

Actually love this game even though the community is trash. Some of the best gameplay in any video game. Character design is S-tier.

I rated 3 for old times sake but this game fucking sucks now don't play it

consumiu minha vida e minha sanidade, mas é bom jogo.

Old but perfect. Love it and hate it at the same time.

Fun MOBA with a lot of brain dead bronze mental patients as its main demographic.

Eu simplesmente odeio esse jogo, mas não consigo parar, portanto, a droga perfeita

Lolsito es realmente un muy buen juego, aunque es dificil de ratear porque cambia constantemente. Basado en el tiempo en el que fui realmente un jugador activo, la comunidad aunque se diga que es una mierda y es muy toxica es muy buena, especialmente muy potenciada por el mismo juego. Riot fue por mucho tiempo solo lol, y Riot es una empresa muy pendiente de sus jugadores y de las cosas que quieren y les gustan, hay fanservice del bueno (no hablo de tetotas). El hecho de que cambie constantemente tambien lo hace especial, puedes pensar en cada temporada o par de temporadas jugadas y es casi una experiencia distinta. Cabe destacar lo desgraciadamente dificil que es entrar al juego y aprenderlo a jugar.

Entertaining gameplay, diverse character lore and abilities, and polished graphics. Not to mention the basis of a truly EXCELLENT animated show!

Worst piece of shit game I have ever played do not play this.

I have spent around 5k hours playing league

esse jogo deveria acabar, ser exterminado do planeta e sumir pra sempre, dito isso, sou main kayn e nao consigo de parar de jogar esse jogo...

1 e meio ainda é muito, porem ainda tive momentos divertidos nesse maldito jogo(não jogo mais, me curei)