Reviews from

in the past

shitty game for shitty people with shitty tendencies from shitty company using shitty practices fuck this game

I am writing this review while literall being in a discord call with friends that are playing LOL.

Being a big game in my friends group, I was asked multiple times to give a shot to League, and after I tried multiple games and unlocked the characters that I found more interesting..... yeah I don't think this is a game for me.

Don't get me wrong, I respect a lot of aspect of the world that builds, the lore is interesting, the characters are for the most part really cool, and the fac that it is able to not only be relevant to this day but also spawn incredible spinoffs and even acclaimed TV series is really impressive.

But actually playing the game....... yeah it's not really enjoyable for me. Already I am not really into MOBAs, but to this we gotta add the feeling that matches can be a slugfest to go through, maybe for the lack of mutiple maps online or even the fact that most of the time, the winning condition can be assured in the first 5 minutes of a match, with low chances of comebacks.

The roster mechanically can feel really unbalanced too: while I imagine it is hard to balance over 100 warriors, it feels like most Champions are just better versions of other characters, or just straight up game breaking in terms of balanced powers and abilities.
The shop system and the item customizations on paper is a solid idea to add variety... but then you find out that some items are always a necessity and the urge for optimal builds overshadows the possibility to do something else.

Another huge flaw is in all honesty not the game's own fault, but still doesn't really make the title enjoyable for me:
THE ONLINE COMMUNITY IS SO TOXIC. Like, I lost count of how many times I got offended and "threatened" just because I pick a random character, ESPECIALLY by your teammates. I know you can technically turn the chat down but still, man I never felt so in tension with a multyplayer experience.

It is a belove dtitle for many reasons, but for my personal take, League of Legends is not really the best experience around. But it is free technically, so give it a shot if you want!

ARAM is fun with friends, run far away otherwise.

met kwab on here (my current sweetheart african king)
love supporting (bottoming hehe) while he plays lucian and senna adc - he insists on only playing african american champions. I did try speaking to him about how this is technically asian hate but he just beats his chest and threatens me?? idc the makeup sex is AMAZING.

but ye i absolutely adore playing this game rn and it really helps me relax after a long day of dealing with modernity.

Garbage game, I feel legitimately sorry for the amount of people who are addicted to playing this

Se você joga isso, procura ajuda profissional o mais rápido possível

I dont like this game. It has taken my friends

This has been ruining my life for over 10 years. 10/10

Buuuuut, they killed Skarner. I WANT MY SKARNER BACK! SCREW YOU RIOT!

O jogo competitivo mais lindo q eu joguei pela q a comunidade e uma porcaria

péssimo horrorosa deprimente nunca mais quero encostar nesse jogo

Je suis pas sorti de ma chambre depuis 1 an et en 1 an, ma femme est parti car askip mon "odeur" était insoutenable, mes enfants sont morts de faim, ma famille m'a renié et je suis actuellement en obésité morbide, donc 0.5 étoile

Wouldn't wish this game on my worst enemies

Help me, i can't get out of this piece of s*** game.

Jogo merda, pelo amor de Deus, só serviu pra eu fazer o meu melhor grupo de amigos hoje em dia, mas tirando isso, esse jogo é uma merda e graças ao mano JC, eu não jogo mais essa DESGRAÇA


5/5 when winning 1/5 when losing so its gotta be somewhere in the middle

I used to play this game so much when I was between 13 and 16, and even if the game has one of the worst communities ever, and i wouldnt even touch it anymore, I have sweet memories of the game.

I was really obsessed with League as a teen, as many other people too, but trying to analyze the context and the product, it does make sense, back then I didn't have any money to buy games at all, and neither did my friends, so this was the best option to play infinite hours with them.

And if we deeply analyze the structure of the game, I wish i could say otherwise, but its brilliantly done, it has more than a hundred original and cool characters, all of them have completely different skills, and there were hundreds of items, the micro and macro mechanics of the game were also very polished.

So yeah, I dont really enjoy it anymore or would recommend it to anyone, but it was a legendary game.


I think that playing 1000+ games has done irreversible damage to my mental health

essa merda arruinou minha vida, quando parei de jogar minha vida mudou para melhor

Was better off playing literally any other competitive game, I didn't even intend to play the updated Summoners' Rift when I started. But hey at least I had some fun owell.

T1, also known as Truck1, is a South Korean truck rental company that has recently been exposed for their money-making scheme of running a top-tier E-sports organization "only" to reach second place in the LCK. This has triggered diehard fans, forcing them to rent out trucks secretly owned by Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok--part owner of the organization--to voice out their dismay and demands. Allegedly, whistleblowers have pointed out that Joe Marsh is merely a scapegoat and the true mastermind behind the scheme is his long-time friend Nick "LS" De Cesare who, when reached out for an interview, mentioned that the core of his scheme is "abusing the enemy's bad decision-making and mental."

A game with excellent character design, storytelling, and iconic music that you've 100% heard of before.
This game... Is miserable.
After many years into the game, I am glad I quit- The community is insecure, but it's not because it just is- The gameplay design is revolved around being miserable- If you get behind, it is a steep road where you do nothing but farm sidelanes per example, just so you can have a shot to actually have the fun part at the game.
However, the most fun part about the game is when you're incredibly ahead- It's how people are hooked. The feeling of essentially playing sandbox mode, and flexing on everyone how goated you are. It's something alot of people want to be playing this game ; Be pretty much him and destroy every games, it is an addicting feeling.

The game is balanced around eSports, and the game's eSports are incredibly fun to watch, still to me to this day, but however it doesnt balance around fun. The game is incredibly unforgiving, and one of the most frustrating games i've ever played, especially with the extremely steep learning curve.

League of Legends is a game that shouldn't be as popular as it is- After all, the game is flawed. But it is an interesting anomaly in the gaming industry. I think the game is the most fun when you're at the "just started, but wanting to learn about the game and actually get good" phase. It is the part where I enjoyed League the most, unfortunately, those times are gone now.

I do not recommend League of Legends, the game in itself- However I recommend heavily reading on the lore, the amazing music, and more (Even if the lore is flawed nowadays, alot of it is deeply interesting.)

Have you ever been on a call with someone playing League of Legends? Have you ever watched them queue up for game after game as their mental sharply declines, despite whether they'd won or lost? Is this time spent in fulfillment and joy, or blind self-mutilation of one's own psyche? I wish only the best for all the lost souls out there this very moment, begging for a dodge in champ select chat before they've even seen the load screen. May you all have the power to AFK when, by god's blessed will, it strikes you that this isn't a fun game, and hasn't been since you reached your 1 year anniversary.

Log into this game to shitpost in /ALL chat, fuck around when URF or One For All are out, and try not to dwell on Riot taking the Crystal Scar away from us. Do not play ranked. Do not play to win games. Get high as fuck and noob out.

No pienso dedicarle tiempo a hacer una review del puto lol

Played because Sett is too seggs