Reviews from

in the past

A good action adventure game with more on puzzles and exploration. LOVE the art design and music, it all comes together to be a moody experience and a post apocalyptic vibe. A creative Vampire game that gives you a good amount of powers and weapons (some are just reskins but yeh) one of my favorite takes on the Vampire subject. Voice acting is a big part of this game and it is wonderfully done with some well known voice actors. A good time yo :D

Third GOTM finished for May 2024. I thought the boss designs and fights were really interesting, and the sound design was excellent. Pretty much every other aspect of this game was "meh" at best, and annoying at worst. A 3D Metroidvania-style game doesn't really translate all that well when a lot of the environments look the same and everything is drenched in murky browns and grays. This is further compounded by a teleportation system that relies entirely on symbols, so heaven help you if you forget which one goes where. Raziel's movement is also a little odd, in that there's an "acceleration" from standing still to actually running/moving that kept throwing me off, especially in a game where the developers loved to throw in small platforms. There were some neat ideas here, just don't think they were executed all that well.

A lot of very interesting ideas, the sum of which is underwhelming nowadays.
The inertia of the basic movement really wore me down.