Reviews from

in the past

One of the most relentlessly nasty video games I ever played.

jogo bom demais, zerei no pc, o terror desse jogo é insano

While some of my favorites like Dead by Daylight, Resident Evil 7, and Red Dead Redemption II make this game's violence pale in comparison, I can absolutely see how influential this game was on later video games' ability to have that gore in them at all. It's brutal, realistic, and extremely antisocial, the stealth executions shot to resemble a home movie to challenge the player's own reason for enjoying the graphics: Are we no better than Starkweather himself, controlling Cash and forcing him to slaughter other guys like it was going out of style? Maybe we're not, but the game wasn't bad. The aforementioned stealth executions got rather repetitive and the AI felt extremely janky at times, but there's a fun try, die, try again gameplay that reminds me a little of later stuff like Hotline Miami and the use of light and shadow as a stealth mechanic feels really advanced for the PS2. Overall it's more a neat piece of video game history than it is a great video game, and it features all of the violent, angry atmosphere that one could hope for from the early 2000s.

Inovador para a época, e tem muito da essência dos outros jogos da era de ouro da Rockstar, mas a maneira de como foi feito os chekpoints me desanima de querer termina-lo, pois o jogo é difícil e lento pelo fato de ser stealth e o fato de você ter que muitas vezes refazer todo um trecho da fase depois de morrer é bem chato e entediante.

Manhunt has simply became one of my favorite games of all time.

The brutal violence, gritty world and the atmosphere of anarchy, blood and chaos is one of a kind, this is the only other game that I had that feeling of 'disgust' (?) I don't know if that is the right word, but this game has that "B-Movie"/Something you should not be watching or playing type of stuff, in which I love. And the only other game that I have ever played that gave me this feel, was Kane and Lynch 2.

Manhunt tells the tale of Cash, a man that was 'killed' and now, must participate in a sick game of mouse and cat, or how I liked to call it, a game of mouse and mouse.

In Carcer City, a little town forgotten by the US, crime is routine and with that, comes opportunity. Cash is hunted and the entire gameplay has this unique type of adrenaline, where you MUST NOT, screw up, otherwise you are dead. You must think fast, act like an animal, hide against the large groups and strike when you can, make the Hunters be your prey, hunting them down with anything that you have, be it plastic bags, hammers, sickles, crowbars, glass shards, anything.
Huge kudos goes for the voice acting team aswell, this game's chases would never hit the same without hearing a entire pack of 6 psychos screaming at the top of their lungs while trying to stab you.

The game has a very awesome gameplay loop too, while making us question whether or not we are enjoying the executions, or if we simply are trying to get the highest score or the biggest excuse "we are fighting for survival".
It doesn't matter after all, everything it's just a movie that others will pay to watch, just like the player paid for the game to enjoy the "show". Manhunt has a discussion of violence that is (in my opinion) right up there with Hotline Miami 1/2 and No More Heroes, although Manhunt is quite underlooked... Alongside it's influence in stealth games, MGS and Splinter Cell always had this thing of you using stealth in a way to get to your objective in a subtle yet 'clean' way... The old MGS games for instance, rewards the player for going non lethal in many of it's installments and if you try to "fight back" against the enemies you simply waste your time.... In Manhunt however, you need to kill, stealth isn't just a way to get around large groups, but a weapon in itself.

This is a product of it's time, something we are never going to see again, so please, if you have the opportunity, play this game.