Reviews from

in the past

peca muito nas seções de gunplay, mas acredito que outras partes do game salvam

A great game I will never play again

Interesting idea, poor controls drove me away from this game though.

No es tan salvaje como la gente dice, ni tan bueno, pero es decente.

Cool story however it controlls like shit. Even for PS2 this control scheme sucks and hold its back for me

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Esp: Juego de terror y violencia, es un ícono y es bueno, aunque en momentos los capítulos se vuelven un poco monótonos. La historia es bastante oscura y tiene muchos detalles siniestros, la cantidad de asesinatos es brutal, para su época este juego era una locura, el cerdo con la motosierra es todo un personaje y crea atmósferas oscuras, el final es simplemente bueno.
(Pequeña advertencia: La versión de steam está terriblemente buggeada).

Eng: A game of horror and violence, it is an icon and it is good, although at times the chapters become a bit monotonous. The story is quite dark and has many sinister details, the number of murders is brutal, for its time this game was crazy, the pig with the chainsaw is quite a character and creates dark atmospheres, the ending is just good.

realmente un juego muy unico
se pondra a veces edgy
pero es excelente

Sent to death row, James Earl Cash was thought to have been laid to waste. Instead, he shifts through the shadows systemically snuffing out those that dwell within the darkness that rules them. Given a second chance at life by an exploitative ex film director, your his #1 star in a game of his own twisted design.

The beauty of Manhunt lies in the way in which the gameplay and world merge into an adrenaline pumping feedback loop. One that requires the player to use that in which they fear, revival and are threatened by, and become it. Starting off, your forced to take out vile xenophobes and unpredictable psychos in disturbingly grotesque fashion. By the end, you'll be mowing through hundreds of scumbags, smiling maniacally as you tear down the nightmarish organization that unleashed you.

Known as Lionel Starkweather, the director taunts you throughout the game, imploring you to push the violence further. To kill more, and to do it better. You more than just become desensitized, each murder becomes an almost cathartic release of tension. One that becomes the drive for players to not just complete the game, but to replay it and improve there score.

Standing as a defining piece of my gaming life, Manhunt is a fascinating first hand look into the cycle of violence and an interactive experience that so far has been unmatched. I began playing with a sick feeling in my stomach, and now still go back to it in order to perfect my score, reviling in the adrenaline it still gives me. The game certainly isn't perfect, with simple mechanics and repetitive gameplay, but one I undoubtedly recommend for those that are up for it.

The PC version sucks however, with most Windows 10 users facing an un progress-able glitch on the second level. Until Rockstar fixes their game and gives us a product that actually functions, the review stands as a thumbs down despite me recommending the game. To combat this and other possible issues, try this guide and the linked patch:

Or play the game on consoles, because it's worth it in whatever form you can get your hands on.

*review directly taken from my Steam profile

Full video review:

Manhunt is a game that drew me in with it's bleak world, brutal executions and the fact that Rockstar could do no wrong in the 2000s. It starts off as a stealth game but ends as a third person shooter. Even though I'm not normally a fan of stealth, I enjoyed my time a lot with time with this one. It's cheap as hell, pick it up.

this game kept me up at night for a while. uncomfortable as shit

Gratuitously violent stealth/horror game that isn't very good at stealth or horror. Also doesn't help that steam sells a version that triggers the game's anti-piracy measures, which means you have to patch it with 3rd party software! Yay!

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Paw Patrol is more violent

best thing to do when angry : pretend your an insane asylum patient and go on killling every body in gruesome ways, also ROCK STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

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SPOILERS Extremely aggressive and a thin story, there's almost no point besides killing people over and over.

The story begins with a reporter what wants you to uncover and destroy a snuff filmmaker, the gameplay is horrible and so repetitive, it's a grind to get to the end.

foi inovador mas era muito pesado...

Honestly I prefer this one over Manhunt 2, whilst the story in that one is undeniably better, something about how silly this one is is charming, I think this one is just more likeable overall, even if it isn't inherently better.

One of the most pure stealth games I ever played. Also the game is just so brutal it's kinda disgusting. Like metal gear solid meets saw.

Funny Games.

Manhunt es un juego precursor de polémicas a donde vaya, pero ante todo sigue siendo un titulo que da honor a su extrema violencia de mayor o menor forma aun con el paso de los años y títulos como (Hated) Manhunt por su lado como juego es extremadamente entretenido y tiene un encanto indudable en su apartado visual y creativo. Su sountrack me parece de
los mejores que se hayan hecho para juegos de terror porque ante todo es inquietante y funciona para generar esa mala espina que nunca se pierde de lado.

Me gusta que se tenga la libertad para matar a todos los enemigos del escenario de la forma y la manera en que se quiera pero ante todo esa sensación de libertad es una mentira cuando se tiene el sistema de puntuación. Siendo uno que en lo personal se me hace
injustificado considerando que la forma de subirlo no se presenta al principio si no a la mitad casi final del juego.

En su jugabilidad se encuentra de los primero problemas del titulo a mi parecer y con la version de ps2. Uno se malacostumbrada a su forma de jugar y mas de una vez existe una cantidad extrema de fallos de dirección causados por el juego.Cosa que supongo no existe en versiones de pc pero por mi parte fue de los mayores retos con el titulo.

Manhunt no es un juego difícil. Pocas fueron las veces donde estuve atrapado. Es mas un juego entre atrapante y lento, de intentar seguir con las misiones a toda costa y un juego de ensayo y error donde el repetir un mismo escenario hasta memorizarlo me parece de las mejores experiencias que tiene uno como jugador.

Ante todo manhunt es un titulo Visceral pero en sus ejecuciones, El mundo de manhunt es lo mas Edgylord que rockstar quiso apuntar a un espectáculo monótono pero brutal que intenta ser maduro colocando cuanta violencia tiene sabiendo que es un juego y pueden tener la libertad en sus ejecuciones.
Lo que hace que de lejos sea repulsivo y de cerca solo se quede en un juego mas que resaltara por su extrema crudeza pero encanto ante todo.

¿Lo recomiendo? Sup. No esta nada mal echarte muchas horas con el.

This game is very basic and actually kind of shit when you look at it mechanically, as is the case with most GTA games, but also like that series it makes up for it with a commitment to it's tone and aesthetic. Quite a brutal game even for it's age even if the act of actually playing it is frustrating at best.

violento para caralho e pertubador
mas a historia é boa

Baktığınız zaman bu oyun vahşet oyunu ve vahşet oyunundan ne bekliyorsanız oyun sunuyor Çok güzel bri hikaye ile desteklemişler karakterimiz bir çok şekilde düşmana saldırabiliyor vahşet dozajını ayarlayabiliyoruz bu da harika bir eklenti oyuna kaptırıp bitirmiş biri olarak oynamanızı tavsiye ederim.

Manhunt is a competent action/stealth game hybrid and manages to be surprisingly tense at times. In retrospect, the public outcry this game endured back in the day is a bit ridiculous considering the comparatively low graphical fidelity. Nevertheless, murdering someone with a plastic bag is still kind of gruesome and piling up corpses in a dark corner never gets old. Fun for the whole family.
A word of advice, the enemy AI breaks at high framerates so it's crucial to lock the fps at 60 from your graphics card panel. Also, consider paying a visit to the PCGamingWiki just in case because the game is prone to crashing.

The snuff-angle on the classic gamey structure of unlocking the door to the next area after the room is cleared is very clever. Voyeurism, power fantasies and sadism are to some degree part of most violent games, Manhunt just cuts the middle man and its impressive commitment to its dire premise still makes it one of if not the most radically unhinged video game produced for a wide audience.
The atmosphere is dense: The visuals consist of a noisy, gloomy mud; every level has it's own recognizable layer of filth. The different enemy types are memorably disgusting. They are a collection of groups that all for slightly different reasons believe that some human lives are worthless. A short-winded ex-soldier exclaimes blasé faire that 'it's been a while', implying that this is not his first time hunting another human; cops happily admit that they will kill you on sight, after trying to convince you that they are there to serve and protect; Nazis question the pureness of your bloodline. These are relatively broad strokes and some enemies are just derivative cliches of gang members and asylum inmates, but there is enough specificity in the writing and the performances to make this part of the game actually thought-provoking as a collection of facets of dehumanization.

The dedication to presenting violence in a new way doesn't stop at the audiovisual level. The power balance between weapon types is extreme. In Manhunt you can't bring a knife to a gunfight and neihter can your enemies. The generous auto-aim enhances this feeling. Gunfights are less about aiming, more about looking in the right direction, being at the right distance and having as few guns pointed at you as possible. I can't think of another game in which picking up a gun so massively changes your perspective on the level.
A Rockstar-Novum: This search for realism in mechanics actually leads to compelling and dynamic gameplay. There are many creative stealth-puzzles in Manhunt and the game has a better readability than most stealth games from the time. It wouldn't surprise me if Manhunt was a major inspiration for The Last of Us and Hotline Miami, but leaving precise aiming out of the equation makes it feel more methodic than its spiritual successors.

Unfortunately this came out in a period when Rockstar seemingly didn't want people to finish their games. The last levels are absurdly difficult in a way that feels completely unfair and made me rate the game a star lower than I'd previously thought I would. These sections are so bad that I'll think twice before ever playing this again, which is a shame.
And while I did enjoy Rockstar's sleazy deep dive into depravity, I can happily admit that I'd have zero interest in playing a visually higher fidelity Manhunt. There are things my eyes can go without.

This was such an awesome and creepy game, its gimmick of going behind an enemy and just holding the attack button for long enough to see how brutal the kills would be is an interesting concept. The atmosphere, soundtrack, and factions are probably what makes this game so interesting. They nailed it with that slasher film feel. The story is edgy but interesting, the fact that you're forced to partake in a snuff film in order to earn your freedom is probably one of the darkest plots.

comprei na sale da rockstar só pelo meme, já que nunca tinha jogado e conhecia apenas a fama do jogo banido em diversos países. mas puta merda, que jogo ruim.

rockstarın bozuk portladığı bir başka oyun daha amına koyayım rockstar iyi günler :)