Reviews from

in the past

Have you ever wanted to play a game so bad that it is good? The video game equivalent of a Wiseau movie. Well boy do I have the game for you all. Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge is a game that I feasibly cannot recommend to anyone. It isn't a game I can recommend to series veterans, because of all of the features it dumbs down or removes, and it isn't a game that I can recommend to new players as its just so inferior to the last 4 entries. HOWEVER, this is a video game for me. It is so funny and up its own butt all of the time about it's moral quandaries that it ends up feeling like parody. Whenever a cutscene pops up I jump up and down on my chair giggling like a s-l-u-t for whatever 2010's bs spews from this game. TN did it all, they turned Ryu into a unnecessary father character (Troy Baker included this time), gave us the generic burden of morality story, added turret sections and yadda yadda you get it. Hell, I didn't even complete this game, I stopped at the FINAL FIGHT, where the game requires that you fill a mana bar the size of Mt. Fuji (fictional depths of hell included). to kill the boss The only reason anyone could unironically enjoy this game is the combat system itself, its solid and dare I say some of the best the series has offered even bringing back old enemies to fill up the enemy roster more, but its the only redeeming thing about this game. I love this gutter trash so so much oh my. Do not play this if you value your sanity, play it if you like shlock like me.

Probably my favorite of the trilogy BONE ON STEEL and it has two playable sexy women so that pushes it into pure kino country eat shit if you hate this

Team Ninja please take the things from this and the Level design from Ninja gaiden black and just make Ninja gaiden 4 all ready

This game was abusive to me on all fronts. I like one boss, and one character from the whole thing. Lunar UT spam don't care.

Taking my bow away and subjecting me to that final boss was the last straw I tell ya.

It is definitely one of the video games ever made