Reviews from

in the past

>Be Tecmo
>Ninja Gaiden 3 is a trash fire that everyone, even the casual western audience you were pandering to fucking despises
>It reviews horribly
>Release a totally revamped version of the game that basically makes it more like NG2 in the span of a year with more weapons, enemies, missions, etc.
>It's actually pretty decent but still nowhere near as good as the last 2 games
>Updates and DLC make it pretty good, though

Hardest game I’ve ever played, yet one of the most remarkable experiences.

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge delivers brutally fast and bloody hack-and-slash action. Combat is visceral and demanding, requiring precise timing and quick reflexes to conquer unrelenting waves of enemies. Razor's Edge improves on the original release with additional characters, weapons, and a less frustrating difficulty curve. However, the level design remains occasionally linear and the story is unremarkable. If pure, challenging combat is your priority, Razor's Edge delivers a satisfyingly difficult experience.

despite the complete overhaul done to right its wrongs, razors edge will forever be overshadowed by the disastrous status of its roots. which, is an absolute shame! because ng3:re is perhaps the most underappreciated action game from a beloved franchise. it is upright insane how only 15% of people owning the game have finished the "normal" difficulty alone, clearly people are extremely intolerant to give this game another chance, or move beyond the stigma that everyone constantly brings about the inferior version. like, okay, its definitely not as eloquent as the previous titles, it definitely plays into a lot of 7th gen tropes, but, it still stands out from the crowd for the way it implements it into the gameplay, especially when the quick time events are incorporated in such a way that it doesnt feel distracting during the combat definitely reminds me of god of war a lot. the steel on bone mechanic is such a satisfying, gnarly move to pull off during combat as the body splices in half really makes you quiver your feet like a little girl! eeeeek!
anyways, from all the pc ports weve got. this is the best one from the bunch, unfortunately we dont have clan battles, 1v1 and co-op arena because they decided to port these games without the multiplayer included. either way, its very much a serviceable effort for an underappreciated classic. by the way, this game is seriously the most ruthless one out of the trilogy when it comes to its combat, ive never struggled this much in my life, ninja gaiden 2 really comes off easier compared to this! and the way enemies constantly block really makes the game a tough nut to crack. . . dont listen to all the blind hate! give this one a go.
mask of the regent is one iconic character too!