Reviews from

in the past

Speedrunning this game and combat is great!

The plot is not engaging enough to last the entire game with all of its campaigns.

Eu não consigo lembrar se eu zerei esse jogo, só lembro que joguei MUITO, e tem um combate action rpg side scroller excelente e uma história até que interessante pelo que me lembre.

Beautiful game, as is standard for Vanillaware. I also think the combat and cooking systems are pretty damn solid. It's really the writing and acting that hold this one back from being a true favorite: really couldn't care about any of these people or what they do and the way they talk can be pretty grating. I'd also argue the game is a bit too easy and doesn't really innovate in any big way: it's just a polished ARPG. Which is cool and appreciable, but when you stack this up against 13 Sentinels or Unicorn Overlord, it's just not nearly as impressive. Still pretty fun though.