Reviews from

in the past

shit made me leave a snail trail

Sequel to the best Pokemon game ever so this shit by default was goated as fuck

Definitely still remains as the best all around Pokemon game in my opinion. A very good main story followed by probably the best postgame in the series.


However, when not being compared to the rest of the series I still think it’s pretty good but not incredible. While it doesn’t innovate at all when it comes to the gameplay, I’m not going to dock it much since it was still on the DS and it was more of them optimizing the style they’d had since the beginning of the series.

I think people need to stop the whole “well _____ is good for a Pokemon game” line of thought because this is a series that hasn’t even been able to scratch the surface of what it could be. Their stubbornness to tell the same kind of story over and over to maintain its kid friendly tone has seriously hampered its legitimacy in the industry in my opinion.

There’s a reason why fans of Pokemon often criticize these games differently from how they criticize other big franchises. It’s not even a matter of “make Pokemon edgy”, I just wish they’d be able to tell a real character driven story.

filled to the brim with fun fun content, to an extent we would never ever see today. the technology of 12 years in the future just cant handle it!

kinda misses some of the elements of what made the original BW so good though

Absolutely loaded with things to do, the Pokémon world tournament being one of the best things the series has done. Same great music and art as its predecessor, I’m surprised they haven’t revisited the concept of doing a sequel again. Though I really wish you could’ve fought the protagonist from BW 1

Way better than you all remember.

Tá maluco, esse jogo é absurdo. A história dele não é tão grandiosa quanto a do 1, na verdade, não é lá grandes coisas, mas a gameplay é tão satisfatória que eu fiquei completamente tomado pelo jogo. Hoje em dia, vejo a decisão tomada em pokémon black 1 como uma decisão audaciosa e experimental, no sentido positivo. Porém, expandir a dex para além de unova possibilita uma variedade maior de possibilidades, e isso me agrada. Na minha equipe tinham dois pokémons de Unova, um de Sinnoh, um de Hoenn, um de Johto e um de Kanto, pô isso é do caralho.

I like Black/White but going to the same locations right after I played the originals were super underwhelming.

I don’t think the story in this one is as good as the orginals, but everything else in this game is just as good if not better than them. Having direct sequels instead of just an enhanced version of BW1 was such a cool idea as you get to see all the things that have changed in the region in the years since the first game and it was executed extremely well too. Easily the peak of the series along with BW1

Bruh I cannot BELIEVE I put 2,000 hours into this as a kid

Peak Pokemon
Extraordinary story, rope shooter of a soundtrack like actual fucking bangers, awesome gameplay and despite general consensus, pretty cool designed pokemon with moving sprites!!! YOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Peak Pokemon

you know pokemon fans standards are low when a heavy majority of us agree this is the best gamefreak has done

GooeyScale: 90/100

pokemon black 2 is the peak of the series. its basically black and white but with fresh coat of varnish, with new areas, characters, story, ui, remixed music and new events in many areas. the post game was extended drastically and gives you more playability out of an already amazing game.

It works as a Pokémon game, but I can't help but feel that this game failed to capture the story elements of Black and White. I just remember Team Plasma being so underwhelming in this title when they were supposed to be the best villain team thus far in the series.

Best pokemon game there is. Gen 4 rocks every department whether it would be storyline, characters, rival and Oh.. the Music. (Chef's Kiss)
Driftveil City Music is engraved in mind. Just love it.

still not the biggest fan of the story, though i like it better than the previous one, for the same reasons as the previous game but its still a really good game, hence the average score. And again visually stunning, best looking 2D pkmn game

Honestamente el mejor juego de la saga principal. Todo lo que hace bien B/N lo hace mejor este, excepto la historia y los protas, pero aún así es la segunda mejor historia de toda la saga. El avance en el tiempo del B/N1 es muy bueno y organico. Todo bien, excepto el backsprite de Feraligatr y Ampharos Xd.

(Only finished main story + elite four at time of review) Pretty standard Pokemon game (I assume I've only played
this one lol), generally pretty easy but the Elite Four without using healing items was actually surprisingly hard. Not a fan of how annoying legendaries are to catch. Story was decent but probably overhyped a little bit, it was still very clearly intended for kids. Might update this review if I end up playing through more of the postgame.

the true peak of pokemon and i dont think theyll ever get this good again without rehashing its style and gameplay

the first pokemon game i got back when i got my 3ds, and my first playthrough is still very memorable. To this day i think black and white 2 are the best pokemon games

About a year ago, I replayed Pokemon Black, and it’s still hands down one of the best mainline Pokemon titles. But that truly was all set up to bring me here, to Pokemon Black 2. Of all of the Pokemon games out there, the one game I missed of the bunch was Black 2, and it’s always been a goal of mine to actually play it. And while yes most of the dual versions are similar to each other, I feel like Black 2 and White 2 especially are different enough to acknowledge them somewhat as separate entities. Regardless of either version though, Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 are one of the best sets of games in the entire history of Pokemon, and I’m glad I finally got around to replaying them.

The first thing that’s always interesting to me about Black 2 and White 2 are that they’re the only direct sequels to prior Pokemon games. While some take place or continue storylines from older games, none are really as directly sequels like how Black 2 and White 2 are. It’s really interesting to see how Unova has changed between the two year time gap, and how characters have changed between then. Cheren is now a gym leader, Bianca is a full on assistant for Professor Juniper, so on and so forth. It’s really nice to see these characters grow beyond the game they first appear in, which happens so rarely.

One of the first big changes to Unova that’s noticeable from the start is the introduction of so many non-Unovan Pokemon. The regional Pokedex is practically doubled from what it was in Black and White, adding about 150 non-Unovan Pokemon. While I do really adore the soft-reboot style of Black and White, it makes perfect sense why they chose to do this here, and I really appreciate it. It allows for you to sort of re-experience Unova, but with Pokemon from older regions, though with my habit, I still use only Unovan Pokemon. My team for this run of Pokemon Black 2 was Samurott, Stoutland, Leavanny, Mandibuzz, Chandelure, and Beeheyem. The team itself was really fun, and I was able to really figure out how each Pokemon worked. Chandelure was without a doubt the best Pokemon in my team, and it’s one of the few Pokemon I ever kept a status move on. My team was kind of on the slow side too, which added an interesting challenge to the mix.

I mentioned in the introduction that Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 feel distinct enough to count them as different enough games. Of course they differ somewhat in story, since one features Reshiram, and the other Zekrom, but there are more differences as well. Some places are notably different aesthetically, much like in the original Black and White, Opelucid City is entirely different aesthetically. But locations like Route 4 are not only different aesthetically, but the layout and how you explore that route is different depending on the version. Some of the game’s dungeons, including Victory Road itself is laid out different depending on the version. I’ve been so used to playing White 2 that during the areas where the layouts were different, it felt so wrong, but that also made me adore the experience so much more.

Another interesting aspect when looking specifically at Black 2 and White 2 are the key systems. Upon beating the game for the first time, you unlock certain keys, depending on which version you play. One of the most interesting aspects to the Key System is that it makes it so that Black 2 and White 2 actually have difficulty settings. I’ll admit, I edited my save file so that I could play in Challenge mode. It’s something I’ve always wanted to try out, but never had the chance to. It’s unfortunate that you have to beat the game to unlock these difficulty settings, because playing Challenge Mode was exhilarating. Never was I more scared by the first battle in a Pokemon game, or the fact that each gym leader has an additional Pokemon. While I honestly didn’t struggle all too much, it was still a really fun and unique experience that I would love to see in future Pokemon games.

And in a similar vein to this, one of the coolest features that Black 2 and White 2 have is the memory link. Being able to link up with another DS with a save file of Black and White to incorporate that history of that save file into the save file of Black 2 or White 2 is awesome. That’s why I chose to play Pokemon Black and Black 2 specifically, it felt more thematic to line up those two games specifically, and allow for a sort of chronology between them. It makes these games so much more personal, and I absolutely adore it.

I think the one thing that’s somewhat weaker compared to the original Black and White is the story. While I do think Black 2 and White 2 both have amazing new characters, and still a really good story, it just simply doesn’t hit the same highs as Black and White does. What it does do though is create the perfect conclusion for the story of Unova, of Team Plasma, and of N. Hugh is probably one of the best written rivals in the Pokemon series, and these games also introduced one of the fan favorites of the series, Colress. Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 especially have one of my favorite League endings of a Pokemon game. From the music alone, it feels like a proper celebration of all you’ve accomplished, and at the end of it all, it’s time to show how strong you’ve grown from this journey. It’s such a beautiful song for the final battle of the story, I adore it.

I’m so glad I finally got a chance to play through Pokemon Black 2 proper. While I’m not unfamiliar with the Unova sequels, playing it in Challenge Mode, alongside all of the differences to the region in Black 2 specifically, made this playthrough such a unique experience for me. As well since Pokemon Black 2 was the one game I never got as a kid, it feels like some sort of destiny has been fulfilled by me finally playing it. It feels unfortunate that no Pokemon game after this, even the ones I like, never hit the same highs that Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 did. I hope maybe one day down the line we’ll be given Pokemon games that are of this level of quality again, though I’m unsure of when that will be. Regardless, Black 2 and White 2 are absolutely some of the best that mainline Pokemon has to offer.

This is the pinnacle of the Pokémon series. Absolute masterpiece