Searching for that Airport Jungle Juice
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Robot builder with some quests attached to it. Kinda funny how it inadvertently fucked challenge runs of the game. Annoying that you can’t have a bot and a normal companion but mods can fix that. Would be cool if it also allowed you to fix up existing robots in the wasteland and buy/sell them kinda like the RobCo certified mod for FO3/FNV

Bethesda’s response to not being able to be evil in the base game, leaves a lot to be desired on that front. All you can do is create evil settlements, that’s it. The actual theme park is insanely fun to go through tho, so if you’re willing to not think about the story you can have a good time.

One of the best DLCs of the franchise, gives me a at least some hope Bethesda can match obsidians/interplay’s RPG mechanics and stories